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  1. D

    please Cathe, help with weak Abs

    Hi: I have a good answer for abs, but despite being a doctor and a martial artist, I must admit that my wife taught me this one, and it's very important, for the health of your neck!! (She's been trained as a Yoga Instructor, so had analyzed this more than I had before she brought this up.)...
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    What DVD's have no step exercises?

    Back to my original question. I just clicked on DVD's and went to that part of the website, there are offers there to buy "all 40" of Cathe's DVD. However, the page I went to only shows 17 DVD's on it, and I didn't see a "next page" button? Where are the other pages with DVD's? Or am I...
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    What DVD's have no step exercises?

    Correction to recipe given in last post My wife just corrected me on the following recipe: Carrot Citrus Cocktail (sorry, no liquor). The recipe is: (Per Person) 3 ounces of organic baby carrots, 1/8 of a lemon (peel and all), 1/2 of a can (can size 16 or 17 ounces) of sliced or shredded...
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    What DVD's have no step exercises?

    Hi Renee, and thanks for your response! I appreciate the input, but I think my wife is really looking for NO impact exercises, so I guess we'll go with one of the strength building DVD's, would you agree with others that Pure Strength is the one to start with, or would you go for Slow &...
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    How to avoid a flat butt??!!

    I just had to respond to your exercising banana image on your post! I think it's great! And as a reward, I'm quoting myself below to give you a recipe that's part of a post on another topic, wherein I gave this delicious Banana Walnut Ice Cream formula that I think you'll love, and which will...
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    Cathe, need a suggestions for losing 20-30 lbs

    RE: Dr. David! Hi! I just have a quick comment on your struggles with Coca-Cola etc. My wife and I have been on the Eat To Live type plan for months now, and I had an interesting experience. I had not drunk any coke for a month or more, and had discovered that "ordinary" stuff like apples...
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    I'm tired of trying to lose weight!

    RE: Dr David Interesting that you mention the Zone, as I believe Dr. Fuhrman talks about how Dr. McDougall once debated on live TV with Dr. Sears, the creator of the Zone Diet. Dr. Sears was claiming that he had been on his own diet for (I forget how many) yrs, and Dr. McDougall demonstrated...
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    I'm tired of trying to lose weight!

    RE: Dr David Actually, the Protein Myth is one of the biggest LIES that modern business has put over on the American people. And, it was compounded some 30 years ago by the vegetarian book by Francis Moore Lappe: Diet For A Small Planet. In that book she incorrectly stated that if you ate a...
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    I'm tired of trying to lose weight!

    Related to the book you recommend, there is also another excelletnt book (per my wife, as I must admit I've been too busy reading medical books recently to make time to read it) called: The Pleasure Trap by Goldhammer and Lisle, a chiropractor and a PhD psychologist. This book goes into the...
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    I'm tired of trying to lose weight!

    Please read my previous post in the section "need to lose 20-30 lbs." As I said there, after I had already lost the 20 lbs I wanted to lose, and was back to my usual weight, and not feeling particularly fat, my wife presented me with the book "Eat To Live" by Joel Fuhrman, M.D. I found out...
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    middle age fat

    You Old Maid you, 30 yrs old, you might as well throw in the towel ! ! ! ;-) I was 198 lbs (male but still overweight at 5'10") just about 8 months ago. I know Cathe will give you some excellent exercise advise, but the best advice you can get for "slowing down" and getting tired is to...
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    What DVD's have no step exercises?

    Hi I need help, as seen in my other posts, I'm a doctor in Rehab medicine and pretty much have the diet and nutrition thing totally licked by the book: Eat To Live by Joel Fuhrman, M.D. (see more description in my post to the topic "need to lose 20-30 lbs"). But I have another problem...
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    dumbbell requirements

    I have a suggestion. I found, in looking for dumbells that there is a teriffic way to save money and weight, and buy all the weights you need. For my wife, who's small (less than 100 lbs) and for me, getting started again from scratch, I bought a product made by the PowerBlock company, called...
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    Cathe, need a suggestions for losing 20-30 lbs

    Hi Guys! I just wanted to give some input on diet and nutrition. I am a physician, about to enter my last year of training in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. I started medical school very late (at age 47 !), but started with an interest in diet and nutrition over 35 years ago, and have...