Kellogs to Print Austim Awareness On Their Cereal Boxes



for those that have the time i would really like if you could read this. the national health institue are working hard to find the cause and the cure. but its up to everyone and groups liek this to spread the awareness. its hard to be the parent of a child who acts different. the looks, comments, and judgments we get as parents and well as comments directed to our kids, is just heart-breaking. i am just a parent that asks for those who can to read a little. just making all aware for the sake of the kids. thanks for you time.


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
RE: Kellogs to Print Austim Awareness On Their Cereal B...

Thanks for posting this kassia. I knew I was hearing more and more about autism, but never realized it's because there are so many cases. Is it more prevelant, or just that people are now being diagnosed? Tristan's syndrome shares many similarities with autism. Like you said, more people need to be made aware. It is difficult enough to deal with the situation without having a stranger say something snide or be impatient with you or your child.
RE: Kellogs to Print Austim Awareness On Their Cereal B...

This is great news. Sad to say most people only read newpapers and cereal boxes.

I know the frustration of having a handsome, perfectly normal boy start "acting up" and have some rude person make a remark about my parenting.

That autistic boy just celebrated his 18th birthday, he's an Eagle Scout, Vigil Honor recipeint from Scouting's National Honor Society, a blue belt in Okinawan Karate, I could go on for ages.

Thanks for the post!!!

RE: Kellogs to Print Austim Awareness On Their Cereal B...

Its amazing how much has changed in a few years.I am the proud mother of 2 kids with Autism(boy and girl)and when my son was diagnosed I had a hard time finding info.I'm glad people care.BTW trying to get back in shape w/cathe!:+
Thanks for posting the link. Although Isaac (my son 7) may never fully realize it, I can see the other older kids looking and treating him differrent. It's like Isaac is oblivious to them. These are such special kids who bring so much into our lives. I have no idea what his future as a teen will bring. At my husbands work noone knows about Isaac (Darryl just doesn't say anything). Quite often they make fun of the kids on the "little yellow bus".
RE: Kellogs to Print Austim Awareness On Their Cereal B...

Is it more prevelant, or just that people are
>now being diagnosed? Tristan's syndrome shares many
>similarities with autism.

its just better diagnosis as well as a new specturm of symptoms. it used to be that if the child makes some communication they weren't offically autistic, but now that doesn't matter. they take in account speech and development as well as the behavoirs and watching them at play and how they respond to surroundings. they are finding out more and more for sure but they still cannot close in on what causes it.


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
RE: Kellogs to Print Austim Awareness On Their Cereal B...

>That autistic boy just celebrated his 18th birthday, he's an
>Eagle Scout, Vigil Honor recipeint from Scouting's National
>Honor Society, a blue belt in Okinawan Karate, I could go on
>for ages.
>Thanks for the post!!!

well give him a belate b-day hug. what a great deal of accomplishments, karate sounds great,viola will be doing a little at the camp the united way has set up in our city this summer.


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
I can see the other older kids looking
>and treating him differrent. It's like Isaac is oblivious to
>them. These are such special kids who bring so much into our
>lives. I have no idea what his future as a teen will bring. At
>my husbands work noone knows about Isaac (Darryl just doesn't
>say anything). Quite often they make fun of the kids on the
>"little yellow bus".

you know what's sad is many in my complex know but the teenagers pick on her. how tough to you have to be to be a 15 year old picking on a 7 year. for real, i put them in their place and tell them to bring their momma b/c i can knock her out too. i let ppl know that if you have something to say then say it 10 feet away from me b/c you won't like my response. especially the short bus comments. don't mess with the momma that has the biceps LOL.

my daughter is quite amazing to watch sometimes, how she does things we may never understand but to her is a creation of something big. she is quite the artist too, lots of coloring and drawing. love to build with blocks. she can be an architect i have a feeling that might be her thing. dh has mentioned to a few about viola, others were interested and i made them a list of websites to visit, others could care less, but thats okay if you are intersted and want to learn you have made the world a bit better.


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
RE: Kellogs to Print Austim Awareness On Their Cereal B...

Hi Kassia,

I always appreciate your posts regarding autism. And I am right there with you when people comment or react demeaningly to my DS. He lives with high-functioning autism and cerebral palsy. I "speak" to them in no uncertain terms about their inappropriate words and behaviors.

I also am amazed at the things my DS can do and the way he does many things --- like jig saw puzzles, complicated ones, upside down, always. And things like, I can throw down a big pile of pennies and say, "Wil, give me 23 pennies". He picks up a handful quickly, I count them, and there are 23, or any # I choose and he's always right on it. And he never forgets anything he's ever heard. He doesn't always verbalize it to me, but when he does it's all there.
Thanks Kassia! My nephew is autistic and his parents have encountered many of the problems you described with rude and snide comments in public. It breaks my heart in two. I couldn't agree more on the importance of getting the word out.
Thanks for posting this link Kassia. I have a very good friend and her daughter is autistic. I couldn't be more happier that the word is getting out.

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