Hardcore Check In for May 2017

Today I did RIPT90 Chest & Arms. Love this workout, it is just fun. I did much better with it the second time around. My HR got up there even though my FB didn't really reflect it. I broke a sweat but was no where near as sweaty as the people on the workout. Cracks me up!!!

This is the workout:
SETS 1 & 2 - doing these in circuit style going from one exercise to the next
Chest Press: 10/12 reps - 30's
Zottman Curls: 10/12 reps - 15's
Chest Flyes: 10/12 reps - 25's
Tricep Extensions: 10/12 reps - 20#
One Arm Press: 10/6 reps each arm - 20#/25#
Curls to Overhead Press: 10/12 reps - 15's (these were tough)

SETS 3, 4, 5 & 6
Super Set (no rest from one superset to the next)
Close Grip Push-Ups:
4 sets/10 reps
Triple 7 Curls: 12's - (these are Crazy 8's, only doing 7 reps instead)

Workout was 32 minutes, Avg. HR was 77, Max was 113, burned 68 calories. Yea, it was more than that.

I also walked on my treadmill for 1 mile.

Jolie - Your boy went to prom, correct? I'm glad he is safe. We lost a young girl and the boy driving the car is in critical condition. Was in a car accident right after their after prom. So sad. Now the community will be mourning a death instead of celebrating graduations. :( Also, I agree with leg workouts, I just need to be careful and go light. I really miss working my legs.

Diane Sue - We don't have our motorcycles out yet, they are still at my mom's in her garage. We were going to get them this weekend but it was raining for most of it. Hopefully next weekend we will get them. Hope your graduation went well!!!

Roselyn - Hope you had a great weekend!!!
Today I am so tired, that walk yesterday kicked my butt! Also, it is so hot at night I did not sleep well either. I did Powerstrike 5 warm up and punches only using 1 lb gloves. I burned 166 calories in this warm up. Next I did BICEPS and LEG EXTENSIONS. I did Ripped with Hiit Biceps and boy that is a tough, fast moving workout. I was dripping by the end of it due to the heat.

BB Bicep Curls-
40# x 12- Narrow Grip
40# x 12- Regular Grip
40# x 12- Wide Grip

Finisher- W Curls DB- 12# x 20

Conc. Curls-
20# x 12, x 10, x 10

Finisher- Crazy 8's with BB- 25# x 24

Hammer Curls- 15# x 12, x 12, x 12

Finisher- Crazy 8's with BB- 25# x 24


Preacher Curls 2 Arms- 15# x 12, x 10, x 10

Finisher- Hammer Curls- 12# x 20

Leg Extensions-
50# x 24, x 20, x 14, x 13, x 12

I burned 402 Calories. Putting some cardio at the beginning of the workout really helps me get a good calorie burn. Also, it really loosens me up for my workout. 108 average heart rate/ 167 max heart rate.

Debbie, great workout today. Those workouts are so short but I am sure they are very effective. My son had a great Prom. He stays at his friends house afterwards and some parents drive the kids afterwards. The parents in our group rented the kids a huge party bus so no one had to drink and drive. It is so much safer and the kids and have some fun.

I will be back later to read your posts Diane Sue and Roselyn.

Have a nice day.
Today I started with Ice Low Impact Sweat timesaver blizzard blast premix, 22 minutes, 137 calories, avg. hr 120/ max 153. I then did STS disc 10 from Meo 1. I am going to do week 4 this week then move to Meso 2. This was 60 minutes for me, I lost 4 minutes setting up and changing some weights. this was only 211 calories for me, hr 1vg. 97/ max 140. Total time was 82 minutes, 343 calories.
Weights today
push ups pyramid up, set 1 4 r, set 2 8 r, set 3 16 r
superset seated lateral raise and seated rear fly 8's lateral raise, 10's rear flys, 10 reps each exercise
standing dumbbell curl 20's x 10 r; 17.5's x 10r; 15's x 10r
incline chest flys 15's x 15rep
seated rear flys 12's 15reps
bonus band pulls green 15 rep
incline curl alternating and rotate at the top 15's x 15 r
push ups wide, standard, narrow 3 reps and so on Body Weight 16 r
incline side raise on stability ball 8# x 15 r
seated barbell isolation curls 20# x 15 r
chest flys on stability ball 15's x 15r
lateral side to front combo 10's x 8 r
incline band hammer curl green band x 32 reps
core push ups bootcamp style BW 16 reps
seated front press double arms 1.5's barbell 30# x 12 r
reverse dumbbell curls 15's x 16 r
stability ball push ups at hips, knees, feet BW 24 reps
functional overhead press right and left then front raise 8's x 7 r ( should have used 10's)
barbell curls with band attached 25# barbell with green band 15 reps
prone push ups on stability ball BW 20 reps
seated lateral raise both arms high ends 8's x 6 reps
seated curls alternating + both arms 15's x 16 reps
push ups 21's BW X 21
standing barbell front press 20# x 21 reps
barbell curl narrow grip 30# x 21 reps
standing overhead press both arms 17.5's x 10r; 15's x 10r; 12's x 10r
preacher curls 12's x 15 reps

Debbie, that was a ridiculously low calorie burn. I just think the Fit Bit picks up more on movement for the calorie burn than anything else. When doing weights we are not walking around and moving our feet a lot. Although I know my heart rate is above normal and it should show more calories than that. If I crunch the heart rate into my apps it comes out to more calories even as net calories. That is so sad about the young people and the after prom car accident.
It has been warm here lately. We did have to wait for the rain to go out and ride on the motorcycle. My husband has ridden it more though as on a few clear days he has taken it to work.

Jolie, I like to do some sort of cardio type of warm up before I start weights. It does help get the heart rate up and the blood pumping before starting the weight work and I always get a better burn for the weights than if I just did the weights. Besides it takes the Fit Bit awhile to start really analyzing what you are doing and start showing the calories. My granddaughter goes to a private school that has a lock in after prom party and there is not coming in or out and alcohol. It is well supervised. They have a lot of fun without it.
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Today I did Cardio Coach 3 and had an excellent puke status workout. Really did good with this workout today. It's funny, on the days I don't feel like doing anything, I usually have my best workouts. Weird.

Workout was 41 minutes, ran 2.84 miles, burned 315 (TM said 385) and went 5811 steps. Avg HR was 128 and Max was 174.

Jolie - Nice going with your workout, I really like the idea of doing what you did for a warmup. I wonder if I have PowerStrikes, sounds familiar. I think I do. I might start using them for my warmups. I'm glad your son had a safe and good prom night!!!

Diane Sue - I try not to let the low calorie burns bother me, I know they are just numbers and I know I'm burning more calories than that. It all seems to work out at the end of the day with the steps/calorie burn FB gives me. It is frustrating sometimes, to see such low counts, but I try not to let it bother me. Nice workout, you kicked butt yesterday!!!
Today I did STS Shock Cardio MMA Kickbox, 53 minutes, 295 calories, heart rate 116 avg./152 max. I don't know why the heart rate was so low, but I remember not having a great calorie burn with this one in the past. It is a great workout and I always liked the abs in this one., I used weighted gloves and used a 5# weight for the abs. I did not take off the gloves. I then did Ice Rock'm Sock'm Blizzard blast, 14 minutes, 116 calories, avg. heart rate 142/max 168. I finished off with STS Abs Circuits no equipment abs, 17 minutes, 45 calories. Total time today was 84 minutes, calories burned 456. 6404 steps after the workout. Maybe I will get 10,000 today.

Debbie, nice workout this morning. Great job on the calories and steps. It does seem to always work out by the end of the day with the Fit Bit. Oddly, when I put in a slightly higher calorie burn after doing all of the calculations it will sometimes give change my calorie burn to higher than what I put in MFP. Also when I first finish a workout and go to MFP it will give me some extra calories for the steps I have, then once I put in the workout, it takes those calories off. It does adjust things on it's own and it all comes out fine. My husband says I spend too much time stressing over it. I did turn off the step portion that would leave me negative most of the day. I just didn't like working out and it taking away calories from my workout.
Today I went for a long WALK outside, going further than I should have since I was tired. It is still hot so it really zaps your energy. I went 7 miles, average heart rate 105, max heart rate 177 and I burned 903 calories! I walked for 2 hours and 10 minutes, climbed 350 feet in elevation and walked 12,447 steps. I also walked my dog early this morning 1 mile. So far today I have traveled 18,062 steps!!!! I am done..

Debbie, great cardio workout today! I love doing a little kickboxing to warm up before my weight workouts because it boosts my calorie burn and I feel really warmed up for lifting heavy. I will try to do it on lifting days going forward. I didn't feel like doing anything today and I had to force myself to get out and walk, Amazing, I ended up having a long calorie burning workout!

Diane Sue, Nice kickboxing workout today! I like that one but haven't actually done it in awhile. I think it has a lot of jumping jacks and that hurts my foot and big toe. I do like Cathe's kickboxing workouts because you can really get a good calorie burn but some of them can be too high of impact for me.

Roselyn, I hope you have a good workout!

My right shoulder is bothering me this week so I might keep lifting to a minimum this week. I feel I need an active recovery week since I have been lifting so heavy lately.

Have a wonderful day!
Jolie, that is a lot of walking. Great job on the calorie burn and Wow!! on the 7 miles. Way to go. Walking in the heat sounds exhausting to me. I will have 3 of my grandchildren here next week while their parents are on a mission trip to Haiti. Olivia, the 9 year old always begs to go for a walk with Gertie, my dog. But, I can't do that very easily with her just turned 3 brother.
Today was Legs for me

Deadlifts 3 sets of 10 20#,25#, 26#
Squats 3 sets of 10 20#,25#, 26#
Overhead Lunges 3 sets of 10 each leg I used 15#
Side Lunges 3 sets of 10 each side 15#
Single leg deadlift 3sets of 10 15#
Alternating lunges 3 Sets of 10 20#
Goblet Squat 4 sets of 5 25#
Tuck Jumps 50
Jumping Lunges 50
calf raises 30#

Did a quick Hiit workout after lunch

great workouts everyone
Roselyn, nice looking workout. Good job today.

Jolie, I meant to mention that the MMA Kickbox doesn't have the jacks in it. If I remember right the MMA Fusion one has lots of jumping in it. Remember the one where you put the tubing in an cross on the floor and you jump over it? I looked at the moves before I did it today. The boxing one is the one with the bonus heavy bag on it. I think the Kickbox one was always the easier of the 3. Boxing has a combo then upper blitz then lower blitz in that format till you get to the core conditioning. The fusion one is combos and then drills. I am going to work through all of the Shock Cardio workouts. I do remember that these had some really good ab work on them.
Today I did RIPT90 Back & Shoulders. Had a great workout. This is a fun one and it moves fast.

This is the workout:
SET 1 - doing these in circuit style going from one exercise to the next
Lateral Raise: 12 reps - 12's
Back Flyes: 12 reps - 12's
Upright Row: 12 reps - 20's

SET 2-4 - Supersets
Pull Ups: 5 reps - I used my bands but didn't feel much. Wish I could still do pullups
Overhead Press: 12's - 10 reps
Did this superset 3 times no rest at all.

SET 5 - doing these in circuit style going from one exercise to the next
Lateral Raise: 12 reps - 12's
Back Flyes: 12 reps - 12's
Upright Row: 12 reps - 20's
Dumbbell Row: 12 reps - 20's

SET 6-10 - Supersets
Pull Ups: 5 reps - Again, used my bands. 5 reps is nothing with bands. I need to put a different exercise in for this.
Overhead Press: 12's - 10 reps
Did this superset 5 times no rest at all.

Since this workout was only 20 minutes I did Cardio & Weights Abs as well.

I also walked on my treadmill for 1 mile.

You girls all kicked butt yesterday, nice job! I don't have time for personals so I hope you all have a great day and great workouts!!
Today is a rest day for me. I worked out hard for 3 days so I thought I would rest today and then hit it again for another 3 to 4 days. Yesterday I hit 25,000 steps for the day, first time ever!!!

Diane Sue, I think I will look at those kickboxing dvds again, they sound fun. Today is the last day of school and my oldest son is sick for his last day of finals. I hope he does alright, he didn't get a lot of studying in last night because he felt terrible.

Debbie, awesome workout today. I cant do pull ups anymore either. I have a full down machine so that is what I do instead.

Roselyn, good job in getting two workouts in yesterday! Great job on the weights too! How are you liking that workout series?

Have a wonderful day!
Today I did STS Shock Cardio Circuit Blast mix cardio , 23 minutes, 152 calories, 121 avg./154 heart rate. This would have been better for a short cardio on leg day because it has lots of box jumps with plié jumps, predominantly leg cardio stuff. I hadn't done it in so long. I then did STS disc 11 back and triceps , 53 minutes, 289 calories. I used the calories from Map My Fitness because I forgot to start the Fit Bit till 17 minutes into the workout. MMF still picks up the heart rate from the FitBit. I finished off with the STS Extended Stretch, 15 minutes, 39 calories. Total time was 92 minutes, calories burned 480. I am unsure how I will arrange my workouts next week. I think I will end up taking a day off at least on the days my grandchildren are staying. I still want to do the STS Cardio Circuit Blast in it's entirety one day.
w/u, lat pull downs with green band 10r; double arm rows green band 28r; bodyweight dips on bench 16r
seated overhead extensions 1 dumbbell 15# 10 r
chin ups Fit tower 10r
flat bench barbell triceps extensions 35# 15r
one arm row 30# 15r
T-pull band green 36 r
flat bench triceps extensions 15's 15r
barbell rows 55# 21 r
y's with band green 36 r
kickbacks 1 arm 15# 15r
one arm horizontal row 25# 15r
deadlifts 30's 8 r
sea saw push ups body weight 20r
one arm press down green band 36 r
chin ups body weight fit tower 13 r
seated overhead extensions both arms dumbbell 20# 15r
barbell rows 55# 21 r
double arm rows green band 36 r
side leaning one arm overhead extension 12# 15r
pullovers barbell 35# 15 r
double arm kickbacks dumbbells 12's 15 r
one arm band kickbacks green 36 r
pull ups bodyweight Fit Tower 9 r
cross body kickbacks 15# 15r
dumbbell rows both arms drop sets 20's x10r; 15's x 10r; 12's x 10r
close grip bench press drop sets 20's x 10r; 15's x 10r; 12's x 10r

Debbie great looking workout. I bet your muscles were screaming with no rest. I used to like to use my Bowflex with the lat tower as a sub for the pull ups. So far I am liking using the Fit tower with my feet extended out in front of me. I never did feel very worked doing the tubing substitute either. I always used extra heavy tubing and really tried to contract the muscles. I guess you probably get something out of it though.

Jolie, that is terrible that your son is sick on finals day. I hope he does well anyway. My granddaughter gets up in the wee hours of the morning to study or just doesn't sleep. I would be so tired. Last night she didn't study though as she had math tutoring for the test for 3 hours in the afternoon. She said it is going to be a hard test. She got A's on her other tests.
today was metabolic mania my son came from home from college today!! , he graduated last friday and now on to grad school. He got a full scholarship to grad school so very proud mama!!
Roselyn , I bet you are a proud mama. That is great that he got a full scholarship for grad school.
Today I did Cardio Coach 1 and had a really good workout. My knees weren't too happy with me, though, they were hurting most of the workout. I took a couple Aleve, I hope they will be ok for tomorrow's leg workout. I did really well with this workout, though.

Workout was 36 minutes, ran 2.49 miles, burned 274 calories (TM said 339) and went 5065 steps. Avg. HR was 126 and Max was 175. My FB is clocking my HR correctly or I am just pushing harder (which I think I am). I used to not get past 140 bpm with these workouts.

I also did the band work in Stretch Max. Felt great!!!

Roselyn - Congrats on you boy getting the scholarship, I love hearing that!! That is awesome and I am so happy for you and your family. You should be very proud!!

Jolie - I wish I had a lat pulldown machine, I would LOVE one of those. I wonder how much they cost? Amazon, here I come!!!

Diane Sue - I love your new picture! I need to update mine, it's like 20 years old. LOL!!! I usually do the pullups like you do with your power tower, I just didn't yesterday. I should have done them that way, much harder. I just don't really care for doing pullups like that. I really wish I could still do real pullups. I looked back at some of my old workouts and I was up to like 15 pullups at one time. I can't even imagine that anymore!! Nice workout!
Today I did STS Shock Cardio Athletic Step, 47 minutes, 332 calories, heart rate 130 avg./159 max. I then did Shock Cardio Step Moves skipping the warm up, 35 minute, 232 calories, heart rate 126/ 153. I finished off with Ab Circuits Yoga Inspired Abs, 15 minutes, 33 calories. Total time was 97 minutes, calories burned 597. Steps 7,571. I forgot those levitation holds in that yoga abs workout. Those are probably never happening with me. I can hold onto push up stands and get off the floor but not on my hands. I don't know if it is a balance and body alignment thing or what. My feet are glued to the floor. My 6 year old grandson will be over soon. I have some errands to run. I will check back later.

Debbie, thank you on the new picture. I was getting tired of seeing the other one. I remember when you had the picture in the magazine. I was doing pretty well with pull ups with my pull up bar in the door frame, but after the rotator cuff injury and the surgery I am kind of afraid of it. I was always amazed when Tony Horton would polish off a few fast extras when we were supposed to be done. It was never happening with me.
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Today I did RIPT90 Back & Quads. Had a great workout but my knees really felt it. I did the whole thing, was careful, but in the end, my knees ached. Oh well. This is a fun one and it moves fast.

This is the workout:
SET 1 & 2 - doing these in circuit style going from one exercise to the next
Pullovers: 10 reps - 30#
Double Arm Row: 10 reps - 25's
Pullups: 10 reps - (used my bar with feet out in front of me for all of these)
Goblet Squats: 15's - 10 reps
Side Lunges (Right): 10# - 10 reps
Side Lunges (Left): 10# - 10 reps
Lunges: 10's - 10 reps each side

SET 3-7 - Supersets
Pull Ups: 5 reps - Same was as above
Squat Jumps: 10 reps - and yes, I did all of these.

Got my HR up but not enough to burn any major calories:
Workout was 32 minutes, Avg HR 75, Max was 112, burned 80 calories.

Then I walked on my TM for 1 mile.

No time for personals, hope you all have great workouts and a great weekend!!!

Oh, I ordered the original set of RIPT90. Can't wait to get them!!!
I forgot to post my workout yesterday! I walked outside 7.1 miles, 2 hours and I burned 802 calories.

I will be back later to read your posts and post what I do today. I am tired so I am not sure what I will do. I am doing very little weight work this week because I have been very sore lately.
Debbie I found the original ript exercises online someone posted them all I just googled it and found reviews and the whole program laid out pretty easy to follow

Today was cardio and then I did ript chest/core

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