Dont' you eat?


Hi all,

I was asked this question a few weeks ago by someone I hadn't
seen in a while. He then asked if I was trying to get as skinny
another co worker. He said that she has no shape to her body.
I wanted to say that is because her only form of exercise is
cardio and she won't strength train. I do both of those, like
all of us here on this forum. Anyway I wasn't offended because I
don't think he said it to be mean, just giving an opinion. I
expect I am not the only one here that has been asked this
question. FYI I do eat and quite often.
No one has ever said it to me because I obviously eat too much. :( {working on it}

However, I think people blurt out remarks about personal attributes of other people way too much. For whatever reason, people think its okay.

With that said, it sounds like he was just making conversation. And, he's the kind of man who likes a few curves on a lady. Most men do. However, curves don't necessarily equate to soft fluffiness. I would like to see myself as curvy but with firm definition. {I have a dream!}
When I first began the **serious** part of my journey (weights, cardio, better diet), I dropped a lot of weight pretty fast (nursing helped). The weight came off first but the muscle tone was not there to add curves so I had that no shape look and I did get constant comments, usually "too thin" by someone who...well...was the opposite (shall I say). I increased my lean protein intake and stuck to Cathe for weights, the muscle mass came and the question changed from "Do you eat?" to "Are you a personal trainer?";-)

I am still in that journey to reshape my body and at 5ft 2 inches
125 lbs size 8 I didn't think that was to thin. But that is an
individual opinon too. I have lost 25 lbs in the last year and a
half so it has really changed the way I look.

I did ask a few girlfriends and my boyfriend if they thought I
looked too thin and I insisted they be honest. They thought that
I look good and fit so I felt a little better because it easy to
get carried away and achive a look of no muscle tone. Working
out with Cathe's strength workout I feel that I am not in danger of
losing muscle tone. Very grateful that we have Cathe. I feel like
I am working out with a good friend who has the same goals as me.
I hear it all the time from people who don't see me eat. If they only knew how much I eat, their jaws would hit the floor. I let it roll off my shoulders when I hear this. Doesn't bother me.

I go to lunch with some of my co-workers and one of them eats like a bird! I feel like such a pig sometimes. It's not about a # on the scale, its about how you feel inside and out.
If people saw my weekly grocery bill they wouldn't ask
"dont you eat" they would probably ask "how can you eat
that much"??? he he
I eat about 1,700 calories per day average, I try for 1,400 or 1,500 but
I often go over. I can really see a difference in that eating
good quality foods compared to junk or processed foods does not
cause the weight gain that I used to experience.
No one ever asks me if I eat, but my DH does ask me "where do you put it?". I love that one. Only he knows how much I truly consume, and he is perpetually aghast that I'm not the size of a mobile home. It makes me feel like I'm getting away with something. }(
I think Nancy's eating strategy is a good one, and I aim for her method most days... not that I make it!!!

I went to lunch with coworkers for a year and *every* day they would comment on what I was eating or question what it was. Yes, it was just as enjoyable as it sounds...

I still can't believe I made it there for so long without shouting to them "JUST LET ME EAT!!!!!!"
Hi!! I viewed your picture trail and think you look great. I am considering purchasing the P90X DVD set, I am trying to put on some muscle mass, but have gotten off the beaten path lately and need a new workout to help challenge my muscles and get me back motivated. I have definition but lack bulk, too much cardio at times I guess. Would you please share more about the workout and overall plan? I would love to know if it worked, and if it was difficult to stick with, boring, exciting, eating plan, workout schedule, hours a day you devoted to it, etc? Any additional info would be great. Thanks so much for sharing. Keep up the great work. Take care!!
My pet peeve with this is "is it any of your business?" I know that sometimes people don't mean it in a bad way, but I often wonder why people feel the need to comment on the strangest personal things. I get that a lot about my height too, where total strangers will just throw comments out at me as they walk past me in the mall. Hello?

I am with Nancy...most people wonder why I don't weigh 400 pounds b/c of the amount that I eat!
I think whatever the stage of your fitness journey, those NOT on it will feel the need to comment. When friends and family told me I was getting too thin I didn't mind, after all, they are supposed to have your back. But strangers and aquaintance? Shut up, if you please, that's what I say.

I too, eat like a horse. Long live food! :D


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
Actually, I always get "don't you ever stop eating?".

Which would explain the size of my rear end and every other part of me. *sigh*
Shelley, you words are belied by your picturetrail. }( Welcome to the "where does she put it?" gang. :p

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