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  1. C

    weight loss

    Thanks for the tips!!!!!Cindy:-)
  2. C

    weight loss

    Dear Cathe, I just bought the basic step dvd and I love it. I am a beginner exerciser and have about 35 ponds to lose on my 5foot 3 in. frame. My question to you is this since I am a beginner would I benefit with 20 minutes of cardio and 20 minutes of weights a day or more cardio and and only...
  3. C

    still look pregnant

    I thinks it great that you ost 40 pounds.Good for you. I have never been this out of shape before and my stomach is never been this fat.It's so easy to ignore it but when someone aske you when your pregnant and your not. Reality hits. I have lost weight before 38 pounds back in 1996 and kept it...
  4. C

    still look pregnant

    Thanks I needed to hear the truth sometimes it isn;t always to realize the only way it's going ot come off is with HARD work no short cuts. Cindy
  5. C

    still look pregnant

    I really enjoyed your post thank you for writing it it spoke to me. Cindy:-)
  6. C

    still look pregnant

    I want to thank all fo you guys for all your tips and encouragement. I will keep ypu posted. :) Cindy
  7. C

    still look pregnant

    I do 20 minutes of low impact 4 times a week. I also tried to follow the south beach diet it lasted a week. I am not one for trying fad diets. Anyway, I don't train with weights like I should on a regular basis I am very sporaidc about it.Now I am feeling like I better get on the ball everyone...
  8. C

    still look pregnant

    I posted another message last week on how much cardio I should do and weights a week did not get much feed back. Anyway I was at a wedding this past weekend when I got the dreaded question are you expecting a baby ? I was totally embarrassed wanted to cry. Then same night I went to my 15 year...
  9. C

    weight loss/ getting in shape

    Thanks for your imput. I appreciate it. I hope Cathe responds too. Cindy
  10. C

    weight loss/ getting in shape

    Dear Cathe, I need to lose 30 pounds and have a very protruding belly from my pregnancy's one c section and one v- bac the last few years. Anyway I have finally decided to get serious about getting my body back and cleaned up my eating habits. My quetsiton is how much cardio do I need 20...
  11. C

    Cathe, need a suggestions for losing 20-30 lbs

    RE: Dr. David! I loved reading your post. I bought it too. I loved it. I am 30 pounds overweight at 32. I have not made the diet changes he suggets. It seems so different than the way I eat. I have two young girls 4 and 2 they would not be able to eat this way to low cal. Cindy:-)
  12. C

    step tape

    Thanks so much for the reply. Cindy:7
  13. C

    step tape

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone could recommend a beginner step tapes for me by Cathe? Are they all advanced I have two left feet. Should I even bother? Thanks Cindy;-)
  14. C

    lose weight

    Hello everyone! I appreciate everyone's comments and suggestions. I am happy yo hear from everyone. CindyB.
  15. C

    lose weight

    Thanks for all your ideas.
  16. C

    lose weight

    Hello, I had baby number 2, 9 months ago. I am 50 pounds overweight. I have really never really seriously used weigts or a extended amount of time because I am afraid I would get bigger I am only 5foot 3 inches. I am currently ony doing cardio 30 minutes. I have one of Cathe's video's Maxium...