Strength in Numbers

Last night I had to work late so I didn’t get a work out in but DH and I were able to take the dogs on a walk. It was super nice out yesterday and is supposed to be super nice out tonight too. I might try to do a shorter workout tonight so we can take the dogs out again.

Cheryl Glad you were able to go dragon boating on Saturday and that it was a nice morning to do it! Great job on Stretch Max 1 & 3 and AB! Yea so glad your toe is doing better. Um … tougher than AB? I think AB is pretty tough. Yes, I would love for the work week to fly by and the weekends to always be relaxing. It just seems like Friday night through Saturday night is go go go and there is no down time until Sunday. And by then you enter the Monday blahs. That sounds like a lovely trip your parents are taking.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Oh what fun to cruise to Hawaii. I bet they are having a blast.

Julie Sorry that the weekend flew by so fast for you. You did a lot of workouts! GREAT JOB ON XT BS CSBT, OPP and your heavy leg and back workout. I hope you had a great birthday too! I recovered from D6 much much faster than I did from D3. I don't even remember if I had any DOMS at all this time..

Cheryl How nice that you got a nice day for dragon boating. Glad you enjoyed it. Great job on SM and AB! I guess your toe must be feeling a lot better if you were able to do AB!

Julie That is great that you got to go out and enjoy the nice weather at least. It's been rain here for 3 days, ugh.

Friday night we went to seen Steve Martin and Martin Short and they were so good. I think we laughed nonstop! Then Saturday morning I left for the beat for a girls weekend, is I didn't get a workout in. We did go for a 3 mile walk on the beach though. Sunday it was raining so we went out shopping and the we made fresh herb wreaths. It was still raining yesterday so we just had breakfast and then packed up and came home. It is still raining here, I think (HOPE) it is supposed to stop by sometime this afternoon. This morning I did D7 chest, shoulders and biceps. Only 1 more of these M1 chest workouts left, I'm so happy about that!. Have a great day.

Julie Too bad that you couldn't get a workout in but at least you were able to go for a walk with DH and the dogs.

Pam Nice that you enjoyed Steve Martin and Martin Short. Glad that you were able to enjoy a girls weekend. You are so lucky that it has only rained 3 days for you. We have had almost non-stop rain since February :mad:. Great job on D7 Chest, Shoulders and Biceps. Yeah only one more M1 chest workout and all of those push ups.

This morning I did RWH LI Hiit 1 and abs 1. Then I went to get my hair cut and then met up with a friend for lunch. Tonight was dragon boating and it was so nice out. It didn't rain (YEAH) but it started up again after we were finished.

Have a great day.

Last night I did EBE2 Plyo Legs. I only did 3 rounds instead of 4 because my left glute was bothering me and I didn’t want to do further damage. I think I did something over the weekend in it and I guess it still isn’t healed up all the way. It was way too windy to take the dogs on a walk and it is supposed to rain all day today so maybe tomorrow.

Pam Sounds like you had a fabulous weekend. Steve Martin and Martin Short are so funny. I love the old movies they were in (well I guess they are not old, old movies yet). I just don’t think there are comedians like them anymore. The 3 mile beach walk sounds nice but all that rain. I do hope it stops for you soon. Great job on D7 and those pushups!

Cheryl Great job on RWH LIH 1 + abs 1! Glad you were able to meet your friend for lunch. I am so happy that you were able to get dragon boating in with no rain. That is pretty lucky the rain held off until you finished.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great jib in LI Hiit and abs. I'm glad to hear that you got some nice weather for your dragon boating. I think I would go insane if it had rained non-stop since February. We had 3 straight days and people were losing it!

Julie Great job on EBE2 Plyo legs. It sounds like you were smart to stop when you did. I hope you didn't do anything serious to your glute and that it is better soon. Our rain did finally stop yesterday and it ended up being a pretty afternoon. We got 7.5" of rain in three days though. The good news is that our drought is now over!

This morning was supposed to be Hiit DWP, but I subbed in Plyo Hiit 2 and abs 1. I had a lot of kitten time first. The only problem is that they like to play on me. It't not a problem when I have on long pants, but I had my workout shorts on this morning and now I have little scratches all over my ankles :rolleyes: They are also trying to escape the bonus room now. When I opened the door this morning they both came running out and Nala was on her way downstairs before I could grab her! Little brats! :D Have a great day!

Julie Good work on EBE2 Plyo Legs and for listening to your body and quitting early. You don't want to do more damage.

Pam Well we live in a rain forest so I that is why we get so much rain. 7.5" inches of rain in 3 days is a lot though. Great job on Plyo Hiit 2 and abs 1. Kittens can be little stinkers and they are so quick. I am glad that you are having fun with them.

This morning I did S&S PHA Training, then I went grocery shopping. In the afternoon I started digging out part of the garden because we want to make our front patio bigger. There is a lot of dirt to dig out and a lot of tree roots. It looks like crap right now but I keep telling myself that it will look really nice once I am done. Tonight I went dragon boating again. It was nice for most of it but the wind really kicked up and it started pouring for about 15 minutes and then it cleared up again. There was a pretty double rainbow after all the rain too.

Have a great day.

Last night I ended up working late for a meeting and had some errands to run since I was in town. So no workout. And it was raining so now dog walk either.

Pam Plyo Hiit 2 + abs 1 is a much better substitute for DWP! Great job on thinking to do that. Aw! What feisty little kitties! I think they are ready to explore the world … or well your house which would be the whole world to them right now.

Cheryl Great job on S&S PHA Training! That sounds like a lot of work all that digging. I bet it will be gorgeous when it is done though. Awesome that you got to go dragon boating again. Hopefully the double rainbow is a sign of better weather to come for you.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on S&S PHA training, grocery shopping, and all that digging. That sounds like a lot of very hard work. You will feel great about it when it is done though. Nice that you got to go Drago boating and at least got good weather for most of it. Hopefully the rainbow made the rain worth it :D

Julie Sorry you didn't get a workout in, hopefully you will be able to tonight.

Yesterday I got three more kittens to foster. They are about a week younger than the ones that I have. There were supposed to be 4, but one had died :( I couldn't believe how small one of the 3 was, he looked more like a mouse than a kitten. The woman who had them said she thought he was dead yesterday morning, but that he had bounced back. He was in really bad shape last night though. I could hardly get him to eat anything, and whenever he did he had bloody diarrhea. I was surprised he made it through the night, but he was so weak this morning. I took him in to the vet and I haven't heard anything back from them yet. I only got about 2 hours of sleep because I had him laying on me with a blanket all night. Poor little guy, I'm going to be surprised if he makes it. I told my DH I might not be cut out for this because I was a mess over it. Now I'm worried about the other kittens, but hoping at the very least the vet will be able to tell me what it is and if I need to treat the others. After all of that I did get M1D8 Back and triceps in. I thought I would be really weak from the lack of sleep, but I wasn't. Have a great day!

Julie Sorry that you couldn't get a workout in last night. I hope things worked out better for you today.

Pam Oh wow you really have a handful of kittens. I really hope the little guy makes it. I would be like you a mess and worrying about them. You did great in getting in M1D8 Back and Triceps. I don't know if I could have done a workout after only 2 hours sleep.

This morning I did AOLIH and core 1. Then we went out to my parents and mowed the lawn for them. They just arrived in Hilo Hawaii this morning. Tomorrow they will be in Honolulu.

Have a great day.

Last night I did STS D12 Legs! Now I need to figure out what I want to do this week. I know next week I am going to start STS M2 for legs. I might do the upper body for M2 but I am not sure yet.

Pam Oh no! That is so sad one died and the other is so sick. I wouldn’t be cut out for it. I would definitely end up foster failing and like you would be worried sick over them if they came to me like that. I hope you heard good news yesterday and he is going to make it and it won’t spread to the other kittens. I’ll be praying for the poor little guy. Good job for getting in STS M1D8 with so little sleep!

Cheryl Great job on AOLIH + core 1! Wow that seems fast that they got there. I know it has probably been the 5 days but I feel like you were just saying they left.

Have a great weekend!
Cheryl Great job on AOLIH and core 1. That's one that I haven't done in awhile.

Julie Great job on STS D12 legs! I'm glad to be almost done with the M1 upper body workouts. I hadn't remembered that they really aren't my favorites, but I do love the leg workouts.

Thanks for your thoughts on the kitty, I was calling him squirt because he was so small. Unfortunately he didn't make it :( and I cried all day. My DH gave me a big pep talk though reminding me about helping and saving the others and that I need to hang in there. The other two are doing great and seem to be normally healthy, happy and playful. I still have them separated from Simba and Nala just in case, but it makes it harder because I have to do feeding, litter cleaning, and scooping for each of them and make sure that they get enough playtime. This morning I was supposed to do MMA Boxing but I did KPC instead. Im not really crazy about the MMA workouts and the Boxing one is my least favorite. A guy that I used to work with called me this morning to try to recruit me to come work for the company that he is working for now. I don't think I will do it, but will think about it. He said that I would be able to work as much or as little as I want, but that might just be the sales pitch :). Happy Friday, I'm going out for a swim :D

Julie Great work on STS D12 Legs. I do like the upper body work in M2 the best over the other two.

Pam I am so sorry that he didn't make it. {{{HUGS}}} I don't think I would be cut out for this either. It is probably a good idea to keep them separated for a while though it is more work for you. I am with you in thinking that the job is just a sales pitch with how many hours you can work. Good for you in doing KPC and I hope you enjoyed your swim.

This morning I did S&S TBGS then I got the vacuuming done. In the afternoon I did more digging for the patio, I am really rethinking this. There are so many tree roots it makes it hard to get anywhere.

Have a great weekend everyone.

After one week of heavy training, I decided to do something a little different and then get back to heavy again next week. So I thought why not start out trying to kill myself and do X77. I almost succeeded (at killing myself) but I made it through the workout. I think the pause button got more of a workout than I did though. After that, DH and I did a few chores around the house and then ran some errands. It was so rainy out. Sunday I did STS Total Body and then was lazy the rest of the afternoon.

Pam The STS leg workouts for all the mesos are some of my favorites. Oh I am so sorry the little guy didn’t make it. How heartbreaking but your DH is right that you are doing wonders for the other kittens. Great job on KPC! I am not found of the MMAs either other than the turtle spins. Good luck on whatever you decide with the job.

Cheryl Great job on S&S TBGS! That sounds like a tough job breaking up all those tree roots. I bet when you are done though you will think it was well worth it.

Have a great day!
Cheryl Great job on S&S TBGS. I'm thinking I may need to revisit some of the S&S workouts during my active recovery week next week.

Julie Wow, you REALLY WERE trying to kill yourself, X77! I'm impressed! Great job getting through it, even if you did have to use the pause button. I do believe that is Cathe's toughest workout. Great job on STS TB too!

Saturday morning I did M1D9 legs. After that I did some running around and cooking because Das brother and his wife were coming from Pennsylvania to spend the night with us, so we had his sister and some of her kids and our boys over for dinner on Saturday night. Sunday was a rest day. I did some running around, and then hung out in the sun reading. This morning was M1D10. I'm so glad to be finished with the M1 chest workouts! My biceps are singing to me right now too, so I guess they got a good workout. My DH ended up putting all of the kittens together on Friday night because he thought they all needed the company. They are having a lot of fun playing together, but they all also have diarrhea! :rolleyes: So yesterday I picked up some dewormer and started them on that. Hopefully that will take care of it. Some people suggested feeding them canned pumpkin too, so I have added some of that to their diet for the fiber. They are active little buggers though, I'm really getting my practice herding cats! Have a great day!

Julie Wow great job on X77 and not killing yourself. Too funny that your pause button got more of a workout than you. I haven't tried that one and since I am not into trying to kill myself yet I will leave that one alone for now :D. Good work on STS Total Body after your tough workout the day before.

Pam Great work on M1D9 Legs. I hope your had fun visiting with your family. Way to go on M1D10 and finishing with all of those push ups. I am picturing you herding cats, that is a challenge. Oh no I hope the diarrhea is all in the little box and not on the floor. It is not fun to clean up. I bet the kittens are having a blast playing together. Don't you wish you had as much energy as they do.

Saturday was dragon boating. We were lucky and got nice weather in the morning before the rain came. Sunday I did stretching with my BOSU. Then worked on digging out the garden again. I was seriously rethinking our plans to put in a patio. There were just so many roots and rocks and trying to make sure it was level was overwhelming. So we will get someone in to do it but we can't afford it right now so once the rain stops again we will fill it in again. Oh well at least it was a good workout :rolleyes:. This morning was PRS#2.

Have a great day everyone.

Cheryl Most of the diarrhea has been in the litter box, but at least one little stinker (literally!) is going outside the litter box in the corner. I cleaned it up and put a litter box in that corner, so hopefully they will use that instead next time and not find a new corner! I sure do wish I had as much energy as they do, they can get wild. It's really fun to watch them though. I'm glad that you got some nice weather for dragon boating on Saturday Great job on Bosu and stretching. Trying to dig around roots and rocks is just no fun at all, it sounds like a good idea to get someone to do it, despite the bonus workout! Great job on PRS 2 also.

This morning for me was 40/20 and stability ball abs. I like that she doesn't go crazy with the number of pikes in that one so I can do them all. Of course I don't even attempt the one-legged ones, I just do another set of the double leg version. It is looking like the dewormer and canned pumpkin are working, things are starting to look more normal :eek:. Now if I could figure out how to keep them from climbing up my legs when I walk in the room.....o_O Have a great day!

Last night I did Cycle Sweat. It was fun but I really miss the countdown timer that she uses in Ride and Pedal Power. I think that helps me work harder because I can push myself if I know how much time I have left. If I don’t know, I tend to lax up so I can save myself in case it goes too long. Anyway, today is a work from home day because I had to drop Ozzie off at the vet for another round of chemo. I did get PHAT in before I left.

Pam Great job on STS M1D9 Legs! Sounds like you had a house-full Saturday night. Good for you for taking a rest day on Sunday and relaxing in the sun. Great job on M1D10 and being done with those pushups! Those are so tough but you made it through. How adorable to see a big kitty pileup of fun! Oh diarrhea is no fun but glad to see the dewormer and pumpkin seems to be helping. Great job on 40/20 and SB abs! At first I thought you were going to say you enjoy the 1-leg pikes and I was going to call you crazy but I am glad to see that is not the case.

Cheryl Great job on dragon boating and so glad you got nice weather to do it in before it started raining again! Great job on stretching with your BOSU! The BOSU seems to be more versatile than I thought. Well that is a bummer about the patio. I am sure you wanted to get it done sooner and save some money but as you said you got some good workouts in with it. Great job on PRS#2!

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on Cycle Sweat. I didn't get that one. I really like having a countdown timer too though. Is Ozzie still doing well with his chemo? Oh my gosh, if I said I enjoyed the 1-legged pikes you would have evert reason to call me crazy. I think if I even attempted them I would be eating the carpet!

This morning was M1D11 Back and triceps. I can't believe that I am almost done with mess 1 already. I am looking forward to starting M2. I'm getting our master bathroom ready to paint. We picked out a paint color about 2 months ago, but then didn't do anything with it, so I figured I would get that moving. Not sure if I will be painting today or not, but pretty soon for sure. Have a great day!

Pam That is good that most of them are using the litter box except for that one little stinker :p. Hopefully they will use the new litter box that you put there are not find another corner. That is wonderful that the dewormer and canned pumpkin are working. Ummm I have no ideas on how to keep them from climbing up your legs, but don't wear shorts :D. Great job on 40/20 and stability ball abs. The two-legged pikes are hard enough.

Julie Good work on Cycle Sweat and PHAT. I hope the chemo is still going well for Ozzie.

Pam Way to go on M1D11 Back and Triceps. What color are you painting your bathroom?

Tuesday morning I did XTrain Chest, Back and Shoulders and in the evening I went dragon boating. We are getting ready for our first regatta of the season this Saturday so we were on the water later practising and then after going for a beer it was a little late to be going on the computer. This morning I did ICE To The Mat Legs and Glutes. My glutes are talking to me right now. Tonight I will be going out dragon boating again, hopefully the rain will stop before that.

Have a great day.

So Tuesday Ozzie’s chemo appointment went well and he is doing better than the last treatment that really upset his tummy for a week. I decided yesterday that I am switching my workouts to the morning. I have been thinking about it for a while and decided to bite the bullet and do it. So Wednesday was my rest day and this morning I start bright eyed and bushy tailed waking up at 3:30 to do TBGS! I’m tired now. It is going to take a bit to get used to this.

Pam Great job on M1D11 Back and Triceps! Almost done with meso 1! I know this is going to sound crazy but I love painting. The set up and clean-up are not fun but something about the actual painting is soothing to me seeing the fresh coat of paint going up. Ozzie is doing better with this round. It is a different chemo each time and last week’s chemo they said usually had the most effect on the digestive track.

Cheryl Great job on XTrain CBS and dragon boating! Oh yea! Your first regatta for the season. I’m still having a hard time believing it is May. We have been cold and rainy for the last week so it feels like March. Great job on ICE TTMLG! I have only done that once but I keep thinking I need to do it again. I just dread mat work, which probably emphasizes my need to do it.

Have a great day!

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