weight loss


Dear Cathe, I just bought the basic step dvd and I love it. I am a beginner exerciser and have about 35 ponds to lose on my 5foot 3 in. frame. My question to you is this since I am a beginner would I benefit with 20 minutes of cardio and 20 minutes of weights a day or more cardio and and only do 2 times a week with weights? I have only about 45 minutes to work out I am stay at home mother of a 3 and 5 year old. Also after I master the basic step dvd which one of you workouts would you recommend next? Thanks so much, Cindy B. Piitsbrugh pa:)
not cathe but i thought i can throw you some ideas.since you want to switch up your routines every month or two. so for awhile you can alternate cardio days with full body weight days. then to switch it up you can do a cardio day,upper body and abs day, lower body and optional cardio day if you have time(or keep it just upper body). i think you should do cardio 3-4 times a week, varying in length and intensity.and even from there you can do body part splits adding on a little cardio(ie. do biceps/triceps one day then the next to chest/backs and some cardio the next)the combos are endless. never work a body part two days in a row and make sure you are eating clean and unproccessed foods. get to love your veggies raw or steamed,and enjoy lots of water.

as for after basic step you can try her low impact step(which also comes with a short weigth workout) or something from the classics or cardio hits dvd but just do what you can then skip to cool down and your done. the cardio hits and classics dvds both have 3 workouts on each and are all step cardio workouts,a little high in intensity but a lot easier to follow choreography wise then some of the newer releases.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey

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