
Okay expert help needed. I am wondering which would be the best way to go. I want something for my treadmill workouts (cardio coaches)only what is the cheapest to go? I am not computer savy and I do not keep up with the electronic stuff. What brand and what price should I look at. Thank you ANY HELP PLEASE!

I just got an iPod Nano specifically for CC and I love it! I'm not computer savvy either, so please don't ask me to explain how to use it--lol!
I think the iTrains are a little cheaper per workout (www.iTrain.com) and you can do a monthly service where you download 6 workouts for $9.99 so that way you have different options every month - they come out with them monthly, too.

Cardio Coaches are great, too. I have both. The Cardio Coaches are interval training. You climb a hill for x number of minutes, then you have a 2 minute recovery.

The iTrains are more random. They are usually 6 minutes on with 1 minute recovery for the length of the workout, but they all vary.

Both are excellent programs.

You can also check out the podcast on iTunes - they have many free podcasts for runners.

Oh, and both are very easy to install. Simply click "save" and save to your iTunes music folder (under my documents, then my music). It will then download to your computer, and you'll see it in iTunes.
I Have an iAudio made by Cowan. I love it. Never have had any problems. It holds maybe 7000 songs, dvds, and pictures. It was a bit pricey but to me worth every penny since I use it so often. Hope this helps!
I tried to respond to this, but then it disappeared somehow.

I highly recommend an iPod Nano. The 2-gig holds 500 songs and goes for about $140. The 4-gig holds 1,000 songs and can be found for a little under $200. Or even tinier (and cheaper) is the 1-gig iPod shuffle - it holds 240 songs and runs about $79. (I have the 4-gig Nano as I'm a bit of a music buff. You might be surprised how quickly you can put 500 songs on that thing!)

BTW, the iTunes software itself (where you download/upload songs) is not that hard to figure out. I'm sure you'll get the hang of it!

Happy shopping!
Cathy :)
If I get the 2-gig how many cardio coaches or itrains can i store on there? Does that make sense? Can you remove and replace songs once they are stored?

Thank You
Yes, you can remove and replace songs on the iPod. I'm not sure how many CCs you can store on there. I don't use those, but I imagine they're probably short enough that each would count as one "song" file.

Cathy :)

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