Step Videos for Aerobics Instructors


New Member
Dear Cathe,

I am an instructor looking to purchase some videos to get some new ideas! When searching, your name pops up over and over as one of the best! Currently, I teach mostly step or advanced step. My strongsuit is more complex choreography that is fun and somewhat dancey (although I also enjoy incorporating power segments). I would greatly appreciate it if you would steer me towards what videos you think that I might enjoy considering my situation. Let me know if you need more information! I really appreciate it.

P.S. your site is excellent!
Hi! I'm not Cathe, but I would say her "danciest" step tapes are Stepworks and Rhythmic Step. The cardio in her Cross Train Express Series also tends to be slightly more complex (choreography wise) than videos like BodyMax, PowerMax and StepFit, all of which are very powerful but not terribly complex.

As for fun, ALL of Cathe's tapes are incredibly fun, very intense (but modifiable for the most part), and some of the best quality productions out there. You will absolutely love her stuff!!
(obviously a Cathe fan)
PS You can preview tapes off the home page...
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Feb-27-02 AT 12:03PM (Est)[/font][p]I've been an instructor for 15 years and Cathe tapes are really the only ones that I've found challenging. I can take ideas from her tapes, however I virtually always have to change them to fit my classes, which are multi-level.

As for Rhythmic step, yes it is very dancy for me. It is the only tape that I've thought was too dancy. I've done it once, and will probably not do it again. If you LIKE dancy, then it will probably be just what you're looking for.

But that's been my ONLY disappointment with Cathe.
Hi Betsy! Nice to meet you! If you are leaning toward dancy choreography with power segments, I would recommend Step Works, Rhythmic Step, and also Step Fit (although Step Fit is a little less dancy than the other two). Good Luck!

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