Workout Mon 6-14


Good morning ladies....I did YogaX this morning and now I am waiting to get in to the Dentist as I broke one of my crowns yesterday..x( I don't think my teeth are as strong as my body is getting!! I might do some leg work later if I can squeeze it in...have a great day...:)...Carole
Carole, maybe you can pull that rubber band with your teeth?:7

I did 30 min Nordictrack and Core Synergistic today.

Enjoy the day girls!
Hi guys, did you miss me??

I was away for a few days. Left friday right after my PT appointment. He wasn't very pleased with me. The fall from the stairs has aggrevated an already existing problem with my knee. Anyways, I wasn't to run for a week :( :(

Especially not since I had an "xtreme" weekend planned. Saturday we went rock climbing first (no rocks here, so it was the dutch version) then we went mountain biking in the woods then quad riding. Followed by a run, then get on this thing we overhere call a step, according to the dictionary you call it a scooter (?) going through the woods in a big circle, then run back again. The day ended with kayaking (again, the dutch version in really calm waters). Each sport took about an hour or so. My kids added on an hour of swimming. Mum was too pooped to even try. But, people had commented on the fact that I looked so fit and toned:) so Mum was happy. Sunday we visited the zoo. Now that was a 5 hour walk!

No P90X for three days, but we started this morning at 6AM, yes I decided given the warm temp. early morning would be better for now, with Chest&Back+Ab Ripper. Have to say, no push ups on my knees this time. Did it all on my toes.

Have a nice day ladies,
Course we missed you Dutchie, glad you had fun.

I did Slow & Heavy Chest and then I did the abs off of MIS, then I did the warm up and last 5 intervals on IMAX 1. They weren't as bad as I had remembered them with the exception of the last one, whew, good thing I can modify:) !!

Anyway have a great workout!!:7

Carole I hope you get your tooth fixed.
Hello everyone. I'm pretty new to Cathe, but have found that her workouts have pushed my fitness to a new level. I love her workouts, even though they can be pretty tough! I'm disappointed in myself today. I just couldn't get myself out of bed this morning in time to workout. So, I am bound and determined to go home tonight and get my heart racing, sweat dripping, and love every second of it! I think I'll do PP tonight, and then go for a brisk walk(if it's not pouring rain) Reading this forum really motivated me to eat right and exercise. Thanks everyone:D
Yes Dutchie...we wondered where you were! I am glad you were having fun. I am impressed with all the push-ups on your knees...:)...and listen to your PT you'll be back to running in no time. Annette, I did get my tooth fixed and now I can only smile with one side as the other is numb!! Welcome johjalo....some days are kinda like that. This a great forum for motivation though. I am going to do Bodymax this afternoon...I need some cardio...Mari I'll try the Core workout tomorrow....:)...Carole
Carole, I hear ya about the teeth! All my fillings are about 25 years old, and they're all starting to fall apart! I realize this is to be expected, but what a pain (literally and figuratively!) getting them gradually replaced. I hope you feel better soon!

I did Pure Strength, Strong Legs & Abs this morning. I haven't done the Pure Strength series in a long time, and was surprised at how fun it was to do! I really like this one, and I'm going to stick it into my current rotation for a while.

Getting more and more used to this early AM workout routine! I've been on my new job for a month now, and I'm finding with each week it's easier to workout in the early AM.

Carol....I've had lots of mouth work done! This was such a stupid thing for me to do. I tried opening a balance bar wrapper by using my teeth...yes I am an idiot...;( I had a veneer on the tooth that I shattered when my teeth hit together. A veneer looks like a crown although more of your tooth is left unlike the crown when they grind your tooth down to a stump. Glad to hear you are getting used to working out in the early body only knows that time to workout!...sounds like the job is going well too....:)...Carole
Carole, I hope that you are OK. Will you be able to exercise tomorrow?

Off topic -- today I was all vegetarian -- and it was not hard at all. I even made tofu-strawberry ice cream with my "Magic Bullet".

Take care and speedy recovery to you!

Hi everybody! Ouch Carole how did that happen?! I hope you're okay today. Dutchie, great to hear from you. I remember that post about how you hurt your knee. Johjalo, welcome! I know this is an inspiring website.

Anywho...yesterday...I didn't do anything LOL. Seriously I couldn't. I didn't sleep well and I didn't have any energy to workout. But I will get back on track today :)

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