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  1. P

    New clips are TOTALLY WICKED!!!!

    I ALWAYS use FireFox as my browser. Nice to read someone else does also. I had the same problem with the DVD and opened it up in Explorer.
  2. P

    Our Stray kitty

    I am going to throw out "Boxcar Willy" again. He sort of lives like a hobo and your cat door must be like jumping in and out of a boxcar.
  3. P

    Our Stray kitty

    >Shelly is right we have Rocky and Apollo brothers form the >same litter. They are 99% black. We also have Sidney Crosby ( >who shares an exact birthda w/ DS, Nick) a kitten we rescued >in December, also 99% black. > >>Judy "Likes2bfit" > > > My my most beloved pet ever was a cat...
  4. P

    Need a gift idea....

    Another one, a twelve pack of his favorite beer or drink, with a box of depends.
  5. P

    Need a gift idea....

    You could mix up his gift with something real and something funny. A gift certificate to Pizza Hut with a box of GasX. That way you are covered in both the "real gift" and "gag gift" category w/o spending too much money.
  6. P

    Any updates on Hip Hop Abs?

    Does anyone have an new input on the Hip Hop Abs workout?
  7. P

    Has anyone tried the workout Core Rythems

    Has anyone tried the workout Core Rythems?
  8. P

    Anyone else have a crazy life and trying to fit exercise in?

    On nights when I know I have a tight schedule because I have to run out of the house practically as soon as I get home and make dinner, I will sacrifice my dinner and looking like a supermodel when I go out. I will make dinner for everyone and then pop my DVD in. About 5 minutes before I have...
  9. P

    Fitness Freak...need rotation help

    Fitness Freak will answer you. Just give her a chance. She did an EXCELLENT rotation for me. Thank you!
  10. P

    sorry for being repetitive....but I'll try here too

    What do YMMV amd IMO mean?
  11. P

    Anyone else have a crazy life and trying to fit exercise in?

    I hear you sister! I have a full time job with 2 kids. The one thing I did have to do was to say I am going to get 30 minutes no matter what is going on around me. A quick, no thinking, 25 minute workout I swear by is Billy Blanks Tae Bo Cardio Circuit 1. It helped me to lose 20lbs, I swear...
  12. P

    Tae Bo Live: Advanced Volume 4

    What do you think of this? I have heard this is a great cardio workout with good music?
  13. P

    Has anyone tried the workout Hip Hops Abs?

    The other DVD's I was thinking of are called CORE RYTHEMS. Has anyone tried those? They look fun.
  14. P

    Billy Blanks?

    Jennifit Good. I know that you will like those videos. The reason I have done Cardio Circuit 1 so many times is because I can do it when I am tight on time. If you skip the streching at the begining and end (I know, I know, but sometimes you only have 25min window) you can get the workout...
  15. P

    Billy Blanks?

    Cardio Circuit 1. I have done it a million times, it is a fast and furious workout, and I swear that is why I lost 2" off of my waist.
  16. P

    Has anyone tried the workout Hip Hops Abs?

    Lorajc, Thanks. You are at a higher level than I am for Cardio that is for sure! I am sorry to hear about your job. I hope you get another one soon (and a better one). I did think that the price was a little high for this DVD set. I really only want the Level 1 + 2 of the cardio to add...
  17. P

    Has anyone tried the workout Hip Hops Abs?

    Lorajc, Thanks for the input. I like variety, especially when it comes to cardio. Would say that these DVD's are for those days when you want to do cardio, but not an intense all out cardio? (or days when all you want to do is take off your work clothes, put on your "fat" comfy pants and veg)
  18. P

    Has anyone tried the workout Hip Hops Abs?

    Yes, I would appreciate your review of the HIP HOP Abs. Thanks!
  19. P

    Has anyone tried the workout Hip Hops Abs?

    OK thanks, I read the reviews on Forum.Videofitness. Are there any High Intensity Catheites who can tell me how the workouts are for those of us who like to sweat? I don't feel like I got a cardio workout unless I am sweaty.
  20. P

    Has anyone tried the workout Hip Hops Abs?

    OK thanks, I read the reviews on Forum.Videofitness. Are there any High Intensity Catheites who can tell me how the workouts are for those of us who like to sweat? I don't feel like I got a cardio workout unless I am sweaty.