Pregnancy Check-in October 4th ---newbies welcome

Melanie-glad your hair turned out..and sorry about the swelling! Its great your friend is bringing you some goodies! GReat about the housekeeper!!

I was there a moms day out sorta thing for your youngest ds to go to a couple times a week? Haley went to a 2 morning program at a local church and loved it. It was just for 3 hours..but it gave me a break and her new scenery. Maybe that would give your dh a little break and incentive. Just a thought..I know you live in the booniesl though!!
Haley has been on antibicotc once for strep..thats it. Im so lucky shes so healthy and bounces back quickly from things.
I had a run in with ice cream!!!
Mel- Those are my favorite apples. I love them dipped in caramel!
I admit that we have a housekeeper who comes twice a month. We got him after Jimmy was born, and it lightened the burden on tired mommy. I never let them go, and decided that me not hopping in the shower with the Tilex and barking at my husband made it worth it. I told my DH that the money spent was worth the snuggles on the weekends! The house is still cleaned by me daily, but it is nice to have someone get the stuff that drives you nuts. You know how the first year of baby all you do is lie on the floor? That is the time when you realize you never dust the baseboards, or stuff like that. Glad you found someone. I also really like the website when I am looking for a local resource. It is full of reviews that are blunt, which I like!!!
Hi snuck in on me! No CVS clinic here. In Mississippi we had a great "urgent care clinic" that we loved!! I miss it. Dont be hard on yourself. Walking is least its something. And enjoy your gummy bears and tv....soon youll be back to your old self working out hard
Christine- Luckily for us my DH cleans our baseboards! :) Glad to see you on here!

Melanie- Take a picture of your new hair for us! Love to see it!

Susan- Woman! Can you please give me some of your energy???? I sure don't have it! Although I did a lot of cooking these last few weeks so we have lasagna, pulled pork, soup and spaghetti sauce in the freezer so that should last. Plus DH likes to grill so I can count on him for that.

Well we ordered our rocker and glider tonight! It is SOOOO comfy! I can't wait til its here. We were pushing it close, it should be here in 3-4 weeks and James is due in 4-5 weeks. I'm sure it will work out.

Oh and I haven't even worked out at all and eat sugar all the time so don't feel bad!
Jen-believe me I don't do all I do on one breath! I rest a LOT! I feel very sluggish most of the time actually, so don't give me props!

DH and Haley ordered pizza and I had tomato soup..easy! I jsut was not in the mood to feel too full from pizza!

Going to Little Rock early...have a 40% off coupon for Justice and Haley needs a few long sleeved shirts..and Im gonna get another bra from Target...then home to watch college football and cheer for labor to start!

It really did all work out my dr having to reschedule.....I don't know what I would of done with a sick kid at the hospital..whew. Going to get down in the 40s tonight..brrr. Love it!
I'm a newbie

Thanks for the invitation to the forum! Thank you also for the link to Cathe's pregnancy workout advice.

So now I feel like a big slacker; I haven't kept up my routine of 6 times per week and I have been doing my "beginner" workouts instead of my usual more advanced routine. I'm only 18 weeks so I don't really have an excuse. I need to get back on track! (My theory was, that if I reduce my intensity levels during pregnancy, when I pick back up at my pre-pregnancy routine, after the birth, I'd break through any plateaus a little more quickly. good try?) : )

if I run more than 2 miles or hike up a steep hills, my pelvic floor kills me the next few days. It feels as if I've been riding a bike for 3 days... (Due to the hormone that relaxes your joints). (My doctor just smirked and said "welcome to pregnancy"). gah! Anyone else experiencing something similar? Any helpful exercises that might help?

So, I'm 41years old and I'm 18 weeks. I had a CVS so I already know that I'm having a girl; due beginning of March.

I'm looking forward to getting to know the rest of you - thank you again for the invite to the forum.

Welcome Denise!!
I am Susan and Im 42..due date is Tuesday but being induced on Monday. I have a dd, Haley who is 9.
Don't fret about the workouts. I slowed down big time and did easy peesy workouts. We will all get back to hardcore post preg!
Everyone is very nice'll get lots of support!

headed to bed.....labor vibes from everyone are appreciated!
Hi Denise - Take care of baby girl! It all comes in waves. I am currently in the lazy chocolate eating and pizza frenzy phase. This is pregnancy 2 for me, so I am more liberal this time around. THe pelvic floor thing is a problem for me too, especially now. Glad to have you here . I am unreliable lately. Nothing like moving with a toddler over 6 hours away at almost 32 weeks. Woo hoo.
Susan- Keep Kara in! Good luck. Haley will rally.
All others, I am so beat, I will get back later for personals. Hubby just flew home to stay for a day, so I am off to bed!!!!!!
Oh, and I just took chocolate lava cakes by storm!!!!
Welcome, Denise. I'm glad you found your way over here. :)

I"m a young pup, at 36 :D :D This is my 5th pregnancy (but we lost one last July). It's been a much much different pregnancy for me with twins along the way, but it wasn't that long ago I was pg with a singleton.

Non-pg I was able to workout 5-6 days per week & was training for my first 1/2 marathon when I got knocked up this time. Due to first trimester bleeding I had to stop all exercise......but past pregnancies I was able to keep up pretty good until about the 1/2 mark...where you are. I moved my step down to the 6 inch plateform, and started modifying Cathe's workouts. The most important thing is not to become anerobic during workouts and to listen to your body!!!

Jen, don't think I'll be posting any head shots soon......with my swollen, chubby face. I really feel like the babies have grown alot this week.....which makes my heart happy, :D My belly button is 1/2 way in and 1/2 way out. I've never had an outsie before. :eek:

Just finished watching "The Notebook" from netflix. Great movie. :D Now I await the Ambien to kick in. lol

Good night, gals!!!
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Just popping in to give you all an update: Dad told us last week that he just wanted to see his new grandbaby and that was why he was holding on. But on Wednesday he said he just can't fight anymore. We took him off all life support at 9pm Wed. and he's still holding on. He's in soo much pain and we believe he's just holding on till the baby is born. They're inducing me Sunday night now. Maybe then dad can be at peace. Brooke thinks grandpa is just waiting for God to bring him his wings and I think she's right.

Anyway, I hope all is going well for all of you.
Wow, Wendy. I'm in awe over how tough this must be for you. Thank you so much for the update. I'll be praying for you and your wee-one (and your family). Please let us know how delivery goes. :) (hugs)(hugs)
Morning Ladies!
Slept ok last night....better than the last few nights for sure.
Having a few contrax this morning..nothing to write home about though.
We are headed to LR in a bit then back home to cook and watch football. Mom is either coming today or tomorrow.
Waves to all! bbl
Wendy- I'm sorry that you have this going on but I think your DD is right. How amazing and incredibly sad at the same time. I will pray for your dad and your new little one. Thanks for the update.

Melanie- There is a slight part of my belly button that is trying to stick out. I'm interested to see if it pops out in the next few weeks. That is how I can tell I am growing....

Susan- I can give you props if I want. ;) And I still think you are great! You are still working out too!

Welcome Denise! My name is Jen and I am 35 almost 36 weeks and due Nov 9th with a little boy. Don't worry about the workouts, I probably only worked out a total of 2 months this whole time. Like Susan said, we will ALL hit it hard after our babies are born.

Christine- Yum! Lava cakes! It's going to feel like 105 deg today in FL so DH wants to go for ice cream and who am I to deny him??? ;)
Kinda slow around here today!! Hope everyone is having a great day. We are just hanging. Mom is here. Haley is feeling better...but still has a low fever so shes taking it easy. Roast is in the crock all is well.

Jen-you are so sweet..thanks!!!!

Oh Im making a lava cake for dessert tonight..YUM Thanks Christine!!

Wendy-Im sending you fast easy labor vibes for tomorrow!

Melanie-hey girl!

Waves to everyone!
Susan, it's ALWAYS slow here on the weekends. The other forums too. Does anyone here visit any other forums? This is the only group that I"m "close to"....but I have tapped into some other places too.

The 3 boys and I just cuddled in my bed and watched Open Season 3. Actually, I dozed off........but it was nice being together. My eldest boy is cooperating more (imagine that....after I took his internet AND cell phone away). I even got him to vaccuum the house (it's been almost 3 weeks). DH isn't feeling well he's been napping on the couch on/off and being really grumpy. :( Hope it doesn't last. The lady I called about housekeeping hasn't called me back yet....I'll call her tomorrow once more, before I go onto the next reference.

I got my LL Bean pajamas today....for the hospital (and after the babies come). They're really soft & feminine pink. It's really neat to get stuff in the mail. :D I could see how this could be addicting!!!!

That's about it!
Melanie-its perfect weather here for watching a movie in bed! I am loving Fall!
I adore my UPS man..:D
I lurk occasionally at other forums but have never posted anywhere else.
Are you calling me a forum slut, Susan? lol Since I've been on bedrest I lurk more. There are a couple high risk pg sites, and even one for pg women on bedrest.

I"m also part of a twins forum that have due dates in December. About 20% have delivered already....which is scary. At least another 25% are on bedrest.

My UPS guy is a twin. lol I'm so heightened to the twin thing now-a-days. lol
Did you see my post the other day to you about the twins I saw....I always think of you when I see twins!
Haley suggested the names Morgan and Madelyn for ya.
Roast is done..just waiting on the game to be over in a few to eat. Im hungry!!

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