What DVD's have no step exercises?

I need help, as seen in my other posts, I'm a doctor in Rehab medicine and pretty much have the diet and nutrition thing totally licked by the book: Eat To Live by Joel Fuhrman, M.D. (see more description in my post to the topic "need to lose 20-30 lbs").
But I have another problem. Despite excellent nutritional health and basically no excess fat on the body (due to very healthy eating), my wife and I both want to pack on some more muscle. We both enjoy bike riding and Table Tennis (which can be very vigorous when you get good at it, and are using your entire body to hit with the paddle, not just using your wrist as many do).
However, my wife has an old injury from being hit by a car when she was 11 yr old. She had a fractured left femur and has a leg length discrepancy of 1 inch (shorter on the left) and along with that, she had her PCL (posterior cruciate ligament) in the knee torn. Therefore, it would be very wearing on and damaging to her knee to do aerobics with a step due to all the extra weight being put on and dropped off onto her legs during those exercises.
So, the bottom line is: what Cathe DVD's have no step exercises/routines in them, and preferably emphasize strength training so we can buy something to build muscle but keep it low impact to protect her damaged knee?
Thanks much for your help, and Cathe, keep up the good work!
Hi Dr. David,

The only DVD I know of that definitely doesn't require a step is Kick Punch Crunch. This workout is higher impact in my opinion but can certainly be modified to lower impact by using smaller, less explosive movements. I am not sure about other cardio workouts...

As for strength training, Cathe's workouts often utilize a step for typical bench-work such as bench press and tricep extensions. The only exercises, to my knowledge, that require the actual stepping motion are step-ups and other movements such as the lunge done with one foot on the step. Cathe uses the high-step often for these types of movements. The other part of the KPC DVD, Legs & Glutes, uses the high step for many movements. You could probably benefit from many of her strength-only workouts such as Power Hour, Pure Strength, and the Pyramids. If there is a step warm-up, you can definitely modify it or just warm-up by walking or doing lighter sets for a few minutes. My only concern is the use of a barbell. Would having weight on her back bother your wife's knee? If so, she can certainly use dumbbells or no weight.

I'm sure you'll get more input. Some people have the entire Cathe collection, and they will be able to give you the most accurate advice.


I don't do any step aerobics either, but I have all of Cathe's strength training workouts, which I love. If it's strength training only that you're looking for, I started with the Pure Strength series and have been hooked ever since. These workouts earned the highly coveted Hall of Fame distinction on videofitness.com. (If you haven't yet been to videofitness.com, it's a great way to learn about all the workout videos that are out there). The DVD contains 3 workouts, each one targeting different muscles and each one about 45 mins. long. You can do one workout per day, once or twice per week depending upon how much time you have. Once you've been doing PS for a few months, we can recommend further Cathe strength training videos for you.

I believe Cardio Kicks doesn't use a step, also the CTX Kickbox doesn't use a step. I'm not sure about Boot Camp if it uses a step, I don't remember. However have you considered doing Cathe's routines on the floor, even though she uses a step? Although a step would be helpful, no doubt, I'm sure you can do most of the same moves on the floor.
I have knee problems too. Here's my pics:


KPC!! love this one. Cardio Kicks has no step either but it just doesn't do it for me (sorry Cathe!).

Weight Lifting:

Pyramids UB and LB - Excellent to put on muscle!
Supersets and Push Pull - Great medium weight routine...not as intense as Pyramids, but excellent premixes that can kick up the intensity or great short workouts for days you need to do a FBWO in 1 hour.
Legs & Glutes - wonderful LB workout!
Slow & Heavy - just what it says...heavy lifting, slow pace, definitely a muscle builder. I own this and have watched it but haven't yet put it into my routine due to time constraints.
Muscle Endurance - great HARD weight routine with lighter weights and more reps
Pure Strength - I have heard wonderful things about this but I don't own it.

I usually mix one heavier workout with one endurance workout (both FB) per week. I find this mix gives me great muscle definition without over-training. Also, many of her weight lifting DVDs use a step as a weight bench or to step up on with weights, but those I listed have no step aerobics. My physical therapist told me I can step up with weights as long as I use the step on a low setting and use good form. I would not recommend the high step for your wife, just a regular step would be good and she can set the height to a level that works for her and her body.

If she doesn't want to step up at all just sub something else for those moves, they are not a big part of the workout except in ME.
Hi Dr. David -- Just wanted to add to the kickboxing recommendations that Cathe has a few workouts with hi/lo cardio done on the floor. I don't know if your wife can do high impact on the floor, but the hi/lo on Step, Jump, & Pump is really fun. The pre-mixes allow for hi/lo only or hi/lo with weight circuits. Maximum Intensity Cardio has a lot of hi/lo too, but it's not as fun to me for some reason (maybe because it's so tough! :) ). Another option for low impact, but getting to do all of Cathe's amazingly fun step routines is to find or cut a rug the size of a step and use it flat on the floor in place of the step. I know that some women do this while pregnant or for lower impact on the knees.

Also, a fellow Cathe friend alerted me to your posts since you are discussing Dr. Fuhrman's book. I've read it (she has too) and we planned to do it via e-mail together last year, but both struggled on some points. I was just reading it again the other night and was considering trying again. Can you help me out a bit? I already eat no dairy and no refined sugars (and am almost perfect on the whole grains only). I'm not a vegetarian, but I can live without eating much meat -- I usually just eat chicken occasionally. I love fruit and whole wheat cereal with flax every morning. But where I stumbled and struggled was learning to eat and love my vegetables. *sigh* I found some salad recipes I liked, but felt like I was probably getting too much oil with the dressing, even though it was a non-processed oil and dressing. I even did better on the bean consumption that I thought I would. The one thing I do remember while doing it (only did it well for about a week and a half) was that my mouth always tasted good. I could forget to brush my teeth and would still wake up the next morning feeling like I'd just had a piece of fruit candy in my mouth. It was amazing.

But back to my cry for help :D , I'd love to try, okay, I'd love to DO this again -- I just don't have the confidence that I can figure out how to make peace with the vegetables (and that's a HUGE part of it, I know). I do have a few McDougall cookbooks and Marilu Henner ones too -- it's just getting myself in the habit of shopping for the availability of the ingredients for quick and easy cooking.

So any suggestions you could throw my way would be greatly appreciated (sorry to hijack your thread!)
Hi Renee, and thanks for your response!

I appreciate the input, but I think my wife is really looking for NO impact exercises, so I guess we'll go with one of the strength building DVD's, would you agree with others that Pure Strength is the one to start with, or would you go for Slow & Heavy?
Now to the "other" issue. Cool, and I don't mind a bit that you've "hijacked" my thread!
I think I'll try to con my wife (Claudia) into answering you on a lot of this, as she the cook in the family and has some fantastic ways to make veges taste great! But first let me say, my wife & I were both on the McDougall diet for health reasons and lost no weight on it (except by counting calories, which we don't have to do with Dr. Fuhrman's diet.) There's a major difference between their diets, namely, Dr. McDougall has a lot of grains in his diet which have much lower levels of phytonutrients (than what's found in all those greens in Dr. Fuhrman's "diet"), so even though his diet may reduce your chances of getting heart disease, or help control your diabetes, unlike Dr. Fuhrman's, it will probably not ELIMINATE your chances of getting heart disease, nor CURE you of your diabetes, which I think will happen with the Eat To Live diet!
Now to your issue. You need to have a way to eat more greens without feeling "blanded to death," nor getting fat from all the oil in the dressing. On the latter issue I can help. Claudia and I have found a WonderFul salad dressing that is a Delicious Raspberry flavor!
It's called Consorzio Raspberry & Balsamic Fat-Free Dressing, it costs about $3-4 per 12 oz bottle, and it's so good we buy a box of 6 bottles at a time to make sure we don't run out of it. (I hope posting this here doesn't cause a national run on it that makes it unavailable to us!) My wife usually uses 2 tablespoonfulls which only contain 30 calories, and this is for a salad that is half a large head of lettuce (for each of us), then we sprinkle walnuts on it (for those good for you Omega 3, anti-inflammatory essential oils), not to mention adding another delicious topping for us. [Of course, for those of you who haven't read Eat To Live yet, this is just the salad, then there's more later for the rest of the meal). You'll probably like the fact that Consorzio is based in Napa, California.
For more ideas, you might want to join the online group at drfuhrman.com, even though it's not free, it's worth it, as they get to ask individual questions of Dr. Fuhrman, and they also share recipies, and he has an information packed newsletter bi-monthly (every 2 months) that's 8 pages long with all the lastest info, or an in-depth topic discussion. (Again, I don't get any "kickback" or whatever for advocating for his healthy ideas etc.)
My wife has developed an excellent sauce whose main ingredient is cashews, for pouring over & mixing in with steamed kale, so I'm going to turn this over to her, and ask her to give you her recipe, including amounts of kale to use etc. Good luck in your quest for perfect health! DrD

Hi, this is David's wife. The recipe isn't really original, rather I just modified the recipe for "Kale w/Cashew Cream Sauce from the ETL website, to produce the "onion haters" version, because David and I don't like onions. Anyway.... steam an entire bunch of kale, and while it is steaming, blend up 2 ounces of raw cashews, 1/2 cup plain soymilk, 1 1/2 teaspoons of vogue vege base, and 1/8 tsp of asafoetida (hing) to make the sauce. That last ingredient is an exotic indian spice, that we onion haters tend to use. Vogue Vege Base is my favorite soup broth powder, and the original recipe actually did call for it. Pour the sauce over the Kale, mixing well. This recipe serves two (in our house, anyway).

Two other vegetable oriented recipes I use a lot are from the ETL book. I take the recipe for Tofu Spinach Pot, and substitute an entire bunch of Swiss Chard, which is really excellent in that recipe (in addition to being an onion hater, I also hate spinach). I also substitute 1/8 tsp of asafoetida for the 1/8 tsp of onion powder. The second recipe is the zesty tomato garlic dressing, which I make a whole quart of at a time. This dressing goes well on salads with beans, corn, and tomatoes on top. You can throw frozen corn on your salad and don't even have to pre-cook it. If you carry your salad to work with you, it defrosts just fine and is nice and sweet. David likes edamame beans (soy beans) on salad, and I like chickpeas.

We eat salads at lunch and at dinner, so we each eat about a head of lettuce every day. We also have a cooked green vegetable at dinner time, which means we split an entire bunch of some cooked green vegetable between the two of us. I also eat about 2 cups of starchy vegetables every day, and only occasionally have any kind of grain.

As far as all that salad goes, the easiest way to do it on work days is to buy the bags of salad greens. We split a bag of salad greens for each of our salads. For weekend salads, I'll do the washing and chopping myself, but during the week its way easier to just buy the bags of salad greens even though they cost more.

DrD back again, a few extra pieces of info: 1. the asafoetida (hing) may be hard to find, you'll probably have to go to at least a health food store, and maybe an Indian foods store (cheaper there than at a health food store) to find it; 2. the edamame we get are frozen and then only have to be cooked for 5 minutes, they are about the size and shape of kidney beans but are a bright green, so don't substitute the little tiny brown soy beans you might find otherwise, I don't think they'll taste nearly as good, (from what I've heard); 3. We got large plastic reusable containers to carry our salads to work everyday for lunch, we got them at Walmart, they're made by Rubbermaid, and say "Stainshield" on them; 4. It's kind of funny, we used to eat sandwiches everyday, now we almost never do, and we therefore eat a lot less grains than we used to; 5. Another couple of things we've noticed are: a) when we quit dairy products, Claudia lost her sinus allergies which caused headaches, b) her cholesterol dropped 60 points!, c) I had decreased headache frequency, and d) my blood pressure dropped 40 points (from low level hypertension at 145/95 to better than "perfect" BP at 105/70 ! ! !; 6. Another way to get veges into your day, and have something delicious is what we do at breakfast most days: It's called a Carrot Citrus Cocktail (sorry, no liquor). The recipe is: (Per Person) 3 ounces of organic baby carrots,
1/8 of a lemon (peel and all), 1/2 of a can (can size 16 or 17 ounces) of sliced or shredded pineapple and 1 cup of ice cubes. Put it all in a VitaMix (VitaMix.com) as this will kill most blenders, and run it on the highest speed for 1 minute. Then drink a delicious beverage for breakfast, add popped corn, or nuts and/or raisins (or oatmeal and raisins) to complete the meal.
This is more than I had time for tonight, but appreciate your input, and wish you the best. Also, don't forget to go to drfuhrman.com and check that out.
Correction to recipe given in last post

My wife just corrected me on the following recipe:

Carrot Citrus Cocktail (sorry, no liquor). The recipe is: (Per Person) 3 ounces of organic baby carrots,
1/8 of a lemon (peel and all), 1/2 of a can (can size 16 or 17 ounces) of sliced or shredded pineapple and 1 cup of ice cubes. Put it all in a VitaMix (VitaMix.com) as this will kill most blenders, and run it on the highest speed for 1 minute. Then drink a delicious beverage for breakfast, add popped corn, or nuts and/or raisins (or oatmeal and raisins) to complete the meal.

I just posted this, but the error is the amount of lemon, I accidentally doubled the amount, so use 1/16th of a lemon instead of 1/8 for a one person serving of 16 to 20 ounces of beverage. We, of course, always use 1/8th of a lemon, because we make it for the two of us.
Best Wishes again,
Thanks so much for all the information! First to answer your question -- my favorites of Cathe's heavier are the Pyramids (maybe because it's not always heavy) and the weight work on the CTX series. I like the PS and S&H, but seemed to be a lot hungrier and felt more exhausted throughout the day, so I tend to do better with the ones I mentioned and the lighter, but still challenging weight workouts like Power Hour, Muscle Endurance, Legs & Glutes, and the new ball workouts Super Sets and Push/Pull.

Back to nutrition, I've never really tried the McDougall plan. I just knew that they had dairy free, whole grain recipes, so I picked up a few of their cookbooks (the 15 Minute one is my favorite) and draw from it for meal ideas. But I agree -- when I have the option to eat as many grains as I want, I eat way too many and sabatoge any hopes of losing weight. I have six children and am a SAHM, so what I like to do is make up a big salad or soup and draw from it for several lunches since I tend to snack all day long if I don't eat something substantial while home during the day with my little ones. So I'll try your suggestions (and shouldn't have trouble finding the ingredients -- we have several really good health food stores here -- in fact, I've had a huge bag of edamame in my freezer for some time -- need to try cooking it again! :D ). Thanks for the tip with the website. I went there long ago and didn't know if it was worth it to pay -- didn't know if there was a lot of support there or not.

Anyway -- thanks again!
Back to my original question. I just clicked on DVD's and went to that part of the website, there are offers there to buy "all 40" of Cathe's DVD. However, the page I went to only shows 17 DVD's on it, and I didn't see a "next page" button?
Where are the other pages with DVD's? Or am I missing something?
Thanks, DrD
Dr. I think it's all 40 workouts, not 40 DVDs. Most DVDs have 2-3 separate workouts (meaning they are on different VHS, but bundled onto the DVDs). If you can afford it, it's definitely the best deal. I've already spent more than that over several months and don't have anywhere near ALL of her workouts. :)

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