Oatmeal, so good for me, but yuck....

Since I'm in quite a hurry I am going to reply without having read the other replies. So, if I say something someone already said, don't be surprised.

I am eating RAW oatmeal. And I'm loving it! I eat Quaker Old Fashioned 100% Whole Grain Oats. Just 1/2 cup or even 1/4 cup is very satisfying. Here are advantages and benefits of doing it:

1. You don't have to cook it.
2. You can take it everywhere.
3. If you dislike the sticky texture of cooked oatmeal, maybe this is the solution.
4. Have less calories (Some people add milk and sugar when they cook it).
5. The body spends more energy digesting it, and you spend more time chewing it, so you feel more satisfied and less hungry afterwards.
6. This is only my personal experience, but I have noticed that when I started doing this (eating raw oatmeal), my cellulite diminished quite notably.
7. This is my personal opinion, but I think that it tastes better. At first feels weird, but then you start to like it or even love it!

Hope this helps!
Try adding:
-sugar-free maple syrup
-cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom
-chives, onions, pepper
-fat-free cheese, scrambled egg whites, soy sausage, pepper, onions
-sliced banana or apple, peanut butter, cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, flaxseed
-blueberries, sugar-free maple syrup
-sugar-free orange juice, cherries, pineapple
-fat-free yogurt, fruit of choice
I also need to start eating more oatmeal, I just can't acquire the taste of liking it like I can other things. I'm going to try some of these suggestions. Thanks for all the posts!
Debbie in OH
LOVE oatmeal. I like it thinner rather than thicker. To add to the previously mentioned yummy suggestions - I like a little brown or turbinado sugar (NO chemical substitutes), chopped walnuts and dried cranberries. YUMMY!! But the beauty of oatmeal is it's flexibility - if you like it, add it. Almost anything works.
Do you add anything else to it? Or do you just eat 1/4 or 1/2 cup by itself? I suppose you could add things like nuts to it, that would be yummy. Great idea on eating it dry, someone else mentioned it as well.
Debbie in OH
I've got a yummy pineapple/mango protein powder - take a scoop and mix it in & a delicious oatmeal breakfast, complete with lots of protein!

Or - my lates(which sounds hideous but is anything but):

1 cup egg whites
1/3 cup oatmeal
1 TBSP of Natural peanut butter
Cinnamon to taste

-Scramble and its yummy comfort food. Even my DH loves it & he hates all of my 'weird' bodybuilding foods! My kids eat it too - and they are really picky eaters.

I've printed out each and every one of these suggestions, and i am going to try a new one each morning. This will give me something to look forward to each day when it's time for the oatmeal.:)

This morning, i put peanut butter in in, Not bad??? Being the peanut butter lover i am, i could put in on anything and it would taste better. Well, almost everything that is LOL;)
Debbie in OH, you can add any kind of nuts or seeds for a home made granola.

I'm currently just eating the raw oatmeal by itself.
I adore my own homemade oatmeal. I mix 1/3 cup slow-cooking oats, 1 cup vanilla soy milk, and a dash of salt. I microwave it until it's a consistency I like, then top it with a little banana, mixed berries, and 1/2 tablespoon cashews. Beyond delicious!
>Try adding:
>-sugar-free maple syrup

What is that? Real maple syrup, or some "maple-flavored" stuff? Real maple syrup doesn't have any added sugar.
Debbie! I can't believe you don't like oatmeal. Definitely cook it with milk or soy milk as I do. It's just such a hearty meal for workout folks. Add a little bit of sweetener when it's not too hot & some cinnamon.

Sticks to your gut! A good meal!

Debbie! I can't believe you don't like oatmeal. Definitely cook it with milk or soy milk as I do. It's just such a hearty meal for workout folks. Add a little bit of sweetener when it's not too hot & some cinnamon.

Sticks to your gut! A good meal!


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