Hey ladies,
I have some running questions... I started jogging, well, sloggging (sloooooooow jogging
) about a year and a half ago after my third son was born in hopes of shedding the weight quicker. I liked it at first but never got the breathing thing down so I quit. Well, a couple of weeks ago, I really picked it back up. For some reason, I can't get enough of it recently. It's such a great stress reliever. When I began running (slogging) a year ago, I could barely run 20 minutes without getting stitches and very very winded, and I consider myself an advanced exerciser. But lately, I've got the breathing thing down. I ran for 45 minutes last night on the TM without stopping and without getting too winded... I held a conversation with my 8 year old. I stopped only because my feet were hurting and I had to tuck my kids in... Anyway... MY QUESTION... (You were wondering if I'd ever get to the point, weren't you?
My husband, a lifelong runner/half marathonner/ showoff, told me the other night that I should work on my speed now. I'm trying to prepare myself for a 5-mile Thanksgiving run here in town. I, however, think I should still focus on my endurance and try to get the 5 miles under my belt before I worry about time. But let me reiterate, I am a slooooooooooooow jogger
What are your thoughts? Endurance or speed?
Also, my body is being stubborn again and clinging on to these extra pounds. I shed them a couple of months ago and gained them back... Will the running help thin me out? (Please please say yes...
I have some running questions... I started jogging, well, sloggging (sloooooooow jogging
My husband, a lifelong runner/half marathonner/ showoff, told me the other night that I should work on my speed now. I'm trying to prepare myself for a 5-mile Thanksgiving run here in town. I, however, think I should still focus on my endurance and try to get the 5 miles under my belt before I worry about time. But let me reiterate, I am a slooooooooooooow jogger
What are your thoughts? Endurance or speed?
Also, my body is being stubborn again and clinging on to these extra pounds. I shed them a couple of months ago and gained them back... Will the running help thin me out? (Please please say yes...