trying to conceive , but lacking periods

Hi!! Thank you for sharing your story. Everyone has been so open and I really appreciate it. Well, I am pretty frustruated aobut not having regular cycles and never knowing if I am going to ovulate or have a period so I can get pregnant, and have not worked out in a few days. Sometimes it seems easier to just give up on trying to be healthy, and eat like a pig and not work out. But that never makes me feel any better. I think I will try to put on a few pounds first and if I am still not regular I will likely seek treatments. I am 28 and my biiological clock is ticking away, and it is pulling on both myself and my husband. Any suggestions as to if this is what I should do, or try first? I am so happy for those of you who have conceived, and been able to have kids. And thanks for sharing the ups and downs of wieghts and how you were able to get back into shape, it is inspirational to me. Just keep telling myself that I know how to get back into good shape and I can do it. I have to keep my focus on what I want most importantly right now. But I feel these same way about those very shapely women who seem to concieve naturally. Well, I have got to run. thanks again to all, this is wonderful for me. Talk to ya later, KIm
OK, here's the cancer scoop as I understand it.

When you don't have a regular period as the good Lord intended your hormones are not balanced. When your hormones are not balanced (for example: too much or too little estrogen or progesterone) you're setting yourself up for cancer. Maybe not tomorrow, but down the road.

Also, the longer and more imbalanced your hormones are, the harder it is for them to rebalance naturally.

There are 2 books I highly recommend to anyone: Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler (sp?) and also another one about premenopause (which is pretty much what I'm in according to this book). Shoot! I can't think of the name. It's by John Lee, MD. Both of these books are awesome reads to any woman but esp. when you're trying to conceive. I loaned out my premen. book so I'll call my friend tomorrow for the title.

Your dr. didn't mention this because they don't know about this. Drs. treat illness not wellness. Thy just want to prescribe a drug to mask a symptom, not fix the problem that's CAUSING the symptom!

There was a vitamin that one really smart dr. had me get that seemed to help with better-quality cervical fluid. It's called Optivite PMT. (premenstrual tension). I got it at Westside Drugs which I think is also called CVS Pharmacy. It really made a difference in the amount and quality of my cervical fluid, which is essential for the sperm to swim to the egg. Does anyone else get COMPLETELY DRY like the Sahara down there?! OUCH - feels like sandpaper sometimes even just walking. I'd get so dry I would actually bleed.

I'll get back on tomorrow night w/ the name of that book. C-ya soon!
Hey, Kim! Quitting/lessening workouts would be a difficult thing to do. But, man, I love my girls and can't imagine life w/o them. You're in a different boat than me since I already have 2 kids, but having them...let's just say I wouldn't trade my girls for a rock-hard body.

My dr. didn't think it was the weights that was throwing my cycles off. He thinbks it's the intensity of the cardio. So what if you tried keeping your weghtlifting routine what it is but just took a good long walk with your hubby every night? I know, I know...easier said than done. Who here doesn't get pumped for Imax2 night in their rotation?! But if you could even know the fraction of joy you'd have from your own sweet babe in your arms...

Check out the books I mentioned above, esp. Taking Charge OYF. I can't stress enough how important this book is to someone trying to conceive. You will LOVE it. It will teach you the EXACT days that you're fertile!!! It's a huge thick book, but it's a very easy read.. you'll have it done in 2 days tops. Let me know if you get it & what you think. If you have any questions about it let me know. I've read the whole thing backwards and forwards so many times.

well, this is all for of luck!
Kate, thank you so much for that response. It is helpful to know I am on the right path in my thinking. I plan on getting that book this week sometime. Just hearing you speak of your kids is such inspiration and makes me long for those days, and that moment my baby is in my arms for the first time, how amazingly wonderful it must feel. :7
Thanks for all the info again, take care
Kim, I hope everything goes well for you. That sweet baby is SO WORTH a few months of a workout "layoff". You can ALWAYS get back into it after you've delivered. Who knows, maybe it isn't so bad to have a not rock-hard body after all! Yeah, right - try convincing us Cathe addicts of that one! Once you go Cathe, you can never go back!! Seriously, you're making a good decision. You and your husband will be so happy when you get news of a pregnancy and it will be completely worth it. Not sure if you'll be posting on this site anymore, so keep me informed of your progress. My email is [email protected]. Just be sure to make a mention in the subject line about this or you might get deleted!

Thanks so much Kate!! you have been a great inspiration to me because it is thursday I have not had one hard workout all week, kind of craving it, ya know? I will keep you posted, fist I have to get my periods back. Take care and I will still be checking in. Have a great day!

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