Recent content by Cookie57

  1. C

    Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

    'Evening! Got in a walk(!), and it is back to being cold and windy. Deb, glad it didn't hit your house! I noticed lots of large and smaller branches down during the walk. A walk and legs day, you should sleep good tonight. Belinda, two hours - that's incredible. How did Sadie do? Did she...
  2. C

    Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

    'Evening! Did the foam roller wo today. It was my first time doing this one, and really liked it. I really needed it! Deb, my husband refers to our dining room table as his satellite office! I've broken my ankle a couple of times, so I think that.probably has a lot to do flexibility. TG I...
  3. C

    Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

    'Evening! Essentrics today. Made it down the driveway today. Hoping to get a good walk in Wednesday. Tomorow will be a busy day, so not sure if I'll be able to. Deb, happy birthday to your mom. How is she feeling? Not trying to pressure you on the sauce, but I do often think of you...
  4. C

    Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

    'Afternoon! Arm workout today. Did a short walk down the driveway, but then the dog moved quickly to the left, and my ankle said that's enough for today. Guess I need to rest it more. Deb, was today a Sauce Day? On Sundays, I often think of you making it. Belinda, my dog was missing his...
  5. C

    Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

    'Evening! Took another rest day. My ankle is already feeling better than it has the past few days, but I sure don't want to take any risks. Another hockey game today - playoffs! Deb, glad you had not difficulties with flying. The wind is scary. It's been really howling here all day...
  6. C

    Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

    Rest day today b/c my ankle is sprained. No wonder it's been so painful! Deb, hope you had safe travels today. Yes, at least it isn't the snow the midwest is having! We're doing the Portuguese Camino de Santiago. If I can't do it, told my husband I'll get a ride between stops while he's...
  7. C

    Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

    Cardio yoga today. Two months and two days til we start the Camino de Santiago, and I'm getting a little concerned we may not be ready. The weather has not been cooperating at all, and the past few days, my ankle has been really cranky. Deb, like you, I prefer to have less knick-knacks...
  8. C

    Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

    'Evening! did a pha workout today. Wanted to go for a walk, but it was not pleasant outside. Deb, glad you like the rugs! You're going to make that condo so lovely, you're not going to want to leave it. That's great that there's a gym nearby. Belinda, boy, it seems like it is one thing...
  9. C

    Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

    'Evening! Stretching workout today. 8 degrees! It's just not my type of weather for bing outdoors. Hard to believe we're in March already. Deb, it must be nice to get away and see the progress being made on the condo. Do you belong to a gym there? How are the rugs? Belinda, what trips do...
  10. C

    Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

    'Evening! Essentrics today. Way too cold for a walk today. Deb, don't think I've ever had a pet the vet hasn't suggested to lose weight! Hope you like the rugs. We do miss going to hockey games when the season is over, but during the season, it limits us doing other things. We missed quite...
  11. C

    Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

    Managed to get in most of a walk before sleet started comng down. I looked like I was covered in white by the time we made it home! Deb, one of my friends got a some of those Ruggables. They look nice. Hope you very happy with yours. Did I miss something about Penne? Hope she's okay...
  12. C

    Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

    Cathe's mat yoga today. Off to a hockey game. Second to last one of the season. Deb, glad you're enjoying the fresh air, beach and great choices you made on the furniture. Sounds smart to hold on to the condo for a while, at least. Belinda, what. workout you did today! When will you get...
  13. C

    Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

    'Evening! A day with a lot of precipitation means no walk for me! Did get in a JS lb wo though. Deb, glad you're enjoying your beach walks! Have you made a decision on whether or not to keep the condo? How's the furniture and place looking? Belinda, 60s?!! You lucky person! Hope all...
  14. C

    Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

    'Evening! JS push/pull upper body today. The ice is melting! I'm hoping to get in walk tomorrow. Deb, safe travels to FL. Hope all goes smoothly. Nice that you could get together with your sil and her bf for breakfast before both of you left. Belinda, glad all is well. That's nice that...
  15. C

    Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

    'Evening! Finally, like Deb, was able to get in an outdoor walk. Also got in Cardio Hit. Deb, my youngest ds and his wife are building in NJ and I cannot believe how long it is taking! They're now hoping to be in by October. I generally prefer those older charming houses. Belinda, nice...