Pregnancy check in week of July 25th 2004


Wow! I'm really posting late this week. I've been busy in the office, and then had the weekend without kids so my schedule has really been off.

I really don't feel any motivation to workout this a.m. I hate mornings like that. Maybe I'll choose one of my easier tapes. Of course, no workout really feels that easy when you're pg. I almost feel like I'm getting a cold today. Both sides of my neck feel kind of swollen where my glands are.

Diana - I'm dying to know if you're still here, or if you've delivered your beautiful baby yet!?! Hope to hear from you soon!

My week:
Sunday: Off
Monday: Power Circuit Back
Tuesday: Kickbox (from cross train express series) Biceps
Wednesday: Unplanned rest day
Thursday: 10 10 10 Triceps
Friday: Leaner Legs
Saturday: Walked 2 miles - We walked a couple miles while "sight-seeing". Thought I'd count it since I only had 3 cardio workouts this week. :-(

The temperatures have really cooled off here this week. It actually rained a bit last night. It was kind of nice.

Hope everyone had a good week.

EDD 09-16 or 09-23
Hi everyone!! This week's workouts were fairly decent. Towards the end of the week it was hard to find motivation. Here's how it went:

Sun 7/25 Leaner Legs
Mon 10-10-10 (cardio only)
Tues off
Wed Step Heat (-abs)
Thurs PS CST
Fri off, but walked at the zoo
Sat Step Blast

I agree, Stacey, no workout feels real easy when you're pregnant. I try to pick easier Cathe workouts, but they always kick my rear anyways. I guess I could always pick an easy non-Cathe tape, but they are soooooo less fun. :)

Hope everyone is having a great week!

EDD 10-04-04
I did 10 10 10 yesterday and it actually ended up feeling easy because I got so many darn phone calls during my workout. :) I kept them very short, but it was enough to bring my heart rate down a bit. That is the worst part for me about working out from home. And I wouldn't answer the phone, but 99% of the time, it's my business partner, who is also my sister-in-law, who knows I'm at home, and most likely working out. (We had a busy day yesterday so she needed to fill me in on a few things.)

I figured out that the neck soreness was due to the previous day's shoulder workout. It was kicking my butt! I hadn't done shoulders for awhile. For some reason, the shoulders on All Step are so much harder for me than the shoulders on CST. Maybe because I do CST more often?

Your workouts looked great, Tana. I'm glad I have someone posting with me! Are you just ready to be done being pregnant or what? I so desperately want to wear my old clothes!

Well, I better go squeeze in a quick workout or I won't get one today. I have tons of work to do.

Take care and hope we hear from a few more women.

Hi Ladies!
Baby is still taking his/her time! I'm 39 weeks as of today, 90% effaced but not dilated. Baby is well engaged, however. I've been carrying low for quite awhile. Everyone says to be patient, but I'm going stir crazy. I feel like I was more ready last week than this week but I think I'm just thinking about it too much. My feet got a little worse this past weekend so they're more sore than they have been the past few weeks. But I know an end to the aches and pains is near. I'll keep you all posted.
EDD 8/11/04

Thanks for keeping us updated. I feel for you! I can't imagine what it's like to have your foot problems. But I do remember how much I wanted my little baby to be born. He arrived 1 week late! My dr. thought I might go early since I was starting to dilate at 36 weeks. He was amazed when I went past my due date. I delivered on a full moon. I dilated early with my daughter too, but didn't go into labor until he stripped my membranes on her due date. That is the worst part - when you're waiting and waiting and know it could be any day. And you are just so ready to be done being pregnant and wanting to meet your baby. I am not looking forward to that this time around. I think if ever there was somebody who should be able to go a little early, it should be me with this being unplanned and all. I WANT MY BODY BACK! I am scared to death that I will be sitting here past his due date...

Take care and you will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Did anyone hear about the woman that had the largest baby? 12lbs. 8oz.!!! OUCH! I hope that all of us here won't have to worry about that.

I still haven't been able to exercise. I think that my pregnancy is causing my thyroid to be out of wack. I see a new specialist this Tuesday.

Diana - That must be rough! It is soo hard at the end. Have your Dr. check you again - That is what started my labor! (first time)

Have a great day!

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