
New Member
Hi, I'm new to Cathe. After researching, I'm convinced that I should start with the Wedding video. I have about 65 lbs to lose and actually am about an intermediate exerciser-Always searching for the next best thing. I want fun but challenging tapes that produce great results. So before I order I'd like to hear what kind of results you've had using Cathe. Thanks alot
Hi bg,

Thought I'd reply to this, as I myself lost 85 lbs. over the last year!!! I started out with "lighter" exercise (Kathy Smith tapes mostly) until I discovered Cathe. I haven't tried the wedding video, but I've heard nothing but rave reviews.

I started with Rhythmic Step. It took me some time to master it, as the step tapes I was previously doing were not half as intricate in their choreography. It kicked my butt in terms of the intensity of the cardio.

After mastering Rhythmic Step, I bought Power Hour. When I received it, I was at a weight that I was pretty content with, but after a few weeks of Power Hour, I managed to drop those eternal "pesky last 10". It was amazing. I know it has a lot to do with my body type and muscle fibre composition, but this tape did WONDERS for me. I would recommend it to anyone. IT IS AN AMAZING WORK-OUT.

Hi bg!

If this is your first time with us...WELCOME! I posted the following about a month ago and it pretty much sums up my thoughts on Cathe. I hope you get addicted'll drop the weight NO PROBLEM! Good luck and keep us posted.

I just have to share my results and gush about Cathe YET AGAIN. Sorry, but it's long and it must be done. I know Cathe is busy…but I thought the educated crowd might appreciate my story.

I had a beautiful baby boy at the end January. I had gained over 50 pounds on my small 5'0" frame and I knew it would be a long road back to my former size. I started slowly…with my Firm and Karen Voight tapes…but after a few months, I was ready for Cathe.

I didn't have a whole lot of time to set aside for exercise, so, I knew that when I did work out, I would have to be serious about it. I mean, if I was going to take time away from being with my family…I needed to make it count. And with Cathe’s help, I did.

In the beginning of July, I decided to go on an all Cathe rotation. I never compromised or weaseled out of the tough stuff (which I had the tendency to do on occasion). I gave every single workout everything I had. Laziness was not an option. During the week, I used the CTX cardio segments and I made certain to include Leaner Legs, PS Legs & Abs and Power Hour as often as possible. I started slicing and dicing up my favorite longer Cathe tapes, like the step portion of Body Max with the leg portion of MIS. I got creative and excited about mixing and matching. (I know, it’s time to switch to DVDs) I cranked up the weights as high as I could muster and even managed to sneak in the occasional ab workout from the Ab Hits video at night after my son went to bed. I gave those infamous planks my all.

Well, today I sit here in a business suit that I couldn’t even wear pre-pregnancy. My legs and buns are tighter, my stomach flatter (although, yes, I do have that orange peely thing going on) and I’m full of energy and confidence. I’ve said it so many times, but Cathe workouts are just downright incredible. They have changed my body, my life and my outlook. I'm even in control of my diet...which is downright amazing. (I used to have a binge problem and it's GONE)

In Power Hour you say “you’ll get so much more out of the exercise if you use mental assistance” and I’ve applied that to every single lunge, squat, curl, jump, kick and leap in the past four months and it’s made a WORLD of difference. Thank you, thank you, thank you from the very bottom of my (aerobically conditioned) heart.
Thanks Flex and Candori for your responses.
Almost two years ago I lost 40 lbs by changing my eating habits and alternating 20-30 minutes of strength training and cardio every other day. Then six months after I started losing weight and inches I decided to quit smoking. My eating got out of hand and I gained back all that I had lost. I have no problem with sticking to an exercise routine. I just have a problem with the eating part. I believe most of the time I make better choices but that doesn't seem to be enough. My legs get more toned and so does my arms. Its the middle part that needs help. Sometimes lately I'm starting to think that maybe if I went to bed a little more hungry that would help. I just don't want to feel hungry all the time or deprived. I'm 38 years old and finally have come to the conclusion that I could be in the best shape of my life and know that I look good at the same time. Its a matter of a lifestyle change that I have to accept and do for the rest of my life. I'm rambling on. By the way, I still haven't had a drag or smoked a cigarette in almost a year and a half. I've finally got to the point that I'm happy being a non-smoker.
Congratulations on quitting smoking. You should be very proud of yourself!!!

As for the other stuff, it will come. I have struggled with my weight since I hit puberty at about age 12 (I'm 31 next month). I too enjoy eating, A LOT! I have learned that I can't maintain a rigid, disciplined, "perfect" diet 24-7. Life is too short to not indulge sometimes, right?!!! I just try to cut down a bit after the occasions where I do overeat. I have also been trying to get to the root of why I have a tendency to sometimes binge (I honestly feel it often has a lot to do with trying to be FAR TOO regimented with my diet).

I'm in the best shape of my life (at 30) due in large part to Cathe. However, I also "suffer" from a jiggly middle, and have come to accept that it's simply the way my body wants to be. I do abs to no end, but I've NEVER had a flat stomach. There are far worse afflictions for sure, and I'm just happy to be healthy (touch wood), happy, and in kick-butt shape heading into 2003!!!

Take care!

congratulations to all the successful stories here in this thread!

There were a couple mentions of bingeing and I just wanted to share my experience because I've managed to conquer it. It was a combination of a few things. Hormone swings before my period caused me to crave carbs. If I ate sugar and white flour I binge uncontrollably. If I eat fruits and veggies instead of refined carbs, I do not experience bingeing. I have found that getting rid of refined sugar and white flour has totally put me in control of what I eat. All the time! It's like a miracle and I don't feel like a failure or a weakling any more.

It may work for you!
Hi ellenellen,

Thanks for the words of advice. One question, do you allow yourself "unlimited" amounts of fruits and veggies?

Hi Flex,
No I limit myself to eating within a certain calorie range for my body size on a day to day basis. I usually eat around 2500 calories a day. But when I get those hormonal cravings I go easy on myself and eat whatever fruit or veggies I want. The thing is you can't really binge much on fruit and veggies, you get filled up pretty quickly. There are also some fruits that raise my blood sugar too high and then I experience an energy crash and I hate that! Grapes and bananas do it to me and so I don't eat them very often. But the blood sugar thing is highly personal and individualized and we each have to figure out what does it to us.

Hope this helps!
I too have had good success with Cathe. I've lost 55 pounds over this past year. I too started working out easy with Kathy Smith, Karen Voight, Kelli Roberts. I wanted to start rowing again in the summer (I rowed in high school) so I kicked it up a few notches when I started working out with Cathe. She's incredible. I feel like I'm in as good of shape if not better than I was in high school and I just turned 34. I find it hard to work out with anyone else besides Cathe now!

I started with Cathe tapes (Step Works, Circuit Max) and then replaced all my tapes with DVDs. I've currently got everything except CTX and have the IS preordered. Just modify Cathe if you need to but stick with her and before you know it, you'll be doing everything modification-free! Good luck & good fitness!
Edith, what books in particular did you read? I find that if I eat sugar, I can't stop. If I don't eat it at all, I'm usually okay. But this all or nothing crap is getting tiresome. I want to be able to go to a party or whatever and eat 1 cookie, 1 small piece of cake, not restrict myself and then end up feeling deprived and eating an entire bag of chocolate the next day!?!? Thanks.

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