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  1. U

    One of those days........

    So I am having one of those days. Actually it has been like 3 days now. My BF hasnt called in 2 days which is unusual so I have been down about that and as a result I have no motivation to go work out. I havent slept or eaten very much. Sorry to rant but I needed to get that out there. I hope...
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    Yeah I have a lot of fiber throughout the day. I am a veggie so I eat a lot of veggies and fruits and all healthy stuff.
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    Okay so this is so embarrassing. I have horrible bloating and gas at night. I eat clean, workout and do everything right 90% of the time. I cant figure it out but it has been going on now for about 1 month. Everynight! Sometimes I wake myself up and embarrasssing enough I think my bf too...
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    Anybody familiar with Denver?

    Hi! I am from Denver and know of Englewood. I am not so sure of a vegan restaurant. I am also vegan but dont have much luck finding good places to eat unless I am in Boulder. Boulder has the best vegan food around. If you can find a Whole Foods that is the best place I can advise. Let me...
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    Hey All!! So we just got a spin bike and LOVE IT!!!!! Any suggestions for good hard videos? Thanks Jade
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    Hello All What is the best low calorie alcoholic drink to have without ruining all the hard work I have put in to my workouts? I dont drink often at all but once in a awhile it is nice to go have a drink with friends. Any suggestions? Thanks, Enjoy the weekend!!
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    What are the pros and cons of using creatine? Should women even try it or is it just for men? I just use soy protein powder now in addition to high protein foods for a total of maybe 100-130g per day. Thanks
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    How much do guys actually say to their friends.....

    Thank You all for the great advice. My BF and I are going to have to have a talk. and a serious one. IT struck me as kidding at first but once reading all the feed back it is disrespectful and degrading to me.
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    Salve for a Wounded Heart

    Here is a big hug for ya!!!! I kinda have been through those feelings so I can relate. It doesnt get much easier but it cant get much harder either is the way I look at it. I would try online dating. I have heard only great things about it. It has actually worked for 2 of my aunts. Keep...
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    How much do guys actually say to their friends.....

    So this has nothing to do with fitness or health but just plain curiousity. I want to know how much do guys actually say to their friends about their relationships, and sex. I want to know because I was out with my BF and his friends and all of a sudden our sex life is laid out there and what...
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    Anyone else concerned w/wacky winter weather?

    This is some wacky weather. I am from Colroado and I have to say this is the worst weather I have seen here. It is COLD, windy, icy and worse than normal Colorado weather. The snow is at least to my waist and highter than my head in the drifts (I am 5'7"). I want to move where it is warm!
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    I Have an iAudio made by Cowan. I love it. Never have had any problems. It holds maybe 7000 songs, dvds, and pictures. It was a bit pricey but to me worth every penny since I use it so often. Hope this helps! Jade
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    Is it wrong to want to get a breast augmentation?

    Thank you all for the great advice and comments. IT sure has helped realize I am not the only woman in the world that has a small chest. It isnt a choice to make today but one to consider.
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    Is it wrong to want to get a breast augmentation?

    I am in a quandry! I have a very small chest 34 A and I hate it when I am dressing up and cant wear some of the cute shirts, but at the same time I am proud that I have worked my chest muscles and they are defined. Does anyone else have this problem? Thanks Everyone!
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    Miss Fitness USA

    Thanks so much for the pointers!
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    Miss Fitness USA

    Hey All! So I have decided to train for the Miss Fitness USA over the next year. Any suggestions or advice? Thanks! I am new to the Cathe forum and so far everyone seems to have some great ideas. I have been working out now for several years and I have hit a time where I need to...