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  1. K

    Clear liquid diet

    Hi!! I have never really considered this, but I would have to say that beer, light colored is a clear liquid. Keep in mind beer is also dehydrating, and most of the products used to cleanse the bowel will cause dehydration, therefore starting out hydrated is very important. one other thing is...
  2. K

    Clear liquid diet

    Hi!! I have had quite a few of these procedures and the diet is not new to me. You are correct about it being limited. I drank light juice, and clear teas, and sucked on hard candy most of the day. Gatorade is good because depending on the preparation used you may loose some of the...
  3. K


    Thanks for the inspiration. This message came tonight, just when I was feeling down today about running out of time to do my " planned" workout. yes, you are exactly right. Just amazing how the messages we need at times end up right at that time. Thanks for the sunday evening blessing. i am...
  4. K


    Thanks for all of your encouraging words. i am trying but still very hard. My husband gets upset with me at times, and I can not blame him. I do eat sweet potatoes often, do they have to be yams, aren't they the same thing, just cooked differently? What was the time period you gained up to...
  5. K


    Hi!! If you do not mind sharing how long it took you to agin weight and what your BMI ws when you started to gain. My therapist and the fertility specialist both feel my lack of periods are due to my weight. I am anxious about gaining but am wiing to do it, my husband and I are ready to start...
  6. K


    Hi!! Thanks so much for all of your shared experiences. I feel like sometimes I can commit to eating better and exercising less, then it becomes very difficult emootionally for me. It is so nice to hear that you are doing so much better now, and have healthy children. I was hospitalized in...
  7. K


    Hi Thanks for the info. What did you do to help with the weight gain? Was it hard? I want to gain but it is tough, mentally, not tough to eat junk and be lazy, but then I feel so terrible, emotinally. I am going to see someone to help me with what I think is on the verge of anorexia, I was...
  8. K


    Thanks for the info. Do you know why your periods are irregular without the herb? If I am getting too personal I will understand if you do not want to answer a few other questions I have. I have, per the fertility specialist I went to, hypothalamic amenorrhea. He stated he thought I should...
  9. K


    Interesting, do you have regular periods with this herb? Where do you get it? I will definately look into it. I am taking zoloft for anxiety and stress, and need to make sure it will not interact with the medication. Thanks so much for the information. Take care, Kim
  10. K


    Hi!! I am having the same problem. I have not menstruated without hormonal drugs for over a year. I came off the pill last May, and still am not regular heck I do not menstruate at all right now. I have cut doen my workouts and tried to increase Kcal to gain wt, this is what the fertility...
  11. K

    Dont' you eat?

    Hi!! I viewed your picture trail and think you look great. I am considering purchasing the P90X DVD set, I am trying to put on some muscle mass, but have gotten off the beaten path lately and need a new workout to help challenge my muscles and get me back motivated. I have definition but lack...
  12. K

    A comparison of SH & P90X...

    Hi! I have been thinking of getting the P90X training set, I am looking for someting new. I have been doing Cathe for a few years. do you feel it is a good program, and I could benefit from it. Just trying to get some opinions before I purchase, I have been so pleased with Cathe that I am...
  13. K


    well, fist of all congrats to you, I hope al is going well for you. I feel like everywhere I go there are tons of kids and pregnant women around. Wish it wer me. Did you find out why you had problems? My husband and I have not been having intercourse as often due to me not having a period...
  14. K


    I am not taking any fertility drugs, I am taking zoloft for some obsessive complusiveness I have, I am type A personality, kind of high strung much of the time. What tests did you have done, I have only had prolactin, FSH tests, I do not think I have had any others. What made them say you had...
  15. K


    hi!! i am going through something similar. I have not had a period for 14 months. My gyn attributes it to stress, and decreased body weight. I have started to decrease my exercise dramatically, and trying to get my stress under control, and increse my weight some, but I miss working out...
  16. K


    Hi!! Do they know why you were not ovulating. I amnot either, fertility specialist feels I do not have enough estrogen. Let me know trying to get all the info i can before I do any drastic measures. Best of luck. Kim
  17. K

    Irregular periods and TTC

    Hi Shannon! i have been off the pill for 14 months, and have had only one period and that was with the help of progesterone, and estrogen, and made me feel awful. I went to a fertility specialist and he felt it was my stress and low body weight. I am trying to get control over these things...
  18. K

    trying to conceive , but lacking periods

    Thanks so much Kate!! you have been a great inspiration to me because it is thursday I have not had one hard workout all week, kind of craving it, ya know? I will keep you posted, fist I have to get my periods back. Take care and I will still be checking in. Have a great day! Kim
  19. K

    trying to conceive , but lacking periods

    Kate, thank you so much for that response. It is helpful to know I am on the right path in my thinking. I plan on getting that book this week sometime. Just hearing you speak of your kids is such inspiration and makes me long for those days, and that moment my baby is in my arms for the first...
  20. K

    trying to conceive , but lacking periods

    Hi!! Thank you for sharing your story. Everyone has been so open and I really appreciate it. Well, I am pretty frustruated aobut not having regular cycles and never knowing if I am going to ovulate or have a period so I can get pregnant, and have not worked out in a few days. Sometimes it...