Our Stray kitty

Thank you everyone for sharing your cat stories. Our nameless kitty is showing up late at night, at eating drinking and leaving before we get up. I was hoping he might stay inside a bit longer with the current snow storm we are experiencing.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
DH was considering naming him after our friend who passed this weekend. He was from Tenessee and passionate about Tennessee college sports. perhaps we may do something related to that.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Judy - fellow Buffalonian?

I've had two tuxedo kitties. One was named "Smithers". She ran away when I was taking her to the vet. She got out of my arms, and since I had my 4 month old with me, I couldn't really go chasing her. It was heartbreaking - she was so sweet.

Now we have one and her name is T.C. (Teri's Cat). (Teri is my daughter). This cat is also super sweet.

How about "Tennesee"? Remember Tennesee Tuxedo from the Underdog Show?

I think it's great you're taking responsibility for this cat. During the warmer weather, my favorite cat, Purrple, is almost never inside. She comes home overnight every couple of nights and it always worries me. I know they should be indoor cats, but they're so much happier being able to go out and run around in our woods.

We are just outside Rochester actually.

Tennessee does come to mind and I like it. But he has only been showing up at night. I heard him meow at 5:00 this morning and then he was gone . Does he really need a name at this point? I guess he does.

I agree about letting them be outside, especially since we have no traffic near here.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
I've had cats that were strictly "indoor". Then when we moved to our house, with 3 acres, the male was spraying everywhere (he was neutered). When I started letting him out, not only did he slim down to a healthy weight, he never sprayed inside again. He was a much happier cat.

I would give him a name. It seems like he feels you're his family now.

If you don't mind me asking, where outside of Rochester? I live in Webster.

I like the Maxim Affiniganoff (I can't spell it either) idea. My husband is an Amerks fan and says Maxim's nickname is "MadMax".

>Shelly is right we have Rocky and Apollo brothers form the
>same litter. They are 99% black. We also have Sidney Crosby (
>who shares an exact birthda w/ DS, Nick) a kitten we rescued
>in December, also 99% black.
>>Judy "Likes2bfit"

My my most beloved pet ever was a cat named "Adrienne". I was going to name her "Rocky" until we took her to the vet and found out "he" was a "she". Speaking of Rocky, I take it that you are a fan. Have you seen the new Rocky Balboa movie? Sly looks fantastic! I thought he looked best in Rocky 3 and Rambo 2. Back to the naming....

I vote for Boxcar Willy (because he sort of lives like a hobo) or Tenessee.

I also had a tuxedo cat and we named him "Socrates" so we could call him "Socks" because of his white paws.

I have two sister cats that my daughters named Dora and Molly. Dora the explorer and Molly from Loonette and Molly on the Big comfy couch show. We should have named them "Bubbles and Squeek" from the Discovery show Meercat Manor. Squeek would have been perfect for Molly because she talks all the time.

Good Luck and thank you for rescuing that cat.

Paula Sue
I am going to throw out "Boxcar Willy" again. He sort of lives like a hobo and your cat door must be like jumping in and out of a boxcar.

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