How best to use circuit tapes?


With Cathe's new circuit tape coming out and I just read about Firm's Cardio Split 1 (I don't usually do Firm, but it sounds interesting!), I am wondering how everyone fits these tapes in. I usually do cardio 3-4 days alternating days with strength 2-3 days per week. I understand that strength can be done a variety of ways (like one part per day, etc.) but when you do a circuit tape, do you get enough of each body part that it will continue to build? just curious about the best approach! Thanks in advance
Circuit Training

I'm not a big fan of circuit training myself but Cathe is one woman I trust not to let my heartrate drop! I normally prefer working cardiovascularly until I feel like dropping and then working muscularly until I feel like dropping my weights (I don't drop them, of course, I set them down like a buff lady). Hey, can you say "Body Max"! Really now, circuit training is supposed to be so great for you (I'm sure Cathe will show us how it's meant to be done) but I think it's more sports oriented. If you're more fitness goal oriented, you may want to stick with 40 or more minutes of cardiovascular training and then into an isolation oriented stregth training workout. "Slow & Controlled" for visual results, you know. Take it or leave it, until then, sweat on!
That makes sense!

Yes, at this point I tend to be more fitness oriented and want to make sure I'm getting my "all" out of every workout. I guess it will be fun to throw in during those weeks when the usual schedule gets thrown off. It may be a good one to use as a third weight day also. thanks!

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