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  1. T


    Thanks girls,at least I know I won't kill myself with lemons!:+
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    Yeah,iron usually helps with pica.Maybe a vitamin C supplement will help?
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    >I have no input, but I'm a bit curious as to how one >"accidentally" eats three lemons?:P You got me .....limecat?!..mmmmmm limes!!!!!:9
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    I notice when I workout alot I NEED to eat lemons or drink lemon juice.I dont use salt or sugar,just straight lemons!I asked my doc if I had pica and he put me on iron supplements and it didnt work!I accidently:P ate 3 lemons yesterday,INPUT!!!
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    Anyone workout to manage their moods?

    Its a quality of life issue for me.Since I was 18 I have struggled with depression(treated successfully) and both of my kids are autistic.If I dont workout,things are much more difficult.Now,if only my jeans would stop cutting off my circulation!:+ I'd be on top of the world!
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    I'm Hispanic(Mexican)with a bit of apache indian thrown in for good measure!:P
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    What do you surround yourself with???

    I have found if I watch inspiring movies,read motivational books etc that I look forward to all the hard work it takes to be fit.I need to stock up on great stuff so give me a short list?! Heres my list: Movies-Million Dollar Baby,Braveheart HBO Boxing!! Book-Attitude is Everything...
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    NO!Sorry came out wrong,I love muscle but I'm afraid that with the extra fat,I'll be too bulky.So,I should work on the fat loss first then work on my muscles?
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    I'm on the road to weight loss,I usually do about an hour of cardio a day(bike)but I really love weights!Do I stick with cardio daily to strip the fat or should I mix it up?I'm afraid of adding muscle under fat.Advice??;)
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    terrible 5's?

    >Yes, I agree with Polly. My daughter just turned 6 and I >recognize a lot of what you're saying. It's an attempt to >gain more independence, but still wanting to stay protected. >Mouthiness and talking back are becoming the problem with my >"sweet" child now. Time outs work wonders for...
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    terrible 5's?

    No worries!All kids are different.It is interesting that she seems afraid of some things but goes ahead and does other things that have scared you.She's testing her limits and might feel super brave one minute and petrified the next.Her temper is another way shes testing her limits.Some...
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    I'm great during the day.....

    But completely fall of the wagon at night.Its like I'm a different person,one that loves sweets,help!
  13. T

    Kellogs to Print Austim Awareness On Their Cereal Boxes

    RE: Kellogs to Print Austim Awareness On Their Cereal B... Its amazing how much has changed in a few years.I am the proud mother of 2 kids with Autism(boy and girl)and when my son was diagnosed I had a hard time finding info.I'm glad people care.BTW trying to get back in shape w/cathe!:+