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    You Are All SOOO Appreciated!

    touche Kathy Couldn't have said it better myself. Laura
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    Please, I need help

    thanks Hi Susan, I do have a husband who has been taking very good care of me. I'm not nauseated at all. I can eat, I just have no appetite and that's what I'm concerned about. I did leave a message for the nurse-2 in fact-and now it's after 6PM, so I doubt anyone will call me back before...
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    Please, I need help

    I am seeing the doctor... sorry guys, in my haste to get this done, I left out some details. Yes I am seeing the doctor and having a cat scan and other tests, but that's not until next week and I didn't want to wait that long to find out what I can eat. Thank you all so much. I have had 2...
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    Please, I need help

    Hi Cathe or anyone who can help me with this. On Monday night I had to go to the ER with severe stomach pains. I don't know how to put this delicately, so I'll just say it, I vomited for about 3 hours straight. I've had this many times before but never this severe. Anyway, usually after this...
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    My husband is doing my workout tapes!

    husband Hi Cynthia, Well, good for him! My husband can't even watch me while I'm doing it let alone watch the tape and actually try it. I asked him one time if he would try it with me and he looked like a deer caught in headlights...I never brought it up again Laura
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    Hi Everyone!

    Hi Cathe I'm new here, but I absolutely love this site. It's great to be able to connect with other people who have the same interest in exercise. congratulations on your new family member. I wish for you many happy times ahead. Laura
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    Day off

    stretching That is such a great idea. Sounds like a good solution to me. Laura
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    Day off

    Hi Heather, I think if you find you cannot take a day off without it affecting the rest of your life so much, that you need to assess what's going on. You should be able to take off one day a week without having such drastic consequences. I'm very concerned about you and your question...
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    How do I modify hi impact for bad knees (examples?)

    modifying moves Hi Cynthia, I have to agree with Judy on her advice. I'll also add that I have alot of experience with this problem. I have severe fibromyalgia and pain pretty much everywhere and I've been able to work up to Cathe's videos. I've found strengthening my quads to be very...
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    Combining cardio with PS Series

    cardio/strength Hi Danielle, I have to agree with the others. I think you need to find whatever order you are most comfortable with. I've done it both ways. I prefer cardio first now also, it just sort of seemed my body prefers it that way. I also want to let you know, I had been doing...
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    CIA video recommendations

    CIA tapes Hi Andrea, I have to agree with Pam about Christi and Franny. I also have 9905 with Franny. It also has a great hi/lo workout with some kickboxing moves that are easily modified (I can't do them), and a killer step workout that is alot of fun but complicated. Actually both this and...
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    How did you discover Cathe?

    another collage alum I too became familiar with Cathe through Collage about a year ago. The funny thing is, I never knew I was an advanced exerciser until I read the different fitness categories in Collage. I thought I'd give her a try and ordered Power Max. Now, a year later, I have about...
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    step height

    Thanks Cathe, I will check that out. I have a chronic illness and it's people like you who enable me to keep in shape at home with video tapes. You have no idea how much your tapes have done for me. I'm sure I speak for others in my situation when I say you both inspire and motivate me to...
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    step height

    Hi, I'm a little over 5 feet tall and when I started doing step about 6 years ago they recommended anyone 5 feet or shorter should not use a step higher than 6 inches. Is this still accurate or would I be able to use an 8 inch step? So much has changed, I was hoping the restriction on the...