The Time Saver DVD-Pic#1

The famous inverted pikes are alive and well! The waiting is getting even more difficult!

Thank you SNM for sharing these with us!
I look at this picture and wonder 'why in the world can't I do this in real life?' I still haven't mastered this move in PUB yet. Grr
I'm thinking if I could do the inverted pike on the floor and then have someone slip the ball under my feet.......but that would only be one pike. LOL
Getting extra footage with the DVD, now that is so cooooool! :9
Thanks Cathe and SNM.
RE:Ahhh Ohhh

>this may be one picture I didn't need to see;-)
>*&%#$# V Planks LOL

Actually, Nanc, that's EXACTLY the same thought that went through my head!
RE: Cute Top

They're back!!!!
Ah, the good ol' pikes on the ball. I guess I'd better pull out PUB and start practicing!}(

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