Search results

  1. J

    Anotther workout video similiar to Bootcamp

    Hi Everyone, I was hoping someone could suggest a workout similiar to Cathe's Bootcamp. I love it and have been doing the workout 3x's per week. I would like to try another. I love the way she mixes it up w/anarobic, cardio and strength. Any suggestion would be great. Thanks guys Chrissy
  2. J

    Help...I've developed extremely sore elbows

    Hi everyone, I was doing lying overhead tricep extensions a few days back and had to stop. Near the top of the dumbell raise my elbows shot pain and I couldn't completely straighten them to finish the raise. Yesterday when I did the chest GS workout, I noticed how it hurt some when I...
  3. J

    Feet on the step bench or off?

    Hi Cathe, My two favorite DVD's are GS's and S&H's. I have noticed that in S&H during chest and tricep exercises when lying on your back you have positioned your feet on the step. I noticed in GS's your feet are on the floor. Any particular reason? Personally i like my feet on the...
  4. J

    anyone used the brava system?

    Tina, I know someone who used it and didn't get any increase in size..only looked larger for a short time due to swelling then went back to originally size. I imagine everyone is different. Hopefully you will see and keep the increase. Good Luck ~Chrissy~
  5. J

    BC x2 worked me!

    Sarah, Thanks for all the details. I just may pull out that ole Boot Camp. One time cooks me soooo that will be a good workout for me. Thanks for getting me motivated to go back to that one! ~Chrissy~
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    we need your prayers, please.....

    Missy, I will say a prayer for your BIL, stay strong. ~Chrissy~
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    My car just got stolen

    That is horrible, I am just thinking thank god he didn't come inside your home too. It's sad how bad things can happen to good people. We must always be on our guard. I have 2 lab dogs and that makes me feel a little at ease. They bark at the slightest pin drop. I hope you get your car...
  8. J

    I finished my first Triathalon today....what a feeling

    RE: I finished my first Triathalon today....what a feel... Norma, If you go to, triathalon, Webster MA results, search Bib #1018 those are my stats. Overall Rank 475 out of 1747 Swim 14:40 Ranked 710 Bike 48:45 Rank 920 ave.15.2mph Run 21:50 Rank 87 pace 7:31 Final...
  9. J

    I finished my first Triathalon today....what a feeling

    Thanks everyone! Heather, fortunately my legs didn't cramp up. I ate a bannana right after and made sure to do some stretches.
  10. J

    Is this selfish?

    I received a BS in Marketing in 1990 and have worked full time for 15 years in copier sales. I am entered to go back to school in 4 weeks for nursing! Fortunately my husband is supporting me and yes, money is going to be very tight but I have a goal and I always accomplish what I set out...
  11. J

    Did I get turned into a kid while I slept?

    Kit, I'm not quite as small as you but it is rediculous. I have never been a size 4 pants in my life but I am at Old Navy, Gap & Bannana Republic. It's just a bit rediculous. ~Chrissy~
  12. J

    I finished my first Triathalon today....what a feeling

    Hi Everyone, I did it! It was unbelievable. 2000 women all together. I am so pround to be a woman. Everyone was so nice and Danskin did a super job organizing the event. They divided us up into 20 seperate heats. Each wave of woman wore a different color swim cap and started every 4...
  13. J

    I'm a little sad, husband got a vasectomy yesterday

    I think I'll wait till he gets 2 tests done before I go off the pill. Who knows, maybe my cycles will not be as bad as they were way back when I was in my early 20's. Thanks for understanding my bit of sadness and for reminding me of the perks of not having to worry about an unexpected...
  14. J

    Tomorrow is the Danskin Triathalon and I am nervous

    Thanks everyone for the great well wishes and Kit thank you so much for the great advice. This morning was the race materials pick up and there was approx. 1000 women. It was set up with promo booths, selling all the latest and greatest in the 3 sports. They had motivational speakers in...
  15. J

    I need egg white ideas!

    I mix one whole egg with 2 whites,pour in my small skillet sprayed w/Pam then sprinkle 1/4 cup dry oats on top. Flip to make omelette and lay a piece of 25cal. smart beat cheese on it. Fold in 1/2 and sprinkle spicy Mrs Dash on top....delicious and balanced too! Must feed muscles, must...
  16. J

    I'm a little sad, husband got a vasectomy yesterday

    Hi everyone, Yesterday my husband had a vasectomy. We have two boys and I've been on the pill now for 15 yrs on and off. I just got a little sad thinking I will never have another. I have two beautiful healthy boys and really don't want another but still I got a little sad especially when...
  17. J

    Tomorrow is the Danskin Triathalon and I am nervous

    Good thread on "are you secretive about excercise". Yes,I've gotten some looks when a few people heard of my triathalon. Tomorrow is my first tri and I hope I can complete it. My goal is not to walk during the 3rd seg, the 3.1m run. I have always been a runner and we have a pool so 6...
  18. J

    Have GS...what to get next?

    Try it and let us all know your results..I just may do the same. Good Luck, Chrissy:)
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    OMGosh! Salmon story!!! So grossed out!

    Whenever I hear these stories, I think of the contestants on Fear Factor and that somehow makes it seem not so bad. Still, I am a huge fish eater. I am going to really inspect all the swordfish and salmon I buy. ~Chrissy~
  20. J

    BC/ME Question

    BC might be tough w/ a 8lb weight. I'm thinking of the side bridge (push up on your side) She has you hold the med ball on the side of your ribs. That's the only spot I think it would be tough. ~Chrissy~