Anyone look better NOW than in High School/College?


I read and hear SO many times people saying, "I don't have the body I had as a teenager", and "You can have that body that you had in college" and "fitting into your wedding dress", etc...

Well, I HATED the way my body was in high school. I was heavier, NO muscle, probably 80% bodyfat. I worked out to Jane Fonda but NEVER even hoped to look like I do now. And I STILL have a long way to go.

BUT, if you were to see my high school or college photos, you would not recognize me. People I have not seen in 20 years do not recognize me. It's so weird because I have had no cosmetic surgery yet the transformation is uncanny!

I hope I don't sound like I am bragging!:p I am just really amazed at how "possible" it is that so many of us post that we look better at our age now than we did at 20! :D

I wonder what the national poll on this would be? Do you think that we are just a small percentage of the population that feel that we physically have improved since the "good ole days"?
Hi Jackie!! I know what you mean. I was a chubby kid in H.S. I am in better shape and look better then I did when I was in H.S. I started working out when I was around 22 after my first son because of my husband who is a weightlifter and runner. He taught me how to lift but I guess after finding Cathe if makes it so much more fun:). And by the way you could brag all you want because you work so hard to get where you are today. Isn't it a good feeling to feel so much better about yourself today then when you were younger, kinda of strange huh, because I feel a lot better about myself then the earlier days. Keep up the good work:).
Thanks Barbara! I am still searching for those Triple Delicious Bars. Can't find them in my part of the world yet!
Oh, yeah! When I took the fitness test in Lifetime Fitness Concepts I, my fitness level registered as "legally dead." :) I weighed nearly 300 pounds and could barely make it to my fourth floor class if I stopped to rest for 10 minutes on the second floor. I always sat at the back of the room near the door so I could swoop in right before (or after) the professor so I wouldn't embarrass myself with my sweating and heavy breathing. Now, I look normal, and I could sprint up the stairs if I wanted and still catch my breath before the professor arrived. Better yet, my son recently told me I was the "skinniest" of all the moms at his sporting events. Whoo hoo! And I don't mind ringing my own bell one bit. You shouldn't either. We worked hard for this! Congrats on your transformation, as well.

My body looks better, my face is another story.:p Kidding aside, this is the first time in my life that I actually like my lower body. It's all good.:)

It's nice to read about how you all have changed. I would also be unrecognizable to people I went to HS with. I've lost about 115 pounds since then. I can't imagine treating my body like that now. Maybe it had something to do with being you and not really knowing how important my physical health was.
In college I coulda been Flounder in "Animal House" - fat, drunk and stupid.

These days I'm in the best shape of my life, in terms of vital signs (BP 118/68, resting heart rate 45 bpm), fitness performance indicators and body composition.

Needless to say, I long not for the good old days.

I was never fat, but I didn't do any exercise until college. Then I broke my legs and after that I started trying to see what I could still do (after they healed of course ;-) ). I began running, swimming, biking, weights and have been at it more or less ever since. I have a lot more muscle now than ever before, and am extremely healthy. Even my accursed butt is in better shape than ever, although still nothing I'd want anyone to see.

So, my body is better, but my hair is gray (I dye it), my skin on my face has seen much better days, and let's not even discuss what's become of my booblings. Pathetic. Fortunately, my hair is "fixed", my boobs are not visible to the public and only my face is "worse" than in high school or college.

Long answer, but my body parts don't all fall on the same side of the question. Or something.
Well, I did athletic pursuits all the way through college, it's what got me through. I ran 5-6 times per week, anything from 5-12 miles per day, and also rowed for the college, so cardiovascularly, I was in the greatest shape of my life, and it's never been so good, regardless of IMAXes. But, I only had endurance type muscle and only on the lower body, my upper was weak and spindly, whereas now I have better proportion between upper and lower, so I may actually look better now than I used to do. Also, I suffered eating disorder type behaviour until I was 28, so my health is way better now, and finally, my husband tells me every 4th day that I look younger now than I did 9 years ago (we reviewed old photos this weekend and there was the proof!) when I started losing sleep with little kiddies.

So, if you treat yourself right, you will look and feel better and younger than ever. That's my message.

I've been out of High School for 8 years now. I didn't exercise or watch my eating until Senior year, then I decided to lose weight, and did it by starving myself..not healthy:-( I had no muscle tone, and was pale as could be, from poor nutrition I guess. Since graduation I began reading fitness mags and learned alot about diet and exercise.

I look and feel better now than ever! I was at a wedding reception last weekend, and had a guy I graduated with come up and ask me if I was Johanna's younger sister. (I'm Johanna BTW) He didn't recognize me, and thought I looked great. Exercise really does slow the aging process!!:D

Look better now than in high school/college? Definitely!

I was the painfully skinny, ugly little shy kid. I didn't exercise much while in school. Took up the "aerobics with weights" in my 20s and still had people ask if I was anorexic.

Things got better once I started doing Cathe weight workouts, but I still wasn't satisfied. Finally, I found a program specifically for ectomorphs/hardgainers. I lift very heavy, eat pretty clean and look and feel better than ever. My weight is higher now than it's ever been... and it's in the right places... not just around my middle.

Funny you should bring this up... I have my 20 year high school reunion this weekend and I can't wait. I mentioned the upcoming reunion to a coworker and she said, "Your ten year?" When I told her it would by my 20 year, she liked to fell outta her chair. That feels pretty dang good...

God! yes!

THANK GOD I am much better now tham in high school and college!

I am about 30 pounds lighter than in high school, 80% more active, more muscular, stronger and healthier. I played volleyball in high school and if I had only gotten smarter about fitness sooner, would never have gotten as gross as I did.

College (first three years - until I had my fitness bug: Increase it to about 80 pounds lighter, 110% more active, a hell of a lot more muscular and 1000% healthier!

The funniest part is that I moved away for graduate school and only went back to my home town for visits with family. I ran into so many people from my school on visits that had no idea who I was when they met me! Even guys that I used to date were hitting on me in a bar and had no idea that they had dated me years ago!!!! I never let them know my secret. :eek:) I even attended my brother's reunion with me (he was three years older so I knew everyone there) and they were astounded to know that it was me!

I wouldn't go back to those days if you paid me!
This is perfect timing on this thread because I have been thinking on this subject for a month or so now. The reason is that I have my 20 year reunion coming up, and it is obviously on my mind. I grew up in a small mountain town and still live here, but for a short time during highschool my family moved to Sonoma. Very shi shi poo poo kind of place!! I went from big fish in a little pond to a very small fish in a big pond. Never had a clue about cliques, but if you weren't related to some Italian family that had lived in the valley for centuries, or your last name wasn't also on a wine label, you were no one. Needless to say I have made my reunions for "home" but have yet to go to the one in Sonoma. I finally decided that I will go this time, and my first thoughts were that I have not had any plastic will I stack up?;-)

My friend answered that without my even asking. As I was mountain biking this morning, my buddy started talking about when we had all been at the pool the day before. She said she had been looking around at us and kind of scrutinizing (in a nice way) all of our bodies. She said the sweetest things! Just kind of how we all have kids, and so we are obviously moms, and therefore have that womanly body that a mom has, but that all of us had really stong points working for us. We were HOT! It sort of made my morning actually, cause we are hot:)

Do I look better than highschool? I don't know. I just know I feel better, and I feel that I look really good for the age I am comparativly, and having had kids etc, and that I am completely natural....not that I am against nips and tucks, just never had any. I think I will hold my own just fine.

Oh, and my husband thinks I look just as good when we were first together waaaaayyy back in Junior High!
DH said I have a better body now than I ever did, even tho I used to be a cheerleader and gymnast.

We've been married 23 years so I take it as a high compliment!!

:D :D :D :D :D
I don't know if I look "better", in that I was thin in high school and college, but I had no muscle definition. It was ALL cardio for me! Running, and Jane Fonda and Kathy Smith, and anything with aerobics and floorwork! Now, I would say I simply look "different". I have muscles, and I think I look more defined and healthy. I was VERY thin in college, and did not look "healthy" at such a low weight. However, I'm still in the same size as I was in high school and most of college (at one point in college I was one size smaller than I am now, but I was WAY too thin!), which at my age (almost 47!), is WAY COOL! LOL!! Overall, I'm thrilled I've been able to lose the weight I had gained over the years, and have kept it off for about 8 months now. It's so important to take care of ourselves at any age, but especially as we get older. So many things in our bodies have already begun to break down by this age I am, just from natural wear and tear, but by working out I know I'm keeping myself in the best possible shape I can be, at every age!! I hope to be working out with Cathe's workouts 10, 20, 30, even 40 years from now!! Why not, right?

Hi Jackie,
At 51 I feel better than I did in high school. Being in shape has given me a lot more confidence in myself. My husband keeps telling me I am getting better and look younger over the years. I have had a lot of comments on how I look when we are out. I had some girls in their early 20's stop me when we went dancing the other night to ask about all of the muscle I have gained. No I do not think you're bragging. You have earned what you have.
Diane Sue
I had a rough start for Highschool b/c I spent two years in so much pain that I couldn't get out of bed. So I went from 130 to 150. Then I got smart about my eating and dropped soda and I was able to quite homeschool and go to highschool. Then my sister got me the Firm Parts 4 pack. Ok they totally kicked my butt. I only did them on occasion b/c I was a whimp. I wonder what would have happend if I had gotten BC/ME instead!!! lol. After I graduated I got bit by the fitness bug. I never felt as good about my body as I do now.(In fact I always felt self concious about my hips and how clothes looked like crap on me. I didn't even want to be social.) In just a short period of time I've lost the inches and I feel great! I look way better than I did in highschool. I see some of my classmates now and then and they don't reconize me. My facial features are clearly seen now and I walk with confidence. This is my first summer I've been able to wear shorts!!! I never had the guts b4. Girls come up to me all the time and ask me what I do to look "sooo good". I write down three sites where they can get the videos and I tell them where to get the equipment. My friends are joining me in being fit. One of my friends has lost 30 pounds and thanks me everyday!!!

Sorry, this is getting too long.

~Reece Out~
I think that I look better in now than in high school mostly because I'm no longer the shy and unconfident person I was at the time. I weighed about 100lbs back then and did a lot of aerobics and bike riding but no weight lifting. I'm about 10lbs heavier now but I have more muscle. My brother in law told my husband that he's jealous because I still look 17. At 34, that was nice to hear :)
RE: Anyone look better NOW than in High School/College...

At age 39 with 2 kids, I'm 5'5" and 116 pounds, which is 11 pounds heavier and 2 inches taller than I was in high school. I looked great then, but I have more muscle now. I think my cardiovascular fitness is about the same because I have always been an athlete.

Still, to be honest, I'd give anything to have back that wrinkle-free, cellulite-free body of 16. (sigh)

Getting old really stinks ;-)

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