I'm pregnant-1st time


Hello Everyone! I found out recently that I am 6 weeks pregnant:)
I know that I will receive a lot of great advice and support on this forum as I have on the other Cathe forums. I am hoping to get some motivation as well to continue to exercise as I feel lazier and lazier (I am a teacher who tends to slack off a little over the summer). Is anyone here this early in their pregnancy? Before I go, here are some facts about me:
-I am 29
-I live in PA
-I am a 1st grade teacher (they better be good this year)
-I am married for 3 years to another teacher
-I have two cats (DH is on litterbox patrol for the next 9 months)
-I love to workout to Cathe, and I go to the gym too (although I have been slacking off)
-This is my first pregnancy

Hi Jen,
Congratulations on your pregnancy! I am not pregnant now but have an almost 2 year old daughter and exercised throughout my pregnancy. I found that it helped tremendously with my energy level and lots of other unpleasant pregnancy-related issues that you may or may not encounter (constipation springs to mind - exercise seems to be a miracle cure).

Anyway, main advice from me is to walk or do yoga or any lighter workouts if your regular workouts seem like too much right now. Just keeping consistent, even at a lower level of intensity, throughout the 1st trimester will keep you from feeling like you're starting over when you get to the 2nd trimester, which is the point when you will probably start feeling like working out again.

Hope this helps. I feel like I'm having a hard time articulating what I want to say today. Must be the heat! Summer has finally come to Texas. :)

What a blessing! I am very happe for you. I don't think that pregnancy is the easiest thing in the world, but it is soo worth it. I am 15 weeks with my second. One good thing is I even talked my husband into keeping the litter box job after I was pregnant!!
Hi Jen! Yup! You and I are about the same - I just began week #7. I've been doing Cathe workouts for two years. I live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; finishing my PhD; married (10 years); have one child (just turned four); and one cat.

How are you feeling?

Thanks for your replies. Sandra, I am feeling o.k. I went to the gym lastnight and did a lighter workout than usual (30 min. on EFX and some upper body work). Today, I did a lot of yard work, and DH and I are going to go to the gym. I feel some slight cramping, but no morn. sickness (as of yet, anyway). My face is breaking out really bad too:(
And, my breasts are really big and sore (they grew so much already that I don't fit into my regular bras-luckily my sister, who just had a baby, let me borrow some of her bigger ones). It's all worth it, though!
My first signs of pregnacy were sore boobs.
Do what you can in terms of exercise, a lighter workout is better than none.
Bigger boobs already? Wow! I suppose you will need a very good workout bra, won't you? I'm a small-chested person, and even when pregnant things don't improve much in that department. I'm feeling a lot of pressure, bloating, and mild cramping in my abdomen, which is making me modify my workouts to avoid lots of jumping. Normally I would do MIC this Monday, but I think the hi/lo would be too uncomfortable. My lower back is very fatigued, too. But, at least I am continuing to work out. I feel so much better afterwards, and it ameliorates the nausea. I agree with you that it's all worth it. These physical changes are only temporary, and once Baby's born, Cathe's new HardCore series will be here, and I'm sure I'll get more than enough intensity then!!

Hi Jen!

I'm pregnant too!

First time
My name is Jen
I teach grade one
I am 31 years old.

We have stuff in common!

I'm only a few weeks, but keep in touch! I'd love to touch base with you, as we start a new school year with similar stresses. I am wondering if I will fatigue easily...:eek:

Good luck with your school year - it'll be a shorter one!
Hi Jen! Congratulations to you!!! I just started my 9th week yesterday. I think I calculated wrong in my previous post. I have my 1st dr's appt. today in about 1 1/2 hours. I am kind of nervous about it because I just want to make sure things are going well. That is so neat that you teach 1st grade too (and that your name is Jen and it is your 1st preg):) Yes, we can defintely keep in touch. If you want, you can send me messages at my home address:
[email protected] or we can keep in touch on this forum. It doesn't matter to me.

I have been in my classroom the past few days setting it up. We have inservice next week, and we start on the 29th. I have a senior citizen volunteer who came in to help me yesterday. I begged her to come and help on the first day of school (till lunch) and she said she would (thank God!!!!). The first day is always hellish! I haven't told my principal yet-I think I may soon. I have to meet with her on Monday to discuss a child who I have this year who has bipolar disorder:eek: I don't particularly like my boss (no one really does because she takes advantage of us), and I don't feel that this should be thrown into my room without any support (it scares me). And, based on his previous year, he is a handfull!!! So, I am sure we will have a lot to talk about this year.

I was wondering if I will be extra tired too. I know that I have had my days where I didn't do much of anything, but that will soon come to an end. When do you start? Have you told anyone at school yet?

I went into Motherhood store lastnight in search of plain black bootcut pants. I am petite, so I was thrilled to find a pair of petite pants (for only $20)!!! I think I may even have to get them hemmed, though. I am 5' 1". I don't actually need them yet, but I feel safer having them on hand, especially on those fat days. Have you found any good deals?

I am getting kind of hungry, so I am going to go and eat. I will talk to you later!

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