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  1. L

    Anyone try Christi Taylor's...

    Christi's Stuff Hi Myra, I think Christi is great! While both Cathe and Christi are more advanced, Cathe is a bit more on the brute force side, which I generally (and enthusiastically) go for. Christi is more on the dancy and complex side. I'm a bit of a step junky so I don't know about her...
  2. L

    How best to use circuit tapes?

    Circuit Training I'm not a big fan of circuit training myself but Cathe is one woman I trust not to let my heartrate drop! I normally prefer working cardiovascularly until I feel like dropping and then working muscularly until I feel like dropping my weights (I don't drop them, of course, I...
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    Step Height

    Hi Karen Yes, I do have PS: SL&A, sort of. I did it a couple of times and lent it out, haven't seen it since. I'm thinking of just ordering it again. I remember the exercise you're talking about, but she does it on a 12" mini step/box. I have 4 sets of risers just so I can do those...
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    Cathe in MegaStepBlast vs PS Series

    I feel for you Patti Obesity and diabetes runs all through my family and I've got a lot of good reason to stay as fit as I can. Lately, I've felt much more determined to lose my extra fat, a big project, and eat better in general (maybe it has something to do with not being able to wear a lot...
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    Step Height

    Whoa now... ...first of all, I sure didn't mean to offend any firm believers, there are lots of very fit people out there who I respect very much who love the firm. Obviously it really works for a lot of people. Secondly, I'm not so sure I'd use the word "dogmatic" to describe myself. I was...
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    Step Height

    Did you say 14" boxes? You mean those things the Firm calls steps come in 14" height? Talk about an injury waiting to happen! Wait a minute now, let's back up, has everyone heard of the 90 degree rule? When stepping up (or down for that matter), either in step aerobics or in weight training...
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    Cathe in MegaStepBlast vs PS Series

    Really now, think about it... you really think Cathe can afford to cut back on carbos but so much?! I'd say working out and being healthy for a living for years and years shows it's effects! All that muscle took some serious protein, and that energy level and clarity of mind to cue so...
  8. L

    Cool down question

    Here here! Honestly, I'm surprised anyone who doesn't stretch after working out finds the motivation to keep exercising! It's rough enough to work hard and stretch well, I don't even want to remember how it feels not to stretch! All I can do is echo Forgetful's thoughts and encourage...
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    Cardio or Weights 1st? Does it matter?

    Hi Myra, good question! I've been seeing lately that lifting and then cardio burns more fat, and what Jenn says sure makes sense. Having said that, I don't think I would be comfortable doing it that way. Even with a typical warmup on most strength tapes, my muscles feel too cold for heavy...
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    Regular Discount on New Videos?

    Okay then, what if.... <center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON May-29-00 AT 10:30AM (EST)</font></center> I want to buy 3 previously released videos and 1 new one (4 total) and want to get a free (previously released) 5th video? Under current quantity discounts, that costs...
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    Step Height

    Sure, lots of people... <center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON May-27-00 AT 12:33PM (EST)</font></center> LAST EDITED ON May-26-00 AT 09:48 PM (EST) ...say that nobody should ever go that high, but I've also heard people say that 8" will inevitably destroy your knees too...
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    Zip front workout tops

    Thanks for the tip! Hey, I just looked up this site and it's great! The specific address for the Champion zip front bras is: I really like Champion sportswear, it's just all I want to wear...
  13. L

    Step Height

    10" feels just fine to me! <center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON May-26-00 AT 11:36AM (EST)</font></center> Hi Heather. I'm new here but I thought it'd be okay if I threw my thoughts into the pile. I'm 5'2" and I always use a 10" step. My first step was one of those 4" and...