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  1. A

    Help with C-Sections

    I am in the same boat too! I just have had one c-section though. I have lost 20 and have 60 to go. When I get my tax refund I will be ordering core max. I will try to get it done 3x a week. I am hoping that it will help. Until then, I am going to up my cardio - low max, kpc, basic...
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    step shoes? What is your favorite?

    Do you use aerobic or cross-trainers? I would love to know some of your favorites. My running shoes just aren't doing the trick. Thanks
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    latex free bands?

    Thanks Tammy!
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    latex free bands?

    I have a latex allergy, and I was wondering if there is such a thing as bands that aren't made of latex? I would love to try muscle max. Is subbing weights my only other option?
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    Early signs?

    Late period!
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    Pregnancy websites-what do you visit?

    American Baby is great! You can see the progress of your pregnancy!
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    Pregnancy check in week of July 25th 2004

    Hello, Did anyone hear about the woman that had the largest baby? 12lbs. 8oz.!!! OUCH! I hope that all of us here won't have to worry about that. I still haven't been able to exercise. I think that my pregnancy is causing my thyroid to be out of wack. I see a new specialist this Tuesday...
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    Why do you exercise at home?

    Because my baby is sleeping!
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    Pregnancy check in week of 7/18/04

    Hello all! Just thought that I would check in. I only walked 2 times last week (and that was a miracle) I am still puking! I know that it is all worth it. Stacy - I don't really like jelly beans, but that drink is gross! I felt soooo woozie after I drank it (1st pregnancy) Take care...
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    I'm pregnant-1st time

    What a blessing! I am very happe for you. I don't think that pregnancy is the easiest thing in the world, but it is soo worth it. I am 15 weeks with my second. One good thing is I even talked my husband into keeping the litter box job after I was pregnant!!
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    Pregnancy Check in Week of July 11, 2004

    Hello everyone! I am very sorry that I have not posted for a while. The truth is that I just have been way too sick! If I get in a shower than I feel like that is my workout. I really miss it but I know that there is no way that a workout is happening right now. I am now in my second...
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    Pregnancy Check In -- 6/6/04

    Hello ladies! I thought that I would let you know that on my last pregnancy my Dr. started my labor with a vag exam! They all aren't bad! I still have been to sick to exercise. Yesterday was rough. It has been hard to keep hydrated. I am 8 weeks now so hopefully this will ease up soon...
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    Pregnancy workout video - looks good

    I am going to give it a try. It dosn't sound like the usuual crappy pregnancy videos. Thanks for the link. I will let everyone know what I think of it.
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    Pregnancy Check In 05/30/04

    Thank you! All of your replies have been very kind and supportive. They really made me smile!:-) It is nice to know that there is a place to go where others know what you are going through. I have been feeling a little better - I took a shower!! I feel for you gals with the aches and...
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    Newly pregnant with first!

    Wow! I am 31 too! This is my second baby. I have a beautiful daughter. I am a little further behind the to of you. I am seven weeks.:7
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    Pregnancy Check In 05/30/04

    Hello everyone! Thanks for asking about me Autumn. I have been feeling like total crap! My doctor has put me on a high amount of Zofran for nausea and that helps a little. The problem is that it is expensive and my insurance dosn't want to pay for it. Hopefully things will work out. I...
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    Pregnancy Check in - Week of 5/23

    Hello everyone! I am bummed. I have missed two workouts in a row! I have been very sick and very very tired. It seems that you always forget about this feeling. I am hoping that I can do basic step/body fusion when it comes.
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    Anyone else think 40 weeks is just tooooo long???

    I hav never been very good at waiting, but 40 weeks! - way too long. At least you are almost there. I bet you will go earily. I am only on week 6!:o
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    Anyone else concerned with caffeine?

    I drink two diet cokes a day.:P
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    Sick with ab work!

    Thanks! I don't eat before I workout. I think that it would cause more trouble!