XTrain 90 Day Undulating Rotation

Katied ... I was wanting to know if u can tell me what foods u eat? I used to just not eat red meat, id eat cchicken or sometimes fish... I hate fish. But now with all hormones im trying to go vegatarian or vegan but really dont know what to eat. I heard to fo but a block of tofo i cant see how that little bit can make a meal for four?
Renee--I completely understand:). I was vegetarian from about 15 to in my thirties, and then became vegan during an ashtanga yoga teacher training about seven years ago. It has really helped me in so many ways, and I don't miss the days of eating dairy, as I think I have serious lactose intolerance anyway. There are also plenty of vegan cheeses out on the market today that truly are amazing-- daiya is great (depending on where you live, though, you may not have access to these). My diet is basically heavy on fruits and veggies-- especially green and leafy ones-- and also whole grains. I get my carbs in brown rice or sprouted bread/grains. I also eat lots of nuts. I do eat tofu on occasion, but like tempeh and plant proteins better (i.e .beans/legumes). The shakes I use are high protein and also high fiber, and they keep me going for quite a while each morning. The perfect place for you to go with questions/ideas is MyVega.com | Vegan nutrition for a whole food plant-based dietMyVega.com | Vegan nutrition for a whole food plant-based diet. You can go there and give some basic info about yourself and your goals, and have access to a vegan nutrional program with recipes, etc... and the best part is, it's free! they also sell shakes and such there that you may be interested in. I have also found that there are many helpful resources on facebook, if you are on there:). Hope that is helpful!
Does anyone drink a protein shake after these workouts? And if you do, do you drink them after all the workouts, cardio included, or only the weight lifting ones?


I do protein shake before(25grams of whey) and after workouts(40grams of whey and soy)on days I do weights only. And also noticed I hardly suffer doms. I got this from an article. And if my cardio has weights ill do one scoop of whey 25g's.
Hi Renee,
I hope you're able to get your yoga workout in. It made me feel much better. I think I would be a lot more stiff now if I had not done it.

I am not a vegetarian anymore, I started eating fish and chicken about 5 years ago, but I was a vegetarian for 17 years. I would recommend a few cookbook authors that might help you find some vegetarian meals you can make. Deborah Madison is a chef who as a few vegetarian cookbooks out that are very good. Mark Bittman also has a how to cook everything vegetarian cookbook that I have seen and liked a lot. I also have a few Moosewood cookbooks, which are from the famed vegetarian restaurant in Ithaca NY. Italian food is easily adaptable to vegetarian meals, as are stir fries, with or without tofu. Nava Atlas is also a vegetarian cookbook author that makes good cookbooks. You might also check your local library to see if they have any books that you can borrow to get you started. And there are tons of recipes online, of course. I find recipes at Epicurious.com, foodnetwork.com, cookinglight.com and the magazine vegetarian times also has their recipes online. If you like Indian food, that is a very vegetarian-friend cuisine as well, and Madhur Jaffrey has quite a few good Indian cookbooks. If you have a well stocked grocery store near you, you can find just about all of the ingredients these days for Indian food.

I hope some of these ideas will help to get you started.:)
I drink a whey protein shake pre-workout and a whey protein with fruit (strawberries or banana) post workout...but I wait at least 30 minutes after resistance training to drink my post workout shake.

This was a recommendation from a trainer on Jamie Eason's Live Fit faceboook and a girl who is working with a figure coach has her on this same protocol-

"1-Insulin spike post workout is not needed and actually will impair insulin sensitivity, which is what you need. Low levels of insulin with amino acids will trigger mTOR/AKT , ( the pathway for protein to get into muscles). 2- wait 30min to 60min before your post workout, this will allow your free fatty acids that you relaeased during exercise to be absorbed into the muscles instead of turning into triglyserides and being restored"
Week One Done!

I followed the first week of the 90 Day Undulating Rotation! That's a first for me! :) Loved all the workouts. I haven't lost any weight...but I really didn't eat consistently clean either :(. Next week I hope to keep a food journal and follow the WW program (I'm a WW lifetime member). I do feel that I need to add a little more cardio. Anyone else feel this way?
Yeah...week one is done!!! Cant wait to start week 2. I am not only loving these workouts but the variety of the premixes. Love abs on my workouts on every disc. Its so annoying to have to load a new disc just for abs. I haven't tried any of the 100 Rep challenges yet. I thought I would wait and add those on in the last trimester to mix things up.
Swimming3--I feel the same way. I love, love, love Xtrain and I love the cardio, but I want more! It doesn't feel like enough to me. I am going try two possible fixes. When I do All Out and Cardio Leg Blast this week I plan to do the Extreme premixes. Also, on some of the shorter strength workouts (Bi's and Tr's workouts) I plan to add on either one of the shorter tabata premixes or one of the shorter All Out premixes. I do think as I get further into the rotation this will really start to bother me and I'll find ways to add in more cardio.
Eva and katied thanks so much for ur advice i will look that up tomorrow!

Swimmer i was doing great on food til yesterday..ill Try again i supose lol and good luck on that !

Yes i agree i feel im not doing enough cardio. I dont want to add to much because i actualy feel energy right now but i also want to lose weight. I just read we do need to do a steady state after a short hiit or tabata! So i may add a step after one of the hiits or a jog. Or like jengolf mentioned on bi andd tri days add a tabata maybe? I really dont know how to do it. Hum lol
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Yes, burn sets are tomorrow for me, so I will try a Tabatacise! Great idea.
Renee-tomorrow for sure I'll get back on track with healthy eating.
Looking forward to week 2!!!
Just finished burn sets bi's and tri's. Need to go up in weight a little in the triceps, but I only have 10s (too light) and 15s (too heavy)...no 12s, so I'll have to figure something out. Good nonetheless!
Renee-- i like it, too! just hoping i take it easy on my hip flexor this time-- that is what i strained it in last week. think it's from me compensating for the tendonitis in my right foot. what a joy it is getting older!;)

amcad-- i always work out in the mornings before breakfast and i always have a smoothie with protein powder when i am finished. i am vegan, so the mornings are when i bulk up on my plant proteins. i always look forward to it after an intense workout-- either weights or cardio or both.:D

Thank you for your input! I'm trying to figure out the best formula for muscle gain and fat loss.
I do protein shake before(25grams of whey) and after workouts(40grams of whey and soy)on days I do weights only. And also noticed I hardly suffer doms. I got this from an article. And if my cardio has weights ill do one scoop of whey 25g's.

Thank you! I find that when I take the protein I don't suffer doms either as much! Have you noticed a difference by taking it before and after as opposed to just before or after?
I drink a whey protein shake pre-workout and a whey protein with fruit (strawberries or banana) post workout...but I wait at least 30 minutes after resistance training to drink my post workout shake.

This was a recommendation from a trainer on Jamie Eason's Live Fit faceboook and a girl who is working with a figure coach has her on this same protocol-

"1-Insulin spike post workout is not needed and actually will impair insulin sensitivity, which is what you need. Low levels of insulin with amino acids will trigger mTOR/AKT , ( the pathway for protein to get into muscles). 2- wait 30min to 60min before your post workout, this will allow your free fatty acids that you relaeased during exercise to be absorbed into the muscles instead of turning into triglyserides and being restored"

Thanks for the info from LiveFit! That's really interesting as most will say you must take protein within a 30 minute window.

I also asked another poster, but do you notice a difference in taking the protein before and after as opposed to just once (before or after)?
Thanks for the info from LiveFit! That's really interesting as most will say you must take protein within a 30 minute window.

I also asked another poster, but do you notice a difference in taking the protein before and after as opposed to just once (before or after)?

You have to do what you think is best, there is a ton of info on the internet.
Here is an interview with Chad Waterbury and Ori Hofmekler.

The Truth About Post-Workout Nutrition | Chad Waterbury | Workouts To Get Ripped, Ab Exercises For Men, Weight Training For Women

I drink a protein shake prior to working out because I workout in the morning and can't eat when I first wake up. I am going to increase my protein based on Ori's recommendation.
Check in

Today starts week 3 for me. I did Hard Strikes premix 2. Now that I've done all the workouts at least once, I can start playing with the permixes. There are some really great premixes!

Yesterday was rest day and I did Yoga Relax. That was nice!
Rest day for me. Tomorrow is day one week 3 .. Ate like crap for two days. But i know why, ttotm sorry if tti. But dont know how else to put it. Well i am happy i am stil on a rotation! Tomorrow on sched is cardio leg blast i think. Have to look again.
2nd week for me today I just finished burn sets CBS & core 1. I think core exercise is finally getting easier. I did bench press 30lbs but chest fly I had to go down to 25. I was able to go heavier than what Cathe uses for shoulders except the shoulder press.
Burn sets CBS and Bi's and Tri's -- I took an extra rest day last week.

OMgosh! I went heavy! I knew I was in trouble when I didn't have the strength to push my disc back into the plastic spindle. I can hardly type.

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