Recent content by RachelD

  1. R


    Thanks Renee... I have read up on the ones you mentioned and they all seem pretty good. I think I may check into the Candlelight Yoga or The Joy of Yoga.
  2. R


    What are the benefits of yoga? What are some beginner yoga tapes to start with? I have never tried yoga but have heard that it is good for relaxation and that it benefits the body. How? Thanks Rachel
  3. R

    Cathe, need advice for video

    Hi Lori, He gave me a referral for a nutritionist. I did not fast for my bloodwork. I have been reading some on the low glycemic index and it sounds pretty interesting. Thanks for your help Rachel
  4. R

    Cathe, need advice for video

    Mrsscififanec, Thanks for your help. I am looking forward to getting shape and feeling good about myself. I really need to do something about my diet as well.
  5. R

    Cathe, need advice for video

    Cathe, I just got back from my doc and was told that my triglycerides and cholesterol was way high and that I really needed to do something. I am only 27, I should not be having these problems. Can you help me with the first post as far as exercise Thanks Rachel
  6. R

    Cathe, need advice for video

    First I want to say that you are awesome!!!! It is people like you who really make a difference in others lives. Thank you for your time and encouragement.... I need your advice on a rotation, please. I recently gave birth to my 3rd child and I am in desperate need of toning. I bought the...
  7. R

    Sagging belly skin

    Thanks ladies, you all have definately made me feel better. It is not so bad that I need a tummy tuck (thank goodness) I like the idea of being rock hard everywhere else and that bieng a minor inconvenience.. ;-)
  8. R

    Sagging belly skin

    I recently gave birth to my 3rd child and he was huge. I carried all out front. I got HUGE and now I have a little bit of sagging skin at the bottom of my tummy, will this shrink back up?
  9. R

    for those of you with 3+ kids...

    I recently gave birth to my 3rd child and I am loving it. My oldest(girl) is 8, my second (girl) is 2 and my third (boy) 2months. For me the hardest transition was from 1 to 2 children. Having a third is not that much different. Toward the end of the pregnancy I wanted things to hurry up more so...
  10. R

    I got my new tape!!!!!

    Stayfit, I bought the Basic Step + Body Fusion DVD I said tape but meant DVD, sorry
  11. R

    I got my new tape!!!!!

    I got my new beginner tape and I am going to start my rotation next week... I am so exited!!! Wish me luck..
  12. R

    How long before results?

    Thanks Ladies!!!! My plan is to do the beginner rotation that Cathe posted with the basics. I have a treadmill at home that I plan on incorporating as well as pilates or the bar method. My 1st step is to lose weight and tone then I plan/hope to build muscle. I am giving my self a deadline of...
  13. R

    How long before results?

    I am new to Cathe and I am starting out with her basics. How long do ya'll think it will be before I can start seeing results? How long did it take ya'll?
  14. R

    Cathe Basics vs Firm Basics

    Thanks Ruth, After trying to clothes shop tonight and being discouraged I have decided to buy the basics... Rachel
  15. R

    Beginner DVD's

    thanks for the replies.