Flossing Your Teeth: I wanna know

Okay, I am just going to come right out and admit that I am not a flosser. I know my dentist disapproves, as do my mom and husband. And I just don't get me - I am a total health freak (labeled so by those who know me). I eat mostly organic food, exercise, eat balanced, mostly plant based meals, I do brush, don't put things on or in my body that would hurt me (most of the time ;))... but I don't floss. I did yesterday for the first time since the beginning of the summer (and at the beginning of the summer it had been years since I last flossed) because I want to be in the habit, I don't want to lose my teeth when I get older, but I am just not motivated and I sorta don't care enough. My body, my heart, my bones I care about, my teeth... meh. What's up with that? I may just be a freak :eek:, but is anyone else like this? Anyone have anything, facts or experience, that they would like to share for my periodantals' sake, or for the sake of others who may be reading?

*raises hand*

I hardly ever floss. I do occasionally and always the couple of days before my semi-annual check-up. I think I've been pretty lucky so far, but I'd also like to start flossing more regularly. Maybe we should start a check-in:p
When you don't floss you will get gum diseases, which in turn can lead to a very unhealthy you. Cavities also is unhealthy. And loosing your teeth!

I felt that way many many years ago and got gum disease. I paid for it by having very bad breath, and not very healthy because of it. It took me almost 10 years to get back to having normal teeth. What makes me sick is all it takes really is brushing and flossing once a day and I could have prevented that.

Take care of yourself,

I don't floss either although I have tried getting into the habit. After years of not going to the dentist (I didn't have dental coverage during that time) I finally went and was expecting the worst. To my suprise and my dentists my teeth were quite fabulous. I only had a little cavity near the gum area that floss wouldn't have been able to reach. Dentist said it was due to my candy eating.

This may be ignorant of me but I'm of the belief that flossing is a dental conspiracy. I have cut down on the sugar and brush 2-3 times a day and I think that's good enough.
I don't floss either although I have tried getting into the habit. After years of not going to the dentist (I didn't have dental coverage during that time) I finally went and was expecting the worst. To my suprise and my dentists my teeth were quite fabulous. I only had a little cavity near the gum area that floss wouldn't have been able to reach. Dentist said it was due to my candy eating.

This may be ignorant of me but I'm of the belief that flossing is a dental conspiracy. I have cut down on the sugar and brush 2-3 times a day and I think that's good enough.

Interesting you say that, cause when I was in my starving artist phase I never went to the dentist, because of lack of coverage. When I did start going the dentist couldn't believe how great my teeth were after years of not going. He did say to me, well, it's mostly genetics anyway.

I have no cavities at all, to this day. :D
I guess it all just depends on what you find important to you (which isn't usually something we can directly control)..
I am oral hygene obsessive so I brush 3+ times per day and floss (not as much as I should though- like every day!), I eat good, I exercise, train, don't drink much, don't smoke.. blah, blah, blah.. but I do love tanning!
Im as safe as can be about it, but tan none-the-less. I guess cuz I like it, the way it looks and feels I justify it in many ways. I also crack my knuckles.. been doing it since I was three and yes, my fingers get stiff and hurt (makes me feel like I need to crack them).. then they hurt more after I do it :T
No one knows why we do the things we do.
I get irritated having to floss as I know I have some mad plaque buildup in an area the floss can't get!
Have you thought about a water pic? They're great I want one as soon as $$ permits.. you can fill it up with water and Listerine and it would be a lot like floss (as long as you have a good amount of Liserine or something)..
I wasn't always a diligent flosser, but I've become one. If you want to make it a habit, buy a bunch of containers of floss and keep them everywhere (home, desk at work, car, purse)...that way you have a better chance of doing it at least once a day.

I can't stand NOT flossing now...along with what others have posted regarding health problems, I think it also contributes to bad breath...and nobody wants to have bad breath. ;)
When you don't floss you will get gum diseases, which in turn can lead to a very unhealthy you. Cavities also is unhealthy. And loosing your teeth!

I felt that way many many years ago and got gum disease. I paid for it by having very bad breath, and not very healthy because of it. It took me almost 10 years to get back to having normal teeth. What makes me sick is all it takes really is brushing and flossing once a day and I could have prevented that.

Take care of yourself,

Janie, thank you for sharing your experience with me! I am not so worried about my teeth because they seem to be pretty healthy, but it is my gums that I think I should worry about. My gramma had periodontal disease (there ya go, more motivation!) and experienced the same thing you did. Thank you for reminding me from a first hand experience!!! And I am happy that everything is the way it should be for you now! :)

Interesting you say that, cause when I was in my starving artist phase I never went to the dentist, because of lack of coverage. When I did start going the dentist couldn't believe how great my teeth were after years of not going. He did say to me, well, it's mostly genetics anyway.
I have no cavities at all, to this day. :D

It's interesting all y'all say that! Genetics IS most of it! (like everything else health-wise I guess :)

My dad brushes once a day at best, hasn't seen a dentist in years and the last time he WAS in he hadn't a single cavity (in fact, I dont think he EVER has)!
My mother however, brushes the usual twice and day, doest't floss much though and she has the WORST teeth!
Bad breah, a denture or two.. eh!
I brush all the time, haven't drank soda in over 10 years and *always* have a cavity.. since I was 7 Ive been getting them! I think although my teeth look like my dads, i think I have her genetics more.
So it matters less how you take care of them sometimes than it matters your genetics :T
He did say to me, well, it's mostly genetics anyway.
Interesting! Well, that would explain my poor daughter's teeth. She is THE most diligent brusher and flosser and constantly has cavities. DS doesn't do a thing and never has any problems. DD obviously has problems due to genetics from my MIL. :eek: Just kidding, sorta.

Another non-flosser here. Well, not a complete non-flosser - I floss maybe once a week. I simply lack the motivation. Having healthy teeth and gums isn't motivation enough for me because I HAVE healthy teeth and gums without flossing. There ain't a cavity in this mouth and my dentist always gives me glowing reviews. If my oral hygiene process ain't broke, why fix it? And yes, genetics plays a huge role. I'm blessed with good tooth genetics.
This may be ignorant of me but I'm of the belief that flossing is a dental conspiracy. I have cut down on the sugar and brush 2-3 times a day and I think that's good enough.
Oh man, do I agree with you on that! At least I did until I started hearing the reports on flossing and heart disease. BUT, I would then say to myself that I do cardio and that takes care of the heart issue! Rationalization is a wonderful, stupid thing.

I am really sold on not having bad breath though. I don't want to be that "what's that smell?" girl.

Hi My name is Ellie and I am a Flossaholic

I love it. I keep it right next to my computer and do it while I'm surfin the net or reading the forums. I use the single use ones or the teeny weeny little brushes that fit thru your teeth. Ahhhhhh

Grosses my DH out though!!!
Another non-flosser here. I'm glad I saw this thread because I have an appointment coming up next month so I better get started.

I hate using the thread stuff I always cut my gums. I like the pick ones better. They are much easier to use but I'm still just not thrilled with the whole flossing thing. :confused:

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