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  1. C

    Cathe, can you help me find my hind end....????

    This thread made me laugh. I, too, come from the wide, flat butt category. And it's gotten worse with age. Can religiously doing Cathe workouts defy gravity on the aged?
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    Atkins diet - your opinion.

    I've tried it twice but didn't last long. I'm with Mindi - I was constipated, had a raging headache, and both times I got sick with flu-like stomach problems. I think my body rebelled against all that protein and those pork rind snacks and eggs! I hear it works well for people, but I'm finding...
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    I have the Weights one also. It actually is a good workout -- I was sore after the first time I did it. However, some of the ball stuff is unsafe or doesn't work in a home environment. I have a carpeted floor and the ball I have doesn't bounce on carpet. Plus, I have a low ceiling, so I can't...
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    Lost my job :( b

    Your post is a good reminder to me, and to others I'm sure, to be thankful for having a job, even one we don't particularly like. I've been griping about mine a lot lately, and reading stories like yours reminds me to shut up and be glad I have a paycheck and benes on a regular basis. Good luck...
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    Weight Watchers

    Weight Watchers is a great program. I'm a Lifetime Member (not currently at goal I'm sorry to say) and am ready to return next week after many months away. I go to meetings - haven't tried the online stuff personally. The meetings are very helpful, both in information and support from fellow...
  6. C

    MIS/PH and hurtin' unit

    I've been doing FIRM tapes for years, and then I discovered your workouts in the past few months (started with the Wedding tape!). I wanted to start collecting your strength workouts, since I had only step ones to date, so I and asked for the DVD with BM, MIS, and PH for Christmas. I did PH one...
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    New Cathe fan, but just who IS Cathe?

    RE: Hi Carol! Thank you! I guess I had overlooked that bio link. Wish I'd looked like SHE does after two children. LOL. Just keep on steppin'!
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    New Cathe fan, but just who IS Cathe?

    Thank you for the info!! I live in Colorado Springs, which has gotten to be a big city (about 350,000 I think). I've been through Evergreen, but not for a long time. I'm not a native -- I grew up in Indiana, but I'm been in Colorado for many years now. Long enough to see it grow and change too...
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    New Cathe fan, but just who IS Cathe?

    >Hi Carol, >You might want to check out > They have a >nice interview with Cathe under >the instructor section. It's >a little old, before she >had her first baby I >believe. But she talks >about how she got into >the business. Also, I >think you just learn about...
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    New Cathe fan, but just who IS Cathe?

    LAST EDITED ON Dec-07-02 AT 00:23AM (Est)[p]>Hi Carol, >You might want to check out > They have a >nice interview with Cathe under >the instructor section. It's >a little old, before she >had her first baby I >believe. But she talks >about how she got into >the...
  11. C

    New Cathe fan, but just who IS Cathe?

    I bought my first Cathe video, the Wedding tape, back in about September. I was hooked from the start. Then I bought the Classics I DVD (Step Heat, Step Jam, and Step Max). Love it too. I've asked my hubby to get me another DVD for Christmas - the one with PH, BM, and MIS I believe. I can hardly...
  12. C

    New Cathe fan

    After reading a video reviews and reading things in this forum,I purchased the Wedding video to try out my first Cathe video(after years of being of FIRM believer, preceded by Kathy Smith and others!). I've done the first and second parts, and LOVED Cathe's style. The video is challenging enough...
  13. C

    what video to start with?

    Thank you for your quick reply, Kathy! I was actually wondering about the Wedding tape. My only aversion was to the sappy wedding stuff;-) Yeah, I did read reviews; that's why I decided to go to the others DOING these videos and ask! Some sound like they're either too high impact or the moves...
  14. C

    what video to start with?

    Hi all! I've been a FIRMIE for years, but am ready to try something new. I'm intrigued by Cathe's rave reviews from fans. What video is a good starter for a 40-something, overweight-but-fairly-advanced exerciser (I'm working on losing 35 lbs.)? Sounds like her stuff is HARD. I can do the...