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  1. dmd

    Love my Vitamix and then I read this!!

    Hello there, I just got my Vitamix for Christmas, have an Omega juicer, Cuisiart and ready to embark fully into my Raw vegan lifestyle. Then I read this today and BAM! Thoughts? Why I Stopped Drinking Green Smoothies |
  2. dmd

    Les Mills Body Pump vs..?

    Can anyone here tell me what these work outs are comparable to?
  3. dmd

    What Cathe workouts to add to my running?

    Hello Cathe, I own just about all of your workouts. However, I am not a fan of step workouts and running and kickbox/plyo/bootcamp are my favorite forms of cardio. I must lose 25 lbs and need your advice. I run 3 times week for an hour. What weight workout/workouts would you suggest for FATLOSS...
  4. dmd

    STS does it have a full body workout?

    Does Anyone know...? I can't seem to find that info on the product description. Thanks in advanced~Deb
  5. dmd

    STS does it have a full body workout?

    Does Anyone know...? I can't seem to find that info on the product description. Thanks in advanced~Deb
  6. dmd

    Home Gym flooring!

    Hi there, We are converting a room in our home to a gym. We both use it for Aerobics/weights/yoga. We are wondering if we should go with an industrial indoor/outoor carpet. I know it's ugly, but if we put laminate or anything else in there it will need an interlocking pad to go over it and I...
  7. dmd

    P90X vs me decide.

    Hi there, First, I want to wish everyone a Happy Holiday season! I have been with Cathe since 1996 and have loved becoming fit and educated with her. I am at an a wonderful juncture now and need your help. I have recently lost the last ten pounds of a 40 lb. weight loss journey and need to...
  8. dmd

    Best mp3 player for Cathe downloads?

    Hi there, I am in the market for a new mp3 player for both Cathe downloads and audio books from What have you had luck with and what should I avoid? thanks, deb
  9. dmd

    For Cathe..

    I love, love, loved PS series! Both me and hubby became fit with this one. We lent it out and it never came back to us...:(. We own almost all of your workouts. So, which workout do you feel is the closest to the intensity and time commitment? Thanks~deb
  10. dmd

    Xm Radio+mp3 combo...anyone?

    Hi there, I have an ipod for all my tunes, but love my audible book subscription and XM Radio stations and podcasts to go. Has anyone had any luck with the combo xm radio/mp3 player? If so, which model? If not why? Thanks~deb
  11. dmd

    Melasma...or brown spots on face

    Hi, So, my brown spots have gotten worse and are bothering me soooo much! I did try a fading cream from my dermatologist ($60 a tube) and saw no difference. What else can be done for this? Deb
  12. dmd

    Cathe, a question for you!

    Hi there, I am running a half-marathon in October and would like to know which of your workouts would be best suitable to use while training. I will be working both upper and lower body, so I don't mind full body workouts or Upper/lower body split. I would really appreciate your input here...
  13. dmd

    Weight training and the Half-marathon...

    Hi there! I am running a half-marathon in October and need the best overall leg workout to use while I train. Could you share what weight workout you used while training for your runs? Thanks~Deb
  14. dmd

    Best way to lose body fat?

    So excited! My mom has lost most of her weight and only has 30 more pounds to lose. She has done this with running and weights and has lost 70 pounds! She is ready to try Cathe workouts, but I don't know how to advise her...Her diet is fantastic now, her fitness level intermediate/adv. So...
  15. dmd

    Hallelujah Acres...Raw food course?

    Hi there, I discovered a class offered in my area teaching the principles of raw food living. It uses the Hallelujah Acres materials. The teacher attended the course and is an instructor and also attended the Living Light Institute. There is very little support locally for Raw food living in...
  16. dmd

    Need weights for a small space..ideas?

    My college age daughter is in the last week of Chalene's Push phase and loves Cathe's Pyramid workout. She lives in a small apartment and needs weights ranging 5-25 lbs. I know that Select Tech by Bowflex are small and expensive. Does anyone have experience with these and are they worth it? Any...
  17. dmd

    Go wear Fit...another question

    My brother is on the brink of buying a gowearfit and currently uses a Polar F11 heart rate monitor. Could he use both at the same time? He is curious as to how accurate his hrt rate monitor is. Would their be any problems with signals etc.? Thanks~deb
  18. dmd

    Gowearfit and use at an Airport??

    Hi, I too caved and now own a Gowearfit. I work at an airport and must go through security a couple of times a day. Would I damage it by wearing it there? Would I have to take it off each time? Ugggh. What a drag that would be! deb
  19. dmd

    If you own a Boxer dog..??

    Hi there, My two year old boxer boy Cassius woke up this morning with a goopy eye. It is more than sleep and dried up and crusty. He seems fine other than this. What should I do? We run him and he swims in our pool and the canal. Could something like this be the problem? Thanks in advance :) deb
  20. dmd

    Been Gone too long!

    Okay, I have been trying to get a dang password for this sight for a month and gone since the spring....Just wondering when the STS workouts will arrive to our doors...ANyone know? I did a search and found one thread in the STS forum with no reply. Thanks~deb