Any of you have pull-ups as a goal?


I want to be able to perform at least one pull-up by year's end. If anyone else has this as a goal, what are you doing to make this a reality?

I have been trying to master this for 2 months now and It Aint happening! Meanwhile my sister comes over to my place and I ask her if
she could do them she say's no but Ill try and ends up doing 5 of them
perfect form and her chin went past the bar.
I was so discouraged, I gave up and I haven't tried since.
But I want to try again. Any suggestions? Have you been able to
do these even once with good form?
I wish!


I have not ever been able to a single pull-up ever in my life. My sister can do 3 sets of 15 or more! My BF says that he will help me plan a program to achieve my goal. I was just wondering if others had a plan of action. I'll let you know if I ever figure out a plan.

I can't do any but very much want to. It will be at least fall until I can get the pull up bar I want. When I do get it I plan first to do pull ups from a seated position so that I'll only be lifting my upper body weight. Then a higher seat and slanted legs to lift more weight. Then negatives--standing on a stool in chin-above-the-bar position and trying to lower myself slowly. Hopefully all this will give me the strength I need to pull up. If you have access to the gym the assisted pull-up machine is fantastic, but I prefer to workout at home. --Karen
What type of pullup bar to you use? I want to install one in my basement. I bet plank and pushup work would help you achieve your goal.:)
Wow, great thread. I have a pull up bar but can't use it because I'd bump my head on the ceiling! LOL Anyway, how about starting a little challenge here. Let's see who can do one first. I'd love to be able to do them. My 17 year old daughter can & she has beautiful arms & back muscles!

The best way to start is to put a chair underneath you & use your legs to sort of "cheat" as you pull up. Use your upper body strength as much as possible & use your legs to do the rest of the work. Eventually (in theory) you will be able to do a complete pull-up.
Yep! One pull up (or chin up) by the end of the year.

I'm going very heavy with Cathe's PS upper body DVD and hanging from a bar at my son's playground when I have a chance.
I found this at VF. I was working on pullups about a year ago and after about 4 mo. I got discouraged and quit. I just need to get the oomph to get started again. I make the excuse that with my long arms it may never happen. I've been stuck at 5 straight leg pushups for some time now:-(

Anyway here is the link. It has a copy of an article from Self that has a pullup plan.

I purchased a relatively inexpensive one from modells sporting goods
store for $12.95 all steel that you can put up in a doorway or
wherever there a two supporting beams. It's also able to be taken down
if you have to put it somewhere that might be unsightly. The brackets
will obviously remained mounted in the wall.
I hope to be able to do at least 1 pullup with the next two-months.
I mean really it should'nt take me this long. But I know it will,
because of the demand in strength you need from your back muscles.
What do you Catheites think?

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