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  1. J

    What Do You Do For A Living?

    I manage a small business in NE Michigan. The Co. manufactures a one of a kind lock nut, called the Slip-On Lock Nut. I do it all, shipping & receiving, payable, receivables, payroll, and on and on. Not exactly my passion, but it's a pretty good job. I dream of having a job that either deals...
  2. J

    OT/ What do you coffee drinkers put in your coffee??

    I don't like black coffee, so to keep it light & tasty I add a little sugarfree hot cocoa, along with skim milk, and a little splenda. I just have to have that slightly sweet taste....need to work on the sweets alltogether:o
  3. J

    P90X Supplements

    Wow! Thanks for all the great info. I'm definately looking into some sort of recovery drink once I start the program. I'm really looking forward to this.
  4. J

    P90X Supplements

    Yes, I'm curious about creatine too. I've had a container sitting in my cupboard for about 6 months now, (fiance only used it a couple times before). I guess i'm a little afraid of taking it, because I don't want to "bulk" up. I heard that it makes the muscles pop by making them hold more...
  5. J

    P90X Supplements

    I havn't got my P90X system yet, put I didn't order the supplements either. I don't take anything now but a multi-vitamin. Should I add a recovery drink of some sort after my workouts, or is eating dirrectly after OK? I've found more useful info on this forum, than anywhere, thanks everyone!
  6. J

    I want my P90X now!

    RE: I have my P90X!!!!! I just ordered P90X today:D I've been reading all of your super positive posts on it, and I just couldn't resist. Now I just have to go through the agony of W A I T I N G !!! The website said about 2 weeks, but if you paid for it all at once,(not the 3 payments)then...
  7. J

    Anyone look better NOW than in High School/College?

    I've been out of High School for 8 years now. I didn't exercise or watch my eating until Senior year, then I decided to lose weight, and did it by starving myself..not healthy:-( I had no muscle tone, and was pale as could be, from poor nutrition I guess. Since graduation I began reading...
  8. J

    Can I undo this in a week? Squishy feeling question!

    I feel the same way! I get my body looking the way I want, and eat well and feel great. Then something happens, and I totally pig out, and lose motivation to exercise. I get that "squishy" feeling, and feel as if I have undone what I had worked so hard for. This weekend, I felt like I had...
  9. J

    FYI....Sunless Tanner

    Hi! I have very fair skin, and tried the Sublime Bronze (medium-deep) Gel, and liked it better than anything else I have tried in the past. I tried the Fake Bake system recently, and it's supposed to be what Britney Spears uses for her bronze glow. Well let me tell you, that is the most...
  10. J

    Workout Mon 6-14

    Hello everyone. I'm pretty new to Cathe, but have found that her workouts have pushed my fitness to a new level. I love her workouts, even though they can be pretty tough! I'm disappointed in myself today. I just couldn't get myself out of bed this morning in time to workout. So, I am bound...
  11. J

    Anybody uses a blow dryer????

    RE: How to dry it if its long hair??? I've got long brunette hair, and it gets wavy if I let it air dry. When I want it super straight and really shiny I use the Brilliant Brunette line of products. I shampoo and condition, then apply a small amout of glistening serum while it's still soaking...
  12. J

    FIT TV wants your input

    I love FIT TV! Watch it everyday. 1) I workout first thing in the morning from 6 AM to 7 AM. If I feel extra energetic after work, sometimes I'll add a 20 or 30 minute workout at 4:30 or after dinner. 2)I workout 5-6 days per week Mon - Fri, and sometimes Saturday too. 3)a - I used to...