for those of you with 3+ kids...

Michele S

My husband and I have decided to start trying for #3. While I can see myself in the long run with three kids, I'm having a hard time psyching myself up to go through the pregnancy, labor, up all night time again. My kids now are 6 and 3, so there's a part of me that's starting to enjoy the age they're both in. We're finally out of diapers, my three year old is going to preschool a couple days a week, and life is seeming almost "normal."

Did anyone else go through this, and still go on to have #3?
When my twins were in 1st grade and my oldest was in 5th grade, I felt like life was finally getting back to "normal" - the kids were more independent, played on their own, etc. and my husband and I had more time to ourselves and really enjoyed it. Then, I had a surprise pregnancy. It was very hard for me to start all over again after finally getting to the point where I was feeling like I had some freedom. I really felt that our family was complete and was enjoying being at the point where we could play real games, watch movies that we could all enjoy, etc. Everything is fine now - our daughter is 2 and the sleepless nights are just a memory (and hopefully the diapers will soon be too! :) ).

It's still difficult to try to schedule things around naps, try to find activities that everyone can enjoy, attend the older kids' sporting events with a toddler, etc, but we all have a lot of fun together and get to experience all the cute, baby things again. Also, it's very rewarding to watch our daughter grow through the eyes of her older brothers - they spoonfed her for her first solids, helped her learn to walk, etc.

Good luck!

My third child was a bit of a surprise. He ended up being the most wonderful infant and the greatest toddler! (He is now 2) My pregnancy went fine although I was eager in the last weeks to have it end! My labor and delivery were super quick and the nurse ended up delivering him! Often each delivery is a bit quicker than the last. Maybe you will have super easy pregnancy and delivery. Maybe the next child will sleep through the night earlier than the last two. Even if he or she is not the most easy child time does go by fast and suddenly you are done with the sleepless nights and terrible toddler years. In the end you will have a whole new life you have created and this new little person will add a whole new dimension to your lives. My third child really completed our family. He does not make my life easier but he definately makes it happier.
Good luck
I recently gave birth to my 3rd child and I am loving it. My oldest(girl) is 8, my second (girl) is 2 and my third (boy) 2months. For me the hardest transition was from 1 to 2 children. Having a third is not that much different. Toward the end of the pregnancy I wanted things to hurry up more so than with my other children. The delivery was easier and quicker. I would do it all over again...

Good luck
I just wanted to thank everyone for taking the time to write. We are officially starting to try this month (around Thanksgiving to be exact) and will know soon enough, I suppose!

My husband and I are both from families of three children and I do think that three really rounds things out. Someone told me your first is the sun, the second's the moon and the third is the stars to fill up the sky...nice way to think about it! :D
Hi There,

I have 4 kids and I just could not imagine my life without my 3rd (and 4th!) children. I'm done having kids now but I understand how you feel about the third. my 2nd and 3rd children are exactly 3 years apart (they even had the same due date!)

I hope you get pregnant soon. I have never met anyone that regretted having a 3rd child.

Well, we've decided to start out the new year trying to conceive. We have a vacation planned for May (Disney) and I don't want to be too pregnant there!

If you don't mind me asking, how old were you when you had your third and fourth? I'm 35 now, and the way things are looking probably won't deliver until I'm close to 37.

RE: Amynicole!

I thought I was done but when my girls were 4 and 6, I REALLY wanted a third. Problem was my husband had a vasectomy when my youngest turned 1. He had no qualms about a reversal which was done within months of the discussion. I was 36 when he had the reversal and got pregnant about 2 weeks before I turned 37 (10 months after the reversal.) I had my baby boy a few months before I turned 38. I think you are fine with your age. I would start worrying if you were over 40. The risks increase dramatically for you and the baby. Good Luck and enjoy. My little guy is almost 4 now and it went by soooo fast.

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