Recent content by nancy:O)

  1. N

    You RAWK Cath!

    "Hey, how is that training going?" It's great, we're having a blast! The biggest challenge is going S-L-O-W right now;-) that an actual's very foreign???:P :7 LOL We get all giddy when we get to add 5 minutes of "tempo" into our runs! Off to do Muscle Max:-)....take care...
  2. N

    You RAWK Cath!

    A quick Hi:-) and thank you once again for a great series! I'm squeezing stuff in where I can between the swim/bike/run and watching others while just riding the trainer;-) . Muscle Max is perfect strength for me right is Core and Stretch Max...keep 'em coming Cath:-) And a...
  3. N

    SNM - Have you made a decision yet?

    Thanks BLinda! I'm pretty picky myself and it is tough to find others that offer up such great workouts. I will, however, respectfully disagree about having the extra's influence people on the purchase. Nothing wrong with a good debate;). I've always considered the DVD extra's as perks...not...
  4. N

    SNM - Have you made a decision yet?

    A question? >Good point. > >I suppose that means that I shall not be getting any more of >Cathe's weight work that involves 3 day splits. Ever, since I >won't buy it at the regular prices, even with premixes that >they might decide to add later after the presale is over. >Given that...
  5. N

    cathe- premixes

    > Only a >very small percentage of people will have a problem playing >one of our DVDs with advanced features, but these will be the >people that will be the ones posting on the various fitness >forums. You will almost never hear from the people that don’t >have a problem and are happy with...
  6. N

    We're Filming Again!

    Yeeehaaaaa!!! YOU ROCK LITTLE LADY! The package looks fabulous Cath:7
  7. N

    Cia Conference

    hey Deb How are you?!:-) It's surprising that more forum folks don't attend the conference. It's such a great deal! Greg has it for one day and usually features the people he's about to film for the upcoming CIA workouts. The price is great and if you sign up early enough, you get a bunch...
  8. N

    Cia Conference

    Hey Francine! It was nice to meet you but we missed you in class Monday morning:) I'm guessing you had appointments to keep. Well, until next time...take care:)
  9. N

    Cia Conference

    I'll look for you Francine I'll be there with a bunch of ladies from VF, it'll be nice to meet you:-)
  10. N

    We're filming!

    Awesome!!! Bootcamp is one of my most used and favorite workouts so I could not be happier;). Cathe, just a few requests/suggestions for exercises from me...I have no fear I'll love what ever you do! I picked up Oxygen's special Glute edition that came out this month. A few great exercises...
  11. N

    Cathe, sub for fast tap repeaters?

    Here's a cue if it helps This one kicked my hiney as well...couldn't for the life of me figure out how I was on the wrong side all the time! LOL I found I was putting way too many taps on top of the board. If you break it down you're only doing a quick shuffle or tap with each foot. When you...
  12. N

    Anyone have a BOSU?

    If you get one.... Jen, I highly recommend Candice Brooks Core Synergy. It's pretty much all core work, I say that because there's a hint of cardio for a warm up but it's a super workout for the core. Candice has a very professional and straight forward personality, very much like Cathe. It's...
  13. N

    Body Blast DVD Presale Ends Nov 15th

    HEHEHE! Chris, this must mean we'll be shipping around the 15th...just a guess;). Ordering usually doesn't stop untill things are getting shipped:7 Laa Laa Laa Laa La Laaaaa! Insert happy dance!
  14. N


    closest to Cathe Hi Lynn, Here's a couple that you might want to check out. I find these two to be the closest in intensity and style to Cathe. Not that you'll find them to be exact by anymeans but similar. Both are CIA's [] Terry Reeve's Cardio Strike Zone Plus...
  15. N

    The Time Saver DVD-Pic#1

    RE:Ahhh Ohhh this may be one picture I didn't need to see;-) *&%#$# V Planks LOL