Jenny Craig- anyone tried?


Hi all. Kirsty Alley was on Oprah today & has lost 30+ pounds. Has anyone tried this program? What kind of results did you get?
Oprah always gets me curious :) Coleen
My sister tried it and was very successful. However, it was very expensive. She went away for a week's vaction and returned to a broken freezer, full of worthless Jenny Craig food. I'm not sure how much they stress exercise as a part of weight loss/control. My sister does as little as she can physically.
My neighbor went on it and liked it though she complained of hunger and the $70-some-odd she had to spend on food. She didn't last too long and looks as if she regained all the weight she lost.

When I lived in the Keys, one of the other room mothers in my son's school lost a lot on Jenny Craig. I broke my own rule about commenting on someone else's body and told her how fantastic she looked. The next time I saw, after summer break, she had obviously gained back all the weight and then some. I was so sorry I'd discussed he weight with her the year before.

This isn't really a reflection on the Jenny Craig program. I think it's pretty common to regain lost weight. My impression is that Jenny Craig is a pretty good program.
I tried it about four years ago. Yes, it worked, but the food was all processed and very expensive. I was also hungry all the time.

My perspective is that Jenny Craig is not such a good program because it doesn't really teach you anything about nutrition.

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