Why do you exercise at home?

1.I am a home schooling mother of five ages 10 to 10 months. I can't go anywhere to exercise.

2. And although I have 5 kids, I don't want to look like I have 5 kids}( .

3. Since I have discovered that I can get a really good workout at home where I don't have to deal with monthly fees, wierdos (unless you include the kiddos;-)), or inclement weather, I have no desire to workout anywhere but home.

take care
1. There are no excuses for why I cannot workout....I can do it early or late or as soon as I get home from work.
2. The weather doesn't affect my workouts.
3. I don't have to worry about buying new workout clothes.
4. I'm more consistent.
5. I never miss the warm up by arriving too late...tee hee.
6. I always have a front row spot...tee hee.
7. They don't offer Cathe workouts at the gym..tee hee.
Why I exercise at home:

1. My gym membership expired
2. Germs at the gym-YUCK-was disgusted by all the sweat on the equipment
3. Costs more $$$ to workout at a gym, plus you have to wait for equipment, deal with rude people, no choice with music (unless you bring headphones), had my sweatjacket stolen (how ghetto is that!?)
4. I sometimes like to exercise in my underwear:)
5. I don't have to look "pretty"
6. I have fallen in love with Cathe, Christi, Slim Series, etc!
7. I now own enough equipment & DVDs to have enough variety to never get bored:p
8. I don't have to waste gas/time driving somewhere to workout
9. If a workout has complex choreography, I can REWIND until I "get" it!:D

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