
I know...I know...another thread about CLX....WHATEVER......don't bite me.....I'm feeling silly tonight:p

This is my first Chalean tape and well I find her a little.......quirky...

In no particular order....

What's up with the workout clothes....glitter....buckles...studs...tassels.....looks like something from the 80's (Cathe never wears glitter or studs) ;)

And she (and her sister) were constantly pulling and adjusting their pants. (Cathe never pulls on her pants) :eek:

Can Chalean do the entire workout??? (or any BB instructor) who knows, she stops to point out knee caps and sweat.... (Cathe does every rep (at least in the dvd's that I have) :p

What rep are we on??? Who knows, she ain't countin' (Cathe counts....and Cede helps her) :rolleyes:

Whats the point in having an instructional dvd when you are constantly stopping to give....well ...instructions (Cathe gives pointers, but she never stops working out) EVER!:)

What's up with the random TV's with sexy people on them (Cathe has real sexy people-not scary pod people trapped in a flat screen) :confused:

Does it make a difference if the music is on-it's really not noticeable (Cathe's music makes me shake my booty):eek:

She has on a lot of makeup (Cathe never looks like she's been hangin' out at the free makeup counter) :p

Hmmmmm random camera guy.......NUFF SAID! :mad:

Ok ladies, that's all I can think of right now.....can you tell that I like Cathe......a lot! :D

I actually like CLX except for Burn 1....everything else is good and I love the books and the packaging...I'm glad I have it (actually I have 2, one scratched and one perfect) gonna re-gift the scratched one to a friend (BB didnt want it back!) It's a great supplement to Cathe...but not a replacement......Cathe and SNM set the bar high for great fitness videos....I thinks STS 41 DVD's is the equivalent to the next generation of fitness videos....and I am soooo glad I got the preorder!

YEA CATHE :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :p
Lemme see...

The clothes - some of them are really silly - big rhinestone C's on the side of her pants...My name is Nyx - I guess I'll get a big N on my right leg. What about those big shiny boots though? ha ha

The pulling on the pants cracks me up - they pull and pull but nothing seems to really go anywhere because everything is so low cut. : )

I wonder about what she can do all the time too...although she does a lot of pushups on her toes (even though it may not always be all the reps). I can barely eek out 2 before I have to go to my knees.

The camera guys coming in and out are weird - I really think they should have been more professional.

I am sorta glad the music is not really noticeable, so I can go at my own pace. But I admit I hate counting my own reps (which I have to do for these workouts) - I miss my Cathe workouts where I didn't have to think.

I did not like Chalene at all in Turbo Jam's, but I do love her in these. I love Cathe, too, though, (nobody works hard like that woman IMO) and wouldn't give her up for anything. Can't wait to get back to her and do STS when CLX is over. I am glad I have CLX and am going to have STS too!
Yes! Those exact things are bugging me! And so far I've only previewed Burn 1 (and was disappointed) so I guess I'm excited that the rest is better. I don't want to have wasted my money... ;)
Yup noticed all those same things. Except I kinda like the music. I think its kinda groovy. ;)

Her clothes.. I just don't get at all. Makeup- I previewed w/o disk #3 later on and in one she looked quite "glamorous" not workouty at all.

She does stop almost always after only a couple reps to walk around and poke at everyone else. I doubt she got much of a workout at all during filming.

I wouldn't mind the camera men as much if they used some buff looking fit guys.. ha. Just regular camera men in a tshirt? whatever. Thankfully I only really noticed it in the first workout.. maybe one more in the second or third.

Not caring for the models on the TV. I like to see real people working out not staring at various body parts and whatnot posing their perfectness for the TV.

Anyway, those things are all small annoyances and I still like it though. ;) But I'm really hoping I like STS more.
All of those things bug me, too -- especially the boots! Well, especially the camera guys! But, you really have to do these workouts instead of just previewing them. I've said this in another post, but to me it was a bit like the "awakening" I had with cardio coach and kettlebells -- I had to do them before I "got it". This is different than anything I've ever done.

I like her clothes..heheh, wish I had a body to wear things like that. The music is pretty good too, usually after awhile I want to put on my own, but with these workouts I don't feel the need to do that.

Her walking around and not counting is what bugs me about the series. Sometimes shes pointing at something on one of the backround exercisers and you can't see the whole move. Even though she says to go at your own pace, if you are going slower then you'll have to hit the back button. Since this program is more aimed towards unfit people, following along is even more important. Cathe, The Firm,..almost all the professional workouts have the intrsuctor going along with you. I'm trying to get used to this part because these workouts are so different than anything else out there, they might just kick my body into gear.

I guess I should of expected that since Tony does that quite often in P90X, but I think I was expecting Chalene to instruct like she did in Turbo Jam and Turbo Jam sculpt workouts.
I like Chalene's style.:) Yeah, it's out there, but it fits her. I find her extremely genuine and true to herself.
This youtube video may shed some light on Chalene's personality. She is the dancer on the left.


I promise you, she works out! If you ever watch her TJ outtakes you will see her and Janelle dripping with sweat, laughing about workout hair. They had REALLY bad workout hair! Oh, and she works out through all of TJ.;)

I'm personally not bothered that she walks around instructing during CLX. I'm usually not looking at the television screen, but I am listening to her form pointers.
Most of the time I'm looking in a mirror at my own form and viewing the TV through my peripheral vision. I also always do my own counting because I've noticed the TV counter is off. If you've noticed, all the background exercisers are lifting at a different pace too. That is what she instructs us to do. "As slow or slower than them."

I can also see where this instructional style would be valuable to a beginner, and also a veteran home exerciser like me. We sometimes need to be reminded to check form. I don't know how many times she has reminded me to pull my stomach muscles in!

One the the things I think BB does right, is make instructional videos for the beginner home exerciser. Always having one of the background exercisers performing the exercise in a modified style. Sometimes I need to follow the modifier. I can't do a burpee to save my life. Because of BB, I know how to do them modified with intensity.

I absolutely love the music in CLX! It's fresh and upbeat. I admit, I tune it out when I'm lifting.

I'm getting ready to do push circuit 3 today. This is my first week in the push phase. I am sore as can be! I was sore during the Burn phase, but push has kicked it up to another level:eek:
I love that this program hits the lower body (mainly the glutes) this way. My upper body is responding too. My shoulders is where I'm noticing the biggest gains.:cool:
I couldn't be happier I own this program!!!!
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I'm biased, but I don't agree that this series is for the unfit. I think it works for those not used to working out all, as well as those of us not used to this style of weight training.

I actually like how Chalene walks around complimenting the backgrounders on their good form and encouraging them to push out another rep if they can. She made those comments in TJ too and I think that's a refreshing style of teaching in workout videos.

Also, since this kind of lifting is new to me, I appreciate the steady flow of form pointer reminders. Doing super slow deadlifts w/ heavy weights is much harder to do w/ consistently good form than w/ a 2-2 count or 3-1 count. I need to be told to double check my back on rep 10 because I am dying at that point!

Some of Chalene's tips are new to me: I can't recall another instructor telling me to pull my abs off the floor while doing prone back extensions. For me, that was a better visual than being told to keep my core engaged.

ITA that she DOES dress way sparkly, :p but I haven't really noticed any heavy make up yet. I'm still in week 3. Does that come during Push or Lean?
I missed the statement about the program being for the unfit.

I completely disagree with that statement as well.
What you won't get with CLX is a lot of reps and sets. Some may feel that is not enough. It's simple really. Pick up a heavy weight. That in itself intensifies the program. I'm drenched when I'm finished. I was working so hard during Push circuit 1 Monday, I began to feel nauseated .

This program allows you to pick up a heaviest weight possible. Something I have never done. The more sets and reps I do, the lighter the weight. I always pick up a weight that will allow me to get the job done. If I know I need to complete 3 sets, I pick up a lighter weight than if I do with one set. I've never used my 25 & 30lb dumbbells with other workouts like I am with CLX.
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CLX weights

I am worried I might not heavy enough weights for CLX or STS. What is the heaviest weight people are using and what kind of weights? My heaviest weight are 25 lbs. When i will do it, I will be coming off of 9 mos of pregnanct where the heaviest I have lifted is 8 lbs. I have been looking at adjustable dumbells but they are so expensive. Thanks for any input.


It really depends on your fitness level and how quickly you gain strength.

I was using up to 25lbs with Cathe's 10lb weighted vest in the burn phase. My strength steadily increased in the first phase. Now that I'm in the push phase doing 6-8 reps, I'm picking up the 30's. I'm pretty sure I will be using the 35's by mid to end of phase 2. Hopefully:)
Lean phase is endurance so the poundage will most likely decrease.

I wanted to add....Chalene's heaviest weight is 30lbs if that helps you.
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What's up with the workout clothes....glitter....buckles...studs...tassels.....looks like something from the 80's (Cathe never wears glitter or studs) ;)

Chalene definitely has her own style, doesn't she! There are some pretty strange looking boots in one of the workouts (kind of S&M if you ask me).
But when I'm doing the workouts, I don't pay much attention.

And she (and her sister) were constantly pulling and adjusting their pants. (Cathe never pulls on her pants) :eek:

I never noticed ! For many of the moves, I'm not looking at the TV.

Can Chalean do the entire workout??? (or any BB instructor) who knows, she stops to point out knee caps and sweat.... (Cathe does every rep (at least in the dvd's that I have) :p

I actually like the 'personal trainer' vibe of most BB workouts. I don't need the instructor to do all the reps with me, as long as the backgrounders do. And I like her form pointers and her encouragement. Listening to her yammer on ;) actually helps me get through some of those final reps.

What rep are we on??? Who knows, she ain't countin' (Cathe counts....and Cede helps her) :rolleyes:

I don't mind her not counting (we're supposed to do our own pace), but I do wish the reps were consistent and/or the rep counter (which should be BIGGER!) were consistent at when it counts a rep. I just count my own, and am sometimes ahead (because I start the move before they do), sometimes behind.

Frankly, the constant counting on some of the STS clips drove me batty! I'm hoping the workouts themselves don't feel the same way.

It does take getting into a different mind set.

Whats the point in having an instructional dvd when you are constantly stopping to give....well ...instructions (Cathe gives pointers, but she never stops working out) EVER!:)

Again, not something that bothers me.

What's up with the random TV's with sexy people on them (Cathe has real sexy people-not scary pod people trapped in a flat screen) :confused:

I rarely pay attention to it, but I agree it is a bit odd.

Does it make a difference if the music is on-it's really not noticeable (Cathe's music makes me shake my booty):eek:

I wouldn't want too-noticeable music with a strong beat, as that would make me follow the beat, and that's not the point. For me, the music is just right. And it IS louder and more thumping in the cardio workouts.

She has on a lot of makeup (Cathe never looks like she's been hangin' out at the free makeup counter) :p

Again, I don't pay attention.

Hmmmmm random camera guy.......NUFF SAID! :mad:

If this had been done in a more 'artistic' way (like it was planned), it might not be so annoying. But it often looks like just some shlub made a mistake and walked where he shouldn't have. (Or if the cameramen were hot bods, dressed in shorts, I wouldn't mind!)

Two things you didn't mention that bug me:
1) can Chalene NOT come up with a different warm-up once in a while?
2) what's with not stretching the upper body after most workouts?

Aside from a few "what the heck?" things, I'm really loving this series.
I did not like Chalene at all in Turbo Jam's, but I do love her in these.

I'd seen a couple of TJ workouts, and decided they were not for me.

But strange thing is, after doing the cardio workouts in CLX, I was curious about other Chalene cardio, so I ended up getting two of her more 'athletic' (vs. "booty shakin'") TJ workouts, and I can stand her in those (I ignore the bit of booty shakin' going on!). I was a bit the same way with Tony Horton. I had Power Half Hour and thought he was annoying. Then I got P90X, got to know him in a less-goofy (if you can believe it) way, then could stand him in PHH!
I'm personally not bothered that she walks around instructing during CLX. I'm usually not looking at the television screen, but I am listening to her form pointers.
This is true for me as well. Except for the previewing, I think I look less at these videos than any of my others. I'm focusing on my own form. :p In fact, so much so, that I've noticed that my upper lip looks red and chapped when I come up from the w/os. I figured out that I was biting my lip as I was lifting. Now, I have to focus on not doing this as well as my form.
And that's hard.

Chalene definitely has her own style and while it's usually not something I would wear, I think it fits her. Well, maybe not those boots.
I don't know what she was thinking there.

The things mentioned above don't really bug me since I pay little attention to them but I can understand how they would bother others. She's not Cathe but then we really wouldn't want her to be just like Cathe, would we?
Cathe sets the bar pretty high and I don't see too many being able to reach it.

I'll be moving into the Push phase next week and I'm still enjoying the rotation.
I'm biased, but I don't agree that this series is for the unfit. I think it works for those not used to working out all, as well as those of us not used to this style of weight training.

I actually like how Chalene walks around complimenting the backgrounders on their good form and encouraging them to push out another rep if they can. She made those comments in TJ too and I think that's a refreshing style of teaching in workout videos.

Also, since this kind of lifting is new to me, I appreciate the steady flow of form pointer reminders. Doing super slow deadlifts w/ heavy weights is much harder to do w/ consistently good form than w/ a 2-2 count or 3-1 count. I need to be told to double check my back on rep 10 because I am dying at that point!

Some of Chalene's tips are new to me: I can't recall another instructor telling me to pull my abs off the floor while doing prone back extensions. For me, that was a better visual than being told to keep my core engaged.


I also like her tip about poiinting the toes out when doing burpees and jacks. (Karen Voight mentions that it is easier on the knees as well, but I tend to forget it). And her having modifiers that don't dog it, but do low impact with intensity).

Like Cynthia, after the first rep, I'm usually either watching myself in the mirror, or lookinig at the floor, so I don't see much of the screen, so I like her constant motivation and form tips.
I'm focusing on my own form. :p In fact, so much so, that I've noticed that my upper lip looks red and chapped when I come up from the w/os. I figured out that I was biting my lip as I was lifting. Now, I have to focus on not doing this as well as my form.
And that's hard.

I'm trying not to laugh:D
I have my own issues. Apparently, I'm using the word "sore" a lot these days. Someone on the VF forum pointed out that I used the word 6 times in one post:D:D:D I told her she needs to live with me.:p I tell everyone several times how freaking sore I am.
Oh just you all wait until the push phase (insert evil grin)!!
The one where she looks "glamorous" is the first w/o in the lean phase. She has a gold shirt on. Her hair looks freshly fixed and she does have lots of makeup on. We'll I don't mind that much. Just saying I noticed it too.
I like Chalenes personality even if she has a different style than me. I'm not into all that hip hop stuff she is. Shes fun and encouraging. In general I like the set and music. Just have to ignore a few small things like the camera man that makes like 2 apperances for only a minute. If I'm really focusing on what I'm doing I don't really notice them anyway.

These workouts are for sure geared to heavy weight. I'm 6 1/2 mo pregnant and I was able to keep up with about what Chalene has. I think after pregnancy I could go heavier. but if you really aren't pushing yourself you won't feel it cause its only 12 reps or so. if you go with weight you'd normally do a ton of reps with you won't even feel it. I think I'm going to save them till after baby so I can really push myself. I'm a bit nervous picking up heavier weights right now with my belly. I did Jari Love last night and I feel more cozy with that for the time being.
What works for some - doesn't work for others

I am thankful for this thread because I wanted to hear more about this series and I think I got some good honest information. I also think it is quite interesting that what works for some of you - doesn't work for everyone. We all notice different things and although it washes over some people others are really bothered by it.

Personally, when I saw Billy Blanks walk around in those Tae Bo workouts awhile ago and point and instruct it always bothered me. It is probably not the case but I just felt he was a slacker. When I work out I want someone with me - working just as hard - not sneaking a break under the disquise of instruction. Like I said - that probably isn't the case but that doesn't work for me.

Perhaps the clothing is just making it more interesting - making working out a little more fun - mixing it up. I had a Kelly Coffee-Meyer workout where she looked all cute in her outfit and her participants looked all dumpy in theirs. They were in baby blue t-shirts and black pants - they all looked like hell. Although it didn't kill the workout for me I found myself wondering who picked out the wardrobe.

I don't understand the part about the camera man running around - was he running in and out of the workout? I saw that somewhere else too and I can't remember where. Was it in TJ?

Music and volume is always an issue!!! I have an several workouts where I can't hear the instructor above the music - that is an absolutely maddening. I must hear them speak - so the fact that the music isn't overtaking her I think is a good thing. In fact there is a Cathe workout - High Step Challenge - I absolutely adore this workout and although I can hear her through most of the workout; when she gets to the stretch I don't know what it is, but she is impossible to hear - I have to sneak a peak at her constantly to see what she is doing. I'd love to know if anyone else has that same trouble.

Nobody wants a bad set. I'm not sure if the set is bad here - but it is best that it is not a distraction. I remember that Weights First workout video by Anna Benson - with Tracie Long in it - HORRIBLE SET - absolutely awful - a complete distraction. It took something away from the workout.

In the end though, if the workout is inspiring & motivating to the individual exerciser then it works and it is good for that particular person. You just have to find what works . . . or doesn't for you.:D
I love the CLX series so far, Chalene is annoying in TJ workouts, but I love her in these new ones. I like that the background people actually speak, that is nice, I often wish Cathe would let the girls talk in her workouts. I actually giggled at Chalene the other day, I was having FUN!

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