Search results

  1. S

    MA/NH area Cathe Fans?

    I live in downtown Boston. I would love to get together for a hike! skelly
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    Count me in!
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    The Compendium has been emailed

    I would love one... [email protected] Thank you!:-)
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    Did anyone complete the July rotation?

    If so, what were your results? It looks hard but very intriguing! Skelly
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    Oh no my super sets dvd

    Has anyone received the replacement DVD yet? Skelly
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    Oh no my super sets dvd

    I just came over to see if I was the only one! I was about to preview SS/PP and there was a Timesaver DVD inside! SNM, I emailed...thanks! Shannon
  7. S

    What will Cathe do in 2002?

    YYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEE-HAW!!! YAY! YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I can't wait!!! I have the most ridiculous and goofy grin on my face right now! New Cathes! New Cathes! :-) Shannon
  8. S

    Cathe, thank you for everything and happy holidays!

    LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-01 AT 01:51PM (Est)[p]Cathe: I just wanted to thank you for your wonderful workouts...they have been instrumental in my evolution from a chain-smokin', junk-food-eatin' couch potato into a fit and happy exercise and clean-eating nut! You are my fitness inspiration and I...
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    How'd I do?

    You will soon be reaching levels of fitness you never thought possible!! Have a wonderful time with your wonderful choices! (There is no such thing as a bad Cathe tape!) Shannon
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    Happy Halloween!

    Happy Halloween, Cathe! Your students are so lucky to have you "serve them" in person! I did 10-10-10 with you this morning, but it just wasn't the same, I'm sure! :) Have fun trick-or-treating with your little monster! Shannon
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    enough protein in a vegetarian diet?

    I have been a vegetarian for nearly 9 years. Most Americans get far too much (animal)protein in their diets, which is excreted in the urine and causes, among other things, kidney stones and osteoporosis. The idea that adults need huge amounts of protein is a myth, one that is perpetuated by...
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    Which videos to order

    Katy, If I had to choose 5 out of that list, they would be: Rhythmic Step, Cardio Kicks, Power Max, Step Works, and Step Heat. Thank goodness, I don't have to choose :) !! If you want my honest opinion, buy whichever most appeal to you right now; if you are like everyone else on this site...
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    Let's Hear it for Aimee!!!

  14. S

    Hi, SKelly!!!

    Hey! I happen to be incredibly lucky...I'm married to a man who loves to cook! i can only give you an approximation of the yummy soup he came up with....just experiment a bit! Get a huge soup pot: Put two big cans of stewed tomatoes and juice in, plus some veggie broth Add as much garlic as...
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    What Constitutes A "PIG OUT" For You?

    I try not to waste calories on any dessert that does not involve chocolate! With that in mind.... 1. Breyers Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream: I literally CANNOT eat this. I have been known to eat nothing but this delectable concoction for two days once I get started. 2. Plain M & Ms, eaten in...
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    cardio kicks

    I just did CK this morning, and boy, does it kick butt! Not only is it challenging, but it's so much fun, and the sweat is pouring when I'm done with it! Enjoy! Shannon
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    Intense moves and interval max

    I have both tapes but find that I only reach for Interval Max on a consistent basis. It is truly in a class by itself. I highly recommend IMAX...Cathe just does everything better than everyone else! :) Shannon
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    Vote for Cathe..

    Just voted for Cathe! :)
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    Probell Dumbells?

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    Black and Gray Step online?

    Hi, y'all, I have finally decided to bite the bullet and get a full-size step. I have looked into ordering one online, but can't seem to find the new black and grey Step, which i find more attractive than the traditional teal and purple....does anyone know of an online carrier of the black and...