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  1. E

    Cathe, Thanks for diet info

    It means a lot to me to hear what you and your cast did to look so great for the Intensity shoot. I think nutrition is the most important part of the fitness equation. I think we look the way we eat! Many fitness professionals are not at all forthcoming about the way they diet and restrict...
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    Hi Flex, No I limit myself to eating within a certain calorie range for my body size on a day to day basis. I usually eat around 2500 calories a day. But when I get those hormonal cravings I go easy on myself and eat whatever fruit or veggies I want. The thing is you can't really binge much on...
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    congratulations to all the successful stories here in this thread! There were a couple mentions of bingeing and I just wanted to share my experience because I've managed to conquer it. It was a combination of a few things. Hormone swings before my period caused me to crave carbs. If I ate sugar...
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    How You Prepare for Filming

    Darn! I was hoping for some details. The thing is, I've been to a dietician and she didn't really help me all that much. To tell you the truth I think I knew more than her about how to build muscle! The idea of women wanting to build muscle seems to be so revolutionary to many "professionals"...
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    How You Prepare for Filming

    > I really don't think Cathe >is going to go into >specifics about nutrition here, as >she has stated before that >it is not her expertise. > I'm sure everyone ate >as clean or cleaner than >they normally do! They >obviously worked very hard! :-) > >Wendy Actually Wendy, Cathe did...
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    Cathe, have you ever used Ephedra/Ephedrine?

    I'm wondering how your crew got such a ripped look for the new videos. So many in the fitness industry use ephedra/ephedrine and I'm wondering if you ever have and what your thoughts are on the subject? Thank you so much!
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    How You Prepare for Filming

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    How You Prepare for Filming

    just bumping, I'm anxious to hear what everyone did. Especially nutrition.
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    How much weight is enough?

    LAST EDITED ON Oct-10-02 AT 08:39AM (Est)[p]I don't like having all those dumbbells at home. I don't have a room just for wokring out so all my equipment is under my living room furniture! I have 3,6,8,10,15,20,25,30. I can see that I am going to need 35 eventually. So for me I don't know if...
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    eating program

    KathyH, What kind of results have you seen using "BodyRX"? How long have you been on it and do you think it's something you can do for the rest of your life? I've read the book but have some anxieties although I think it makes a lot of sense. Thank you so much for any help you can give.
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    Why aren't I sore at all?

    >Well, at least it's a nice >problem to have! As long >as you're seeing shape changes >and strength gains... Well I'm on the 3rd week and I'm not seeing any shape changes. I am guessing that is too early to see any though.
  12. E

    Why aren't I sore at all?

    I felt sore after doing calves. I hadn't been lifting for calves. That's it. And I was a little sore after working legs. It wasn't really sore in the legs it was more that feeling of having worked them. I can't heavy up anymore I'm as heavy as I can go. On triceps I'm trying to get past 10...
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    Why aren't I sore at all?

    I've been doing strength training for about 6 years. I started a S&H rotation a few weeks ago. I have not been sore once. I am working to failure by the last few reps of the last sets. I am lifting as heavy as I can. Is this doing any good? Are there others out there who have been lifting...
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    Drop weight training, cardio only?

    Just wanted to fill you in on my experience. I have about 15 lbs to lose. I decided to focus on cardio because that would burn off the fat. I did maintenance weights two times a week. Then I ran an hour 2 days a week, did interval runs 2 days a week and one day of intense kickboxing a week...
  15. E

    Cathe-2 sets on S&H as good as 3 sets?

    I just got Slow & Heavy and I'm pretty pumped about trying this brand new way of lifting for me. I'm a Firm style weight trainer because of my short attention span for weight training. But I know I need to shake things up. I just could never do the PS series or workouts in gyms faithfully...
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    RE: I have this same problem I can do big girl pushups. 50 of them! I'm bragging because it was HARD work getting there. Here's how I did it. 1) set it as a goal to do 3 sets of 12 pushups 2) did them Monday, Wed, Friday outside of my regular workout. And did them first while I was still fresh...
  17. E

    2 be or not 2 be sensitive?

    I've been raising teenage daughters for about 10 years now. DO NOT EVER DISCUSS body problems with them-tell them they are beautiful. They here bad stuff in school and from their peers, they need unconditional support from you. But DO discuss exercise and eating healthy for her heart. I don't...
  18. E

    Letting the Firm go for awhile

    You may want to hold on to your Firms! It's hard to find advanced videos and you may want to cycle in some Firms again. Thankfully it's not an either or situation. You can do both Cathe and Firms! And we're all the luckier for the fact that they are both available. I don't find doing Cathe...
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    To anyone who criticizes Cathe:

    oh for heavens sakes! You guys are kidding right? If you really believe all this stuff your saying about Cathe ( and I know you do because I believe it too!) then you have to realize your making a mountain out of a molehill right? Cathe is so cool. I have a feeling she's not thinking about this...