New Cathe fan, but just who IS Cathe?

I bought my first Cathe video, the Wedding tape, back in about September. I was hooked from the start. Then I bought the Classics I DVD (Step Heat, Step Jam, and Step Max). Love it too. I've asked my hubby to get me another DVD for Christmas - the one with PH, BM, and MIS I believe. I can hardly WAIT to get it. I was a die-hard FIRMIE for several years, but oh my, I've been converted to a Cathe fan. Her cueing is the best, her choreography is so much fun AND so hard, the quality of the tapes/DVDs is excellent. I'm in my latter-40's, a regular-but-still-overweight exerciser looking to lose 35-40 lbs. Anyway, that's just background info. My real question is, since we all get to feeling like these people we exercise with are friends, I want to know more about Cathe herself. Yeah, I know she got married and I know she loves dogs. I've never seen a bio, or info on her background or credentials, or how she got started doing the exercise video thing. Is there somewhere to find out more about her? Some of you were talking about body type and being taller than Cathe. How tall is she? She looks kind of short from what I can tell. I haven't found a bio on this site. That would be a nice thing to have so all us fans can find out more about who she is, since we invite her into our exercise rooms regularly! I did figure out about how old she is from stuff I read about how old she was when she made her first video.
I love to browse this forum. I'm REALLY glad to know there are other 40-somethings out there doing Cathe workouts!!
Hi Carol! Not only are there 40-somethings that do Cathe, but 50-somethings!! I'm not one of them, though. :) But, I WILL be one day.

I can at least answer the question about Cathe's height...she's 5'2", I'm pretty sure. Yes, she's small, eh? She just had her second baby in April! And, of course she just finished filming the Intensity Series. Wow! That's about it for now. Many others here probably can tell you more. :)

Hi Carol,
You might want to check out They have a nice interview with Cathe under the instructor section. It's a little old, before she had her first baby I believe. But she talks about how she got into the business. Also, I think you just learn about Cathe as you spend time on the boards. She drops us little bits every once in a while to satisfy her crazed fans :)

BTW, I grew up in Colorado. A once little now overcrowed town...Evergreen, west of Denver about 40 miles. What part do you live in? Are you a native? I think Gretchen is also from CO, but I'm not sure where...Nice to meet you. Heather
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-07-02 AT 00:23AM (Est)[/font][p]>Hi Carol,
>You might want to check out
> They have a
>nice interview with Cathe under
>the instructor section. It's
>a little old, before she
>had her first baby I
>believe. But she talks
>about how she got into
>the business. Also, I
>think you just learn about
>Cathe as you spend time
>on the boards. She
>drops us little bits every
>once in a while to
>satisfy her crazed fans :)
>BTW, I grew up in Colorado.
> A once little now
>overcrowed town...Evergreen, west of Denver
>about 40 miles. What
>part do you live in?
> Are you a native?
> I think Gretchen is
>also from CO, but I'm
>not sure where...Nice to meet
>you. Heather
>Hi Carol,
>You might want to check out
> They have a
>nice interview with Cathe under
>the instructor section. It's
>a little old, before she
>had her first baby I
>believe. But she talks
>about how she got into
>the business. Also, I
>think you just learn about
>Cathe as you spend time
>on the boards. She
>drops us little bits every
>once in a while to
>satisfy her crazed fans :)
>BTW, I grew up in Colorado.
> A once little now
>overcrowed town...Evergreen, west of Denver
>about 40 miles. What
>part do you live in?
> Are you a native?
> I think Gretchen is
>also from CO, but I'm
>not sure where...Nice to meet
>you. Heather
Thank you for the info!! I live in Colorado Springs, which has gotten to be a big city (about 350,000 I think). I've been through Evergreen, but not for a long time. I'm not a native -- I grew up in Indiana, but I'm been in Colorado for many years now. Long enough to see it grow and change too much for my taste! However, we DO have the reputation as being one of the healthiest and fittest states. It's all that good, outdoor fun available year-round! Where are you from? Nice to meet you, too!
RE: Hi Carol!

Thank you! I guess I had overlooked that bio link. Wish I'd looked like SHE does after two children. LOL. Just keep on steppin'!

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