To anyone who criticizes Cathe:

If you cannot accept the fact that Cathe was born blessed and has the heart to share this with the rest of the world, then you should simply move on. Sure, everyone has the right on expression, but anyone who has the time to be worried about something they don't have to deal with in the first place, obviously has too much time on their hands. Now, if you do not like what Cathe says or does or anyone for that matter, then you have an option of not dealing with it.

Cathe, as you already know, you have us die hard fans of yours who thank God for sharing your qualities with us. And ANYTHING you can show us, teach us, bless us with, we're there! Right by your side! For those who do not like what you have to offer, should as with anything in life, find what works for them and quit worring about something they have no knowlegde in. How can they criticize something that they can't even do themsleves?
good points.. and i think folks need to temper the right of expression --- with common courtesy.... funny how sometimes priorities get all mixed up....
oh for heavens sakes! You guys are kidding right? If you really believe all this stuff your saying about Cathe ( and I know you do because I believe it too!) then you have to realize your making a mountain out of a molehill right?

Cathe is so cool. I have a feeling she's not thinking about this all that much. Let's stop all these silly threads and get back to working out huh?

Do a Cathe tape and have a great day!

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