Clear liquid diet

Hi Catherine,
I just had one 2 weeks ago. I drank green tea
and my neighbor made me a vegetable broth. Low in salt. I did suck on frozen lemonade pops that I made with Newman's Lemonade. Good Luck with your tests. Mine were fine.
Hi!! I have had quite a few of these procedures and the diet is not new to me. You are correct about it being limited. I drank light juice, and clear teas, and sucked on hard candy most of the day. Gatorade is good because depending on the preparation used you may loose some of the electrolytes in your body. You can buy veggie broht at the store, its pretty good. Good luck hope all is well. Take care
Thanks for the suggestions. I will try the veggie broth. I don't really like gator aide. I really just like water, but I know that I will need more than that.


I haven't had these regularly, but I did have a bunch of problems a few years back that required a series of scans... Since there are so many of you who have experience with this diet and its requirements, maybe you can help me settle something:

Does beer count as a clear liquid? Why or why not? It's clear, and it's a liquid, right? Would it make a difference if it were dark or light beer?

PS This is not a joke - this was an issue that I argued with someone about and I'm curious about how you interpret "clear liquids".


Hi!! I have never really considered this, but I would have to say that beer, light colored is a clear liquid. Keep in mind beer is also dehydrating, and most of the products used to cleanse the bowel will cause dehydration, therefore starting out hydrated is very important. one other thing is that many procedure require a form of sedative and alcohol in the system is NOT a good idea, not sure the MD would perform the procedure if one had had alcohol in the last 24-48 hrs unless an emergency. I know this is not clear cut. If the debate is just what is a clear liquid then yes beer is, but if it is what is allowed on a clear liquid diet then beer is not included, in my opinion. Hope this helps and makes sense. Take care, good luck, Kim

Good for you for having this done. I had to have one when I was 40 (4 years ago) b/c of family history. I drank Diet 7Up, clear grape juice and - sorry - chicken broth. Be sure to have a comfy toilet seat (next time I'm buying a cushy one just for that evening!) and a good book.

Good luck. I'm sure your results will be fine too.


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