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  1. M

    Anyone starting P90X on June 28th?

    I want to begin my rotation next Monday. Hopefully, I will have my pull-up station by then. (If not, I might break down and get a cheap bar!) Is anyone planning to begin on this day as well? I would love to start a thread on the P90X board for us. Thanks, Tamikka...
  2. M

    I want my P90X now!

    I placed my order for the P90X system last week (Wednesday) and about to die as I am waiting (impatiently) for the package to arrive. I don't know how long I can take it! :P I think that I only make it worse for myself by reading the posts from you all here and on the P90X message board...
  3. M

    Cathe...I just had to stop to thank you!

    Cathe, With the assistance of your workouts, especially your circuit-style programs, I had been able to break a long plateau! I have now lost 87 pounds and am on my way to my personal goal of losing 95+ pounds. Thank you for creating such incredible workouts and being available to your...
  4. M

    The Viper

    Hello all, I just did the Viper workout on the Terminator CD and must say that the 1 hour 19 minutes went by so quickly. I loved it. After doing the plie jacks and attempting to do the shoulder work, my leg with twitching so bad. All I could do was laugh. If I had access to my DVDs right...
  5. M

    Rhythmic Step DVD

    I love RS and am considering the purchase of the DVD. Question: Is the workout chaptered by combos or does it run straight through? I did it this morning and had to FF through combo #2 for a quick workout. TIA, Tamikka
  6. M

    I can't believe how excited...

    I am from just looking at the photos from the workouts. Supersets looks like it is going to be fun! I can't wait. I must say that I will be jealous of all you VHS recipients! Why can't they do the DVDs first?! :P Tamikka
  7. M

    Slow and Heavy: reps?

    Is there a set number of reps in the S & H series? I am thinking about purchasing the set and would like to know this before doing so. Thanks, mikkame77
  8. M

    SNM: What is the best way to use the mix and match portion?

    Hello, I just received my DVDs yesterday and don't know how to best utilize the mix and match option. How is this segment best used? Are they chaptered to be programmed? Or do I flip back and forth to the selection page and choose my desired segment each time? Thanks, mikkame77
  9. M

    I earned my Intensity Series!

    I am so happy! I earned my IS and it is being delivered tonight. I earned it by dropping below 160 lbs. I am hoping that with the new series, I will make it to goal which is 5 more pounds for a total of 90 pounds lost. Just wanted to share my excitement. mikkame77 :D...
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    Diane Ward

    I saw you in my collage video catalog! Which videos did you end up getting? Congrats, mikkame77
  11. M

    I just tried Leaner Legs

    for the first time this morning and know that I will be paying for it tomorrow (or Saturday). I can already feel my hamstrings tightening! :( Yesterday, I took a Spinning class and felt the burn in my quads. Well, if my body was already in trouble, it will be! I loved this workout. It was...
  12. M

    Anyone have photos of themselves doing a pike on the ball?

    I would love to see someone who is successful at this exercise share a photo. I know that it might sound strange, but I haven't ordered the I-series yet and am dying to see this move demonstrated. Thanks, mikkame77
  13. M

    Any of you have pull-ups as a goal?

    I want to be able to perform at least one pull-up by year's end. If anyone else has this as a goal, what are you doing to make this a reality? Thanks, mikkame77
  14. M

    I've lost over 80lbs

    Hello, I have lost over 80lbs with the help of Weight Watchers and exercise. I am new to Cathe and already see the benefits of adding her workouts to my routine. I feel that I am getting what I need to make it to goal. I just wanted to share a little here on these boards, but have a...
  15. M

    Better "stability" ball :P

    I have read many posts about the difficulty of the stability ball. (It makes me laugh to think of all of you rolling around on something that is called "stability" ball.) I purchased an hourglass-shaped ball that is great for ball work. It doesn't roll around as much and its contour allows for...
  16. M

    She is EVRYWHERE!

    I just wanted to share: I was reading my Cathe catalog on the train, admiring the DVDs that I will be purchasing in the near future, and was putting it away in my bag when a woman asks if I had done "her" before. I looked up and the woman told me that she was waiting for some new tapes to...