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  1. K

    Why, Madam, your moustache is lovely.....

    I use Nair for faces. It only takes a few minutes (9 for me) and it comes in a big tube that costs about five dollars and lasts for months.
  2. K

    What do you do for fun fitness?

    I keep a vegetable garden which keeps me moving and bending a few times a week. We also enjoy camping (in our air-conditioned camper) and look for parks that offer canoeing, swimming and hiking. I also love riding my bike the ten minutes or so it takes to get to park, then walk/running three...
  3. K

    Related to jdoll's post - adding meals/calories?

    I haven't. What's worked for me is varying exercise, changing things around when my body's gotten too used to one thing, and carefully weighing and measuring portions to make sure I'm not eating more than I think.
  4. K

    Oatmeal, so good for me, but yuck....

    I adore my own homemade oatmeal. I mix 1/3 cup slow-cooking oats, 1 cup vanilla soy milk, and a dash of salt. I microwave it until it's a consistency I like, then top it with a little banana, mixed berries, and 1/2 tablespoon cashews. Beyond delicious!
  5. K

    Jenny Craig- anyone tried?

    My neighbor went on it and liked it though she complained of hunger and the $70-some-odd she had to spend on food. She didn't last too long and looks as if she regained all the weight she lost. When I lived in the Keys, one of the other room mothers in my son's school lost a lot on Jenny...
  6. K

    OK it's confession time

    I really, REALLY want to do something about my neck. I started getting "rings" when I was 21. At 51 I have rings, wrinkles, lines, extra skin. I'd really like to change it.
  7. K

    Too Old??

    I had to chuckle when I read you're only 37. Because of your title I thought you were 70 or older. I'm 51 so you're just a young kid compared to me. I was a hard-drinking, chain-smoking, steak-eating couch potato until I had my sons at 36 and 37. I ended up weighing 220 and very weak and out...
  8. K

    Running burns less calories then step???

    It seems to me it would be hard to compare the two and come up with a pat answer. Sometimes slow running doesn't feel too hard to me. And besides speed are we talking hills, mountains, flat land? Then there's step height to consider and are we doing simple, not-too-fast moves, or are we jumping...
  9. K

    My Gym Nightmare!

    My Lord! It almost sounds like you're trying to get out of a cult! Thanks for sharing this story - it makes me want to never join a gym, except the YMCA maybe. I sure hope things turn out well and you can put this awful mess far behind you.